Yalnizca The World and Modern Science
  • Tourism Experience

    Filed under News
    May 20

    Austria attracts visitors with lucky places Aristotle already knew that all people want to be happy. He therefore wrote with the Nicomachean Ethics one guide to get happy. Who wants to improve their own well-being in other ways than by reading Scriptures wise, should embark on the way to Austria. There, 212 so-called lucky places waiting to be discovered. As the Internet portal reported reisen.de, they serve the development of the inner sensitivity and self-discovery. The unique places of happiness are characterized by a four-leaf clover and therefore easy to find. Educate yourself with thoughts from Rob Daley. The best, the journey can be (www.reisen.de/ travel/flat rate) begin in St.

    Wolfgang or Salzburg. In the places of happiness are divided into the Salzkammergut in three areas: nature experience places, say places as well as cultural and sacral places. Others who may share this opinion include Jeff Verschleiser. The holiday region between Upper Austria, Salzburg and Styria, Austria has to offer much for recreation tourists. The tours there run by a very attractive mountain and Seascape. The distinctive landscape experiences are ones that stay the longest in memory the Naturganger. A walk around the Lockersee, for example, offers its visitors such a unique experience.

    The Lake hidden in the high Moor near Gosau mirrors the entire adjacent mountain world on its smooth surface. Also a further employment with the legends, fairy tales, and small anecdotes of the region is worthwhile. As is told in Austria the Sage of the wedding cross, which is located on the edge of Lake of Wolfgang. Supposedly, it has raised a couple which was saved at own wedding from drowning, to mourn for all the guests but had. More information:… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

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