The Mental Problems
Filed under NewsNov 17The model of Taylor, by its side, was perfected by Henry Ford, that developed the conception of assembly line. The work, then, is divided in such a way that the diligent one passes to be supplied with component parts and through mats, without needing, in this manner, to put into motion itself. The administration of the time passes if to give of collective form, for the adaptation of the set of the workers to the rhythm tax for the mat. The fordismo will not be limited only to the question to discipline in the interior of the plant. It will incorporate, as the taylorismo, a social project of ' ' improvement of conditions of life of trabalhador' '. 2.2 The Mental Problems of Professor One of the quarrels instigantes in the field of the education mention the definition, characterization and classification to it of the mental deficiency. It is a quarrel that comes occurring in reason of the theoretical difficulty related to the cognition human being.
Thus, referenciais theoreticians and different perspectives of analysis coexist different definitions currently on the basis of. The referring expressions to deficient the mental one throughout the time had been if modifying, weak mental, imbecile, idiot, oligofrnico, delayed, among others, they had been used. What if he evidences in all they is the label of the intellectually different one, that is employee, for educators and professionals of the education. The explanations on these changes are varied e, many times, conflituosas. For Ashcroft et al. (1977, P. 41), this if must to the fact of that: First, the civilization occidental person in such a way values the intelligence, that values negatives since are soon attributed to the used term to characterize people with intellectual limitations. In according to place, the mental retardation is so complex area, with as much and so diverse causes and degrees of variation, that seems impossible to include all diversity under a heading; however we continue in the search of a term capable to classify it.
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