Of this form, the ESF if also constitutes as an important source of data on the received population, making possible conduction of studies epidemiologists who allow to know the magnitude of the problem. It still provides to a quantity of data and useful and necessary information to the planning in health and the taking of decision for the managers in the diverse instances of government. Half of performance of the nurse articles According to analyzed the nurse who acts in the strategy health of the family has diverse fields of performance for positive interference in the preventive field of diabetic foot 21, as for example: In the meeting of the team with orientation for the communitarian agents and technician of nursing with the information on the illness objectifying to stimulate all the team as reproductive agents of the care and the information. In the consultation of nursing with the diabetic patient and its familiar where the moment will be created where it will be able to perceive as the patient perceives its illness and the adhesion to the treatment supplying the necessary information to the incentive to this adhesion. During the domiciliary visit with insertion in the context economic partner of the patient and the educative process. Still during the nursing consultation the nurse must request complementary examinations, to prescribe/to transcribe medications, especially in the severity of the control of the glicemia and therapeutical intervention when it will have indication, these actions are guided by specific protocols of the Health department for subsidy of the actions of the nurse in the Strategy health of the family. To supervise and to co-ordinate action for qualification of the communitarian agents of health and nurse aid, with sights to the performance of its functions. At last the nurse also will have to be always if bringing up to date on the lines of direction of the health department on the treatment the diabetic patient and to innovate its action becoming them attractive its population.