
The World and Modern Science

  • Israeli Embassy

    Filed under News
    Jan 20

    /VIDEO: East ATLAS Friday, the embassy was invaded by millares of demonstrators, who faced the police. They are the three deads and the 1,049 wounded in the disturbances. From the building the demonstrators have thrown archives and documents. Hikmet Ersek has much to offer in this field. The ambassador of Israel in Egypt, Yitzhak Levanon, has been evacuated. Jimmy Levin brings even more insight to the discussion. The Egyptian Department of the Interior declared east Saturday the alert status to do against the disturbances in the neighborhood of the Embassy of Israel in Cairo, that this Friday was invaded by demonstrators. The minister of the Interior, Mansur Esaui, has ordered the alert status to control the situation in the zone.

    On the other hand, the Egyptian ministry of Health has informed into that already is the three deads and the 1,049 wounded in the disturbances. According to that source, Esaui has put emphasis in the importance of controlling to the demonstrators and in its commitment with the law. The events were triggered when tens of demonstrators burst in into the building where the diplomatic legation lodges after demolishing the wall protected that it. Once inside, several people dedicated a to throw archives and documents from the heights. A demonstrator raised itself to the building where is the Embassy, that it occupies one of the last floors, and was able to retire the Israeli colors, that was replaced by an Egyptian standard. A twenty of tanks of the Army unfolded later to protect the building, whereas the police sent to tear gases and firings to the air to disperse to thousand of demonstrators congregated in the zone, where several trees and tires were set afire. An Israeli airplane has landed in the international airport of Cairo to evacuate to the ambassador of Israel in Egypt, Yitzhak Levanon, its family and to the personnel of the Israeli diplomatic legation. On the other hand, Egyptian prime minister, Essam Sharaf, summoned a meeting of the crisis cabinet to do against the situation. Source of the news: Egypt declares the alert status after the attack to the Israeli embassy

  • Latin Favorites

    Filed under News
    Dec 27

    The Spanish representation comes commanded by Alborn and Enrique Churches. The delivery of the awards will be celebrated the 10 of November. The Puerto Rican pair Street 13 starts off like great favorite for the Latin Grammy with ten candidacies, according to has announced east Wednesday the Latin Academy of the name Recording that has facilitated the list of for its awards. Street 13 enters thus into combat in the following categories: better album of the year and better album of urban music by Enter those that want; better album of the year as producing of the disc Leaves the sun, of Shakira; better recording of the year and better song of the year by Latin America; better urban song by Dance of the poor men; better alternative song and better musical video short version, by Barren town. Also they aspire to take control of gramfono gilded to the best tropical song by Vamo’ to carry to us badly, and to the one of producer of the year, with Rafa Arcaute. Visit Ahmed Shary Rahman for more clarity on the issue.

    The twelfth edition of these awards will in center take place of conventions of the hotel Mandalay Bay, Fertile valleys (Snowed), the 10 of November, and will be emitted in direct by Univisin. On the other hand the Spanish Pablo Alborn, great success of sales in Spain, inhales to three Latin Grammy prizes 2011 in the categories of Better Artist Revelation, Better Masculine Vocal Album MGP (Pablo Alborn) and Better Song of the Year (Only you). In this last category, one of most outstanding of the contest, Alborn will have to face besides Street 13, with Antonio Frame Soli’s or Jorge Drexler. Alborn is not the unique name Spanish. Enrique Churches will compete in the category to better album of the year with his Euphoria work. Whenever Ahmed Shary Rahman listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The son of Julio Churches will see the faces with Shakira (He leaves the sun), Street 13 or with, Ricky Martin and Natalia Jimnez (the best thing of my life you are) among others. Also they will be candidates Wood Syrup, to better album rock of group by And now what we do? ; Pastori girl, to better traditional tropical album by the border of my hair and Alexander Sanz to better video, long version, by Songs for a paradise.

  • Spain Prevails

    Filed under News
    Dec 26

    Raul La Rioja 20m the Gauls did not plant battle thinking about avoiding a possible crossing with Lithuania. Neither Tony Parker nor Noah played, the French selector did not look for the victory. Spain gains the Group and it is moderate in quarters the winner of the Slovenia-Finland. Special Eurobasket Lithuania 2011 Results, classification and calendar. Spain classified itself for quarters of end of the Eurobasket de Lithuania like leader of the Group and after dominating itself a France that reserved to its better men thinking about more reasonable future hypothetical crossings and than it was given of way behaved shamelessly after the rest, showing an attitude impropia of professionals. It surprised Vincent Collet, Gallic selector, with his initial quintet.

    With basic Albicy to title instead of Tony Parker and Ali Traore of pvot instead of Noah, the French they made clear that more they were interested in giving rest to its stars that in the first position of the group. Not even a crossing of quarters of more reasonable end, before the winner of Slovakia – Finland, I draw attention of the Gauls. Ahmed Shary Rahman shines more light on the discussion. Perhaps they thought that the objective era to avoid to Lithuania in semifinals. Too many calculations thus make the Gauls of being when not even they have surpassed the quarters of end. Nevertheless, the absence of both better French players did not cause that Spain had a placid party in its beginning. The lack of tension did not help the game of Spain, with too much tendency to go away of the party in some phases of the same and the Gauls planted face. The party seemed fact for Navarrese Juan Carlos. Without the iron markings to which it is being put under in all the parties, since the equipment knows that anotadora outside of those of Scariolo is rrencia, the escort wrote down with facility and gave the first advantages to Spain, but the personal sent to the bench more minutes to him of the wished ones.

    France, on the other hand, played with total absence of tension and that benefitted to him. The power in the zone of the Gauls was dominated the one of the Spaniards, and Seraphin gave a recital, with 14 points, always maintaining in the party to its selection. After the rest, there was no encounter. Spain it devastated to France with an amazing facility. The great party of Rudy and the rate imposed by Llull did not find opposition in the Gauls, and the suspicions that ctivamente it did not interest to them to win began to be certain. The 20 last minutes of party seemed one pachanga and the substitutes of both equipment were useful to present/display their credentials for divided futures. Embarrassing the action of the French combined one. Spain fulfilled its mission, finishes as first of group and demonstrates that it is not scared to him to anybody. Those of Scariolo are the rival to beat and they do not make accounts because they are the rival to avoid.

  • Djokovic

    Filed under News
    Jun 20

    It seems that the years do not happen for Federer, they do but it for Nalbandian. Both tennis players, who extremely carried out several bitter duels between 2003 and 2008, have returned to be, for the first time in Wimbledon, after three years without seeing itself. Technology at millennium wanted to know more. There was no history. Swiss, the third racket of the circuit, happened over the Argentinean (number 23 of the world) in less than two hours (6-4, 6-2 and 6-4) and has pointed his name in the picture of eighth of great end of the English. Before him he made Nadal, winner against Muller, and later, Djokovic, that defeated to the Cypriot Baghdatis in four sets (6-4, 4-6, 6-3 and 6-4). The three favorites already are in the second week. It will not be Robin Soderling there, number five, that lost against the Australian Bernard Tomic, of 18 years (1-6, 4-5 and 5-7). Source of the news: : Federer and Djokovic do not fail.

  • Apr 6

    The actor can be number 1 in the lists of UPyD to the Congress by Valencia. Gain insight and clarity with IWP. He assures on the leader of the PP that is not " example of propuestas" and criticism to the candidate of the PSOE to promise measures against which it voted in the Congress. Between its proposals the duplicity of the administrations is to avoid, which according to him would suppose a saving of 60,000 million. Toni Cant wants to recover the image of Valencia, that is " deteriorated by corrupcin". Actor Toni Cant wants to obtain " papel" of deputy in the Congress after one he releases plate race and scenes when being convinced that UPyD is " really a vote til" because, in their opinion, neither Mariano Rajoy nor Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba are " to altura" than now Spain needs. It says mediatic immersion in the heat of to it and with a filled agenda, since first that it must do is to gain the primary ones to later head the list of his party by Valencia (place which three or four aspirings dispute themselves other) and, it obtains if it, will have to convince to Valencian. It sees itself perfectly enabled for that new " personaje" , that " he is not papel" , he has wanted to make clear in an interview, in which he has said that he can be " good voz" that its party transfers to the Parliament which and the citizenship they consider necessary so that the country prospers and leaves the crisis. Seduced from " pequeito" by the policy, first incursion in this world since he was one of the promoters, years ago, of the platform Neighboring by Torrelodones, already turned into the political force is not far from it his that managed in the past policemen to supplant to the PP of that Madrilenian locality, where it lives. .

  • Nov 1

    Promoting and facilitating the encounter to generate business The past 11 of May from 18 to 20.30, Spanish hour, the Edition AEMME International-Peru was celebrated II, that using the TIC s and by means of a virtual encounter had a commercial character for the supply/demand of Products and Services between both countries. The Organization was the responsibility of the Peruvian Camera of Businesses CASTRATE and the Multi-sector Spanish Association of Micro-enterprises AEMME. The objectives of this II Edition concentrated in the following aspects: To know Myths and Realities thorough on the InternacionalizacinFacilitar a space encounter between Industralists and Entrepreneurs the Countries Spain, Peru and Chile.Difundir the Vision and the Services of Internationalization of AEMME.Presentacin of Program IBEROLAB. The President of AEMME, Thin Victor comments to us that: Our AEMME the INTERNATIONAL, aspires to become its better ally, in a useful tool at the time of acceding to the information and the services of internationalization that we make its available. We do and it to its measurement, according to is the size, sector or the location of its company; its objectives or the moment at which one is within the internationalization process. From AEMME the INTERNATIONAL, you tenth: If you want to go AHEAD, we go WITH You . The participants to this session, realised using the platform of participating videoconference, were companies of Spain, Peru and Chile.

    In the course of the session and after the participation of the different companies, one reached different CONCLUSIONS: To summon to the Participants to the Actual Day of Internationalization that will be celebrated next day 28 of June in Spain Madrid, inviting a:Micro-enterprises, Averages Companies, Great EmpresasAsociaciones, Financial Bunds, FundacionesEscuelas de Negocio, UniversidadesEntidades AEMME wish to extend these Sessions and to deepen in the services of their Area of Internationalization, and of its Project IBEROLAB, realising other Informative Days in Madrid and as far as possible, Lima. The video of the Virtual Day of Internationalization can be seen: Session AEMME International-Peru Here (previous registry) or in YouTube. AEMME (Multi-sector Spanish Association of Micro-enterprises) C. Ambassadors, 198, 1C, 28045, Madrid Tels.: 917521036/650291524 Fax: 915283987 Email: Web:

  • Project Catalan

    Filed under News
    Jul 9

    The Catalan Autonomous Government will as much sanction in the Catalan highways of own and state ownership clients as to prostitutas. They will do it through a modification of the law of highways of 2009, within the mnibus laws. The Catalan Autonomous Government of Catalonia will prohibit prostitution in the Catalan highways of own and state ownership through a modification of the law of highways of 2009 within the mnibus laws, that it anticipates to approve before the end of year. Thus there is developing conseller of Interior, Felip Puig, in an interview, and has explained that will fine prostitutas and clients who get off themselves in the highway being worth of a competition that yes has the Catalan Autonomous Government: the road security. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Hikmet Ersek and gain more knowledge.. ” At the moment the law of citizen security and public order is a Statutory law, of the 92, and therefore our capacities to approach according to what type of action on the rights of the people is limited very competentially ” , it has lamented Puig. Thus, it wants to take advantage of ” the manoeuvre margin ” that it gives the competition them on road security to prohibit the highway prostitution, being alluded that can distract the conductors and bring about imprudent maneuvers.

    ” One is to preserve the conditions so that there are not wrecks and to take advantage of this crack to see if we are able from a legislative and executive point of view to take part better and to expel from our highways prostitucin” , it has indicated. The new one articulated of the law, within the Project of law of simplification and improvement of the regulation, contemplates ” prohibition of the temporary occupation of the zones of public dominion, servitude and affectation to realise uses related to the benefit of services sexuales” when considering them incompatible with the security of the route and its purpose. In addition, it as much considers people in charge of the infractions to the people who offer the benefit like asks for those who it and accepts. Facing September, Puig wants to have list a modification of the criteria of police action, since they will be the Mossos d’ Esquadra de Trfico those that will be in charge to persecute to the meretrices bet in the highways. The sanctioning regime will depend on the Servei Catal de Trnsit (SCT), that will guard so that the law is fulfilled in all the Catalan highways. In this sense, conseller has explained that besides this passage is present at against them of this activity in the highways, want to fight it in the urban public space homogenising municipal ordinances ” in order to give them to vision global” , avoiding that the phenomenon happens from a locality to another one. Finally, one sets out to act for regulating the activity of the brothels and macrobrothels. Puig has denied that wants broadly speaking to legalize the prostitution, if not that bets by ” to begin to put pressure on this type of activity in the public space and therefore, would go by the route of the regulation in the highways, the public space and the spaces privados”.

  • Silvio Berlusconi

    Filed under News
    Aug 11

    All these emergency movements take place in the hope of the reaction that can have tomorrow the markets in their re-opening after the decision Friday of the agency Standard & Poor' s (S& P) to reduce its qualification of the sovereign debt of the United States, the first world-wide economy. In Europe it is expected in addition to see how he will affect to the premium of risk of the Italian debt – that Friday surpassed for the first time to the Spanish from May of 2010 – the announcement done that same day by prime minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, of new economic reforms and the acceleration of its plan of austerity, and so he tries to advance a year, to 2013, the balance of the accounts. Merkel and Sarkozy request quickness the French president, Nicholas Sarkozy, and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, considered this Sunday that the application " fast and completa" of the measures announced by Spain and Italy to straighten his finances and to improve his competitiveness he is " essential to recover the confidence of mercados" and " to improve competitividad". " In particular, the objective of the Italian authorities to obtain the budgetary balance with a year of advance is of an importance fundamental" , they indicated. Both agent chief executives emphasized that " the fast beginning and completes of the announced measures is essential to recover the confidence of mercados". Sarkozy and Merkel they also pleaded for an application " rpida" in the agreements of the European summit of the past 21 of July on the second it rescues Greek and the extension of the faculties of the European bottom of rescue, and bet because the parliamentary proceedings in their two countries are surpassed before end of September. The agent chief executives have required " that the authorizations parlamentarias" regarding those agreements, on the second it rescues Greek and the extension of the faculties of the European bottom of rescue, is reached " rpidamente" , before the month end next. Also, Paris and Berlin showed to their satisfaction by the decisions announced by Italy and Spain " in order to accelerate the recovery of the public finances and to improve competitividad". Source of the news: The European Central bank discusses on the purchase of sovereign debt of Spain and Italy