The World and Modern Science
Selling Information
Filed under NewsAug 28Sure, many know of the existence of various search engines (yandex, mail, rambler, etc.), directories and other resources of this type. Certainly, almost every user faced with various challenges in finding the right information or data. That is too vague wording, the issue of a huge number of links. Of course, there are still many other problems, but the meaning, I think, is clear. You wonder how can I do to be issued only relevant links. I've been thought. It is a pity that the computer can not understand the meaning of the phrase. Alas, usually with the right information gives away a lot of unnecessary, because is searched for similar words in saytah.V what is my idea? You can try to create organization to seek information (either alone or with friends and partners), which will conduct a search for a specific user.
Many may say that there are similar services on the search engines themselves. But I I think this is an attractive occupation for several reasons: 1. Organization can not exist only on the Internet, but also in life. Perhaps the information they want to get people quite new to computers and the Internet. Make girth offline business in this market share: try to advertise through a friend and serve ads in newspapers, etc.
Do not strive to get all at once. Let it be a little bit, but steadily. 2. Your business may be serious enough firm specializing in a particular form of information and having access to different databases. Today, these services are specialized and different subjects: law, statistics, taxation, etc. They provide a fresh and important information for a summu.Kak example, cite and zakon.kuban.ru. They sell the latest information (the first site news, the second – the laws). They take a fee for access to some time. Also has a forum, the various surveys and research and support services. 3. You need to clearly define the audience, to create a good website. Then the project must be improved. What does it include? In addition to updating information and issues to do an informative and user-friendly design, optimize your site for search engines, must gradually emerge and improve services. Touch on hot topics, take orders, conduct research, and can put it on its feet. If your multi-faceted resource, are advised to make several departments in the organization. Let each person is responsible for one area (specialization). Hence it appears professional and trust klientov.Sozdayte brand, which will differ from others, always place it in the same meste.Eto everything that I wanted to tell. I hope this article helps in the difficult path. Good luck!
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Development Of Chats In RuNet
Filed under NewsAug 18The first chat in RuNet appeared in 1996. They were located on servers in the U.S. and Germany, and hung out there almost exclusively to our former compatriots. But as time went on and replaced them were born and grew up a generation strictly Russian chat resources. Initially, the audience consisted mainly chats of our student-techies in half with secretaries and buhgaltershami steep Russian companies had access to the network. The percentage of Russian-speaking people, having Freestuff connection is great and to this day, but development was not only extensively: in recent years chatlan composition has changed significantly.
Rapidly decreasing percentage chatlan with higher education, and just intellectually developed. One way or another, interest chatlan certain social categories are either practically coincided with the corresponding percent in real, or at least aspire to this. Rapidly evolving communication technologies. Over the past few years has considerably increased the speed of Internet connections, as well as increased quantity and quality of web resources. How long have sought in the network rather nice chat. Most chat rooms built on a page displaying html messages left in the past.
One of the first in RuNet chats created by the new technology is falsh chat Yeh.RU and has a great number of advantages compared with html, php chat – this is prudent use of resources: minimal traffic, high speed response chatlan post in milliseconds (communication in real time), to transmit not only text messages, but also Pictures! flash chat Yeh.RU – a unique 1st dating chat with a complete HIGH-END communication system. Many thematic rooms for socializing. Every chat has its own internal mail, share photos, guestbook, mode private communication, ignore, rating and other features. To date, it remains one of the best and most unique chat Runet.
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Internet Development
Filed under NewsAug 17Decided to create an Internet resource company, bosses do not also want to think about what kind of company to order the development of such a decisive way to prosperity for the organization. Company brand specialist in own field activities, and development of the site with us, it is clearly-established process, it provides all the details and nuances, koi create site architecture in general. Need a good understanding of the purpose of corporate Internet site on the Internet would it be a news site, a full-fledged online store or website to promote your products to the global web. Thus the service provided website development Novgorod in the initial step includes original creative design, information retrieval, as well as the presence of cooked, correction. Well-thought-out process, and perfectly-designed architecture, just so that they can for your company experts to provide the firm brand, with many years of experience in developing websites for businesses. Individual work with each customer, requires the preservation of any of your requirements when developing the site as just that distinguishes employees brand, from the rest. This type of site development is an important step in , as the site layout, begins only after the finalization of many parameters of the website, and last modification changes that are needed on its internet site.
Optimization, and additional quality control of the work undertaken is carried out on specifically that stage. To develop for your Internet site of Fame leader in your field, any related work done by experts of firm brand, while we monitor their quality and make the necessary changes, in case if required by the customer, or vital situation. Creation of sites in means in addition to accommodation, which immediately displays a corporate Internet site and register on the site, as well as any other network sites. The test to which employees Company brand give equal attention, since it gives the opportunity to experience the necessary requirements such as cross-browser compatibility, consistency, literacy links and other details.
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Development Hosting In Russia
Filed under NewsAug 9In recent years, more and more companies are engaged not only to narrow specialization, but also expanding the range of services. Hikmet Ersek is full of insight into the issues. This allows us to diversify investments and adds convenience to users who can get the whole set of services in one company. Thus implemented traditionally demanded the principle of 'one stop'. In particular, the hosting market leading hosting providers offer not only virtual hosting, but also Dedicated Servers, Colocation, Dedicated and domain registration. However, to begin work on the hosting market is not very hard, much harder for a long time and accurately provide the services.
Therefore, among the many web hosting providers company-by-night or simply companies that provide bad service. In this connection, migration between the clients hosting companies – a very common phenomenon. Moreover, in addition to the actual transfer Site content, users are forced to transfer the domain, which gives additional inconvenience. In this regard, for reliability and convenience, many users register soon or later transfer their domains to direct agreement with the accredited registrar (accredited difficult to obtain and expensive, so loggers usually come on the market long haul). However, Domain registrars similarly extend the range of services and gives users the ability to use such a high demand principle of 'one window'. At the moment, all the top accredited domain registrars in the zone ru offer virtual hosting. And the demand for hosting services from the Registrar on the rise. This suggests that this format provides users with not only the principle of 'one window', but as demanded in the hosting market stability and reliability.
One of the first among domain registrars, in 2001, the company Garant-Park-Telecom started to provide virtual hosting platform for unix. Originally hosting a subsidiary line of development, but over time service is developed, it has been given more attention, appeared more services for customers. In 2005, the hosting company's servers transferred under the control panel Plesk. In 2006, technical support began to work around the clock 7 days a week. In 2008, management of hosting services integrated into a panel of domain registration R01. At this time hosting the Registrar R01 – one of the best offers on the market in price / performance ratio that it becomes clear how the analysis of competitors' tariffs, and on user feedback Hosting R01, as well as the rapidly growing number of users hosting R01.
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Communication Methods
Filed under NewsAug 8To use this convenient method of communication. Enough to have a computer with Internet access and appropriate program. One very convenient and almost indispensable functions of the messenger is user presence status. Depending on the version of icq, presence status changed, but the same remain the status as on-line, off-lain, in addition, additional status gives the user the opportunity to show their status: busy, do not bother, there is no on-site. These statuses are displayed on the interface and allow users to system to see your status. For even more analysis, hear from Jeff Gennette. Send a message, and in that case if the recipient is off-line.
Message will come to him as soon as it connects to the network. Correspondence in the icq is not confidential in the full sense of the word. The company aol has every right to transmitted by messenger information. Besides who gained enormous popularity messenger icq, now mass produced alternative clients, such as qip, Miranda, and the like. Messenger qip in recently gaining increasing popularity. Its nice feature is that it supports most protocols. The first account is created on the protocol Jabber, then you can add accounts for other protocols. Messenger has a pleasant and friendly interface.
With it you can receive if you are registered, for example, "Classmates", "VKontekte, you can share files, download information, call landline or mobile phone. Another popular instant messenger is Miranda. Miranda is easily installed on your computer. First, download the file, razarhiviruem it. Then find the folder on your computer Miranda, and it – Plugins.
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Filed under NewsSep 7
The Czech Republic has long been a Russian-speaking population of second home. Number of Russian-speaking people living in the Czech Republic is growing every day. Many of them came to open his own business and conduct business not only on the Czech Republic but also throughout Europe. In the Czech Republic, as in any other country, every self-respecting company wants to have his card on the Internet – your own website. In this case, site design, as well as its content should meet the level of the firm itself and, as a rule, is the face of the World Wide Web. That is why the use of templates for creating Web sites is highly undesirable. You must create a unique design and to focus primarily on the quality of the finished product.
Beautiful and easy to use website will help the company achieve its goals: whether it's providing information about the company's services or the sale of goods through online stores. Russian-speaking population is much easier to work with their compatriots – and this contributes to the lack of language barrier, and a similar mentality that manifests itself in relation to work. When creating a site in the Czech Republic should be noted that the work must begin with the creation of the logo and corporate identity, if a company they do not exist. This will create the effect of awareness among many Czech companies. But before starting to design development and software implementation of the site. Do not forget about the text content of the site, because it must be not only beautiful and interesting. Typically, the reader enough a few seconds to understand: I wonder whether he this or that article. During the website development should involve a copywriter, who will give the right information, and will stay on the site as long as possible through expert site content. In the Czech Republic on the development of niche sites, create a logo and corporate identity has not yet filled out properly, so it pays to work hard to find a good web studio, which would meet all the requirements.
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Web Designs
Filed under NewsMar 18But … Maybe someone of you will be surprised when he hears what conclusion came a group of very influential designers. In their opinion, good design can be called a design site that is not obvious, that is, quite simply, good design web sites should not be noticeable. Describe themselves as beautiful word "designer" today many people, but most of them do not know what to design web sites, above all, is a robust supply of information, not pretty pictures and intricate patterns. See yourself as a good design website, many webmasters? This is an infinite number of flash – logos, images, completely forgetting that the design can be good and no graphics. Today's webmaster is often forget the simple truth that the projects they do for people to forget what should be convenient to users. After all, hardly anyone would argue with the fact that long time to load pages of the site is likely to scare the user What draws him. Indeed, in many different web sites of similar subjects, and can easily find where there would be "great" pictures, but they will be open soon and information will be readily available.
World Network – a thing, where it is possible to find any information that is only a mouse click. Therefore, if your site is uninteresting, long time to load, potential visitors will find just such a site, where such inconveniences will not. Remember that every day the World Wide Web users are becoming more savvy and demanding, and the sites are improving every day becoming more comfortable. Therefore, learning web design, learning photoshop, ilyustrator and other programs, remember that simplicity is important in the design and usability. At first glance, this is the most common, but usually neglected step specifically Siim all customers. Most of them simply can not imagine why they need a website, as well as what he can assist their clients.
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Feb 5
If you have any other pages and forms, try to make it that they can be easily and quickly fill up as much as possible. Mix and match form if possible, use two-column layout for some sections (eg, position and address of the next billing information with each other) to reduce the number of pages and steps for the user. 4. Mandatory registration of this item nyapryamuyu from the previous one. If you require a registration from the client before placing the order – this is another obstacle that you have created in his way. What's more important to you: receipt of orders or information on customers? Remember that the second option could mean a loss of some klientov.Chto to do with it is easy to fix.
Instead of requiring customers to register before they can place an order, offer them this opportunity after placing the order. Give them the opportunity to save svoiyu information that they were easier to draw orders in the future and be able to track the status of your current orders. Many customers prefer to register and maintain their information and you will not scare away customers before they commit pokupki.5. Poor search the site if the client knows exactly what he seeks, he will prefer to use a search engine, rather than sift through all the goods categories and filters. You should make sure that the search function on this site is working well, and desirable, has filters that allow customers to specify their wishes and get the most relevant search results to them. How often have you searched for goods at a great online store, and hundreds of options offered by Google system? Although a variety of options can be useful if at least half of these options do not have anything to do with what you are looking for, this search engine will bring more disadvantages rather than benefits.
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Business Petersburg
Filed under NewsOct 7Helpfully marketers have called this method "research at the desk." Where to look for the client, including a regional? Here is an example of the most valuable sources of information: Exhibitions Plus: allows to gather information about potential consumers, trends in the industry in general, competitors' actions and plans (www.exponet.ru, and). Less: there is no guarantee that the flow of people and diversity of businesses you will be able to tie the desired contact. Economy-wide newspapers and magazines – "Vedomosti (www.vedomosti.ru), Business Petersburg (www.dp.ru), expert, Expert North-West (www.expert.ru), and others. Plus: interviews, reports, articles let you know the business client's preferences. Less: be wary of information and carefully weigh all the facts.
Guide system, allowing any user to make free use of their data (www.e-adres.ru). Plus: speed data collection, data reliability and the ability to preliminary analysis, the presence of all the information about the company, up to the location on a map, and more. Less: run away from the eyes of the information. Industry portals, directories. Plus: You can find interesting review of the market you are interested in the results of marketing research. Minus: Not all sites allow you to view reports for free.
Sites of search engines (www.yandex.ru,,) Plus: an abundance of information sources. Minus: A variety of information does not constitute a variety of clients. $ $ Addressable maker usually achieves the greatest success one who has the best information. Benjamin Disraeli constant growth rate amounts of information one of the main features of our time.
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Internet Features
Filed under NewsMay 4What is the Internet? It is a mountain of opportunities in planevashego income. The prospect here is huge. Every day in there are all new users. At first they used the Internet as entertainment (for communication, gaming and etc.) And just when are comfortable changing their view. The global network is revenue. Who is this extra income and who was able to rise to the top of the mountain and the Internet has become the main way to earn money. To that would have to learn how to make money need 3 things: 1.
pc with a cozy atmosphere for you. Agree it would be difficult to work with the noise or sitting in an uncomfortable kresle.Vse thoughts about his job, not about the money. They will later and it should not concern you. 2. Internet. Without breaking the connection and all sorts of lockups.
Agree-angry. 3. Desire. It must be great and do not leave you for a minute. In any work that it does not work well here. But do not despair and settle for achieved. The network is very much information. Look, learn and use it. In a short time, when you reach the heights and say to yourself: I have a job and I'm her boss! Good luck in this difficult and interesting business!
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