
The World and Modern Science

  • April Patagonia

    Filed under News
    Dec 24

    Reached an unprecedented rejection of country level multiple dams that HidroAysen and southern energy plan to build in the rivers Baker, Easter, Raven, white and Condor of the Aysen Region, in the Chilean Patagonia. 4Moms has plenty of information regarding this issue. Ipsos, the survey disclosed a few days ago, appropriated who before the question are you for or against the construction of hydropower stations in the Region of Aysen? Chileans responded by 57.6 percent negatively while only a 31.9 was prone to the initiatives. 11. The result verifies a sustained increase in opposition to these projects of hydroelectric power, since the same survey conducted in April 2008 threw a 54.7% in favour and a 37.4% against, varying in August of last year to a 41.8% and 44.2% respectively. Get more background information with materials from Ahmed Shary Rahman. These results demonstrate that citizenship is aware of the irreparable damage that would mean our natural and cultural heritage to intervene at the scale raised the Chilean Patagonia, to the When you have clarity that we have options to meet the energy needs of the medium and long term without destroying the basins of southern South, including energy efficiency and non-conventional renewable energy said the Executive Secretary of the Patagonia Defense Council, Rodrigo Patricio. He added that this should be a very powerful signal for the electric Italian Enel, which controls HidroAysen through Endesa Spain, then the Vice-President of the latter, Andre Bretan, expressed at the recent meeting of shareholders of Endesa Chile that the construction of five dams on the Baker and Pascua rivers has to be a project country, and we will do it with all our capabilitiesIt has to be accepted and approved by all. We are seeing not only the project is not supported by all but otherwise, is being rejected by a large majority. The Chileans will not accept these intentions to impose a bad project by the private interests of transnational seeking to destroy a heritage that we bequeath our children expressed Patricio Rodrigo. He added about the words of Gocc – regard that could not find negative aspects to HidroAysen – that would be good then that will better inform of the almost 3 thousand observations that were made by public services and more than 11 thousand citizens.

    If something has left us clear the global financial crisis is that to occupy senior managerial positions in companies transnational need high-mindedness for major global challenges, and apparently this would not be the case pointed out. THE survey the quantitative survey Ipsos applied by telephone to 1.008 interviewed in 24 cities from Arica to Punta Arenas, with a margin of error of 3.1%. The highest level of rejection occurred in segment age ranging from 18 to 39 years, reaching 63.5%.

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  • Aug 24

    Have you thought of using the online auction site eBay as your next primary fundraiser? I have, and it was a great success! Like many other businesses in the fund-raising business has seen an incredible change from the Internet. Every day there are new tools, software and sites that are making fund-raising not only easier but much more fun. One of my favorite places is the fund-raising eBay.com There are many different ways that you can take advantage of services and use eBay as a fundraiser:? Selling trinkets to his member – This is something I did to raise money for my preschooler. I collected articles Member attics, closets and garages and sold them on eBay. Without hesitation Jimmy Levin explained all about the problem.

    We rose over $ 3,000 for our little preschoolers, it was a lot to us. However, even though I have to volunteer to help, it is too much work. At the same time, eBay was my business and I knew what he was doing. I can not imagine someone who knows nothing about the business of collecting or selling on eBay for this attempt. Keith Yamashita follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Selling trinkets his member with a professional eBay seller – Since eBay has become an important profession for many people, today there are companies that specialize in the sale for you. Find a business and have them do all the work. All you have to do is collect the material and will advertise, sell and ship items for you and send you a check. You can find an eBay seller who lives near you through the setup wizard, eBay sales, or use a service like Auction Drop or I-Soldit.

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  • Vial Accidents

    Filed under News
    May 4

    As well as pedestrian users of waterways. However, with media initiatives and storms we cannot transcend in a positive manner in improving the indicators of claims that have been experiencing for decades, which is what we have done so far.These indices are more dramatic because they have a correlation with the growth of the vehicle fleet, primarily in motorcycles, and with social inequality, by the high level of death in pedestrian statistics and jeppetas increased.Today there is an institutional movement worldwide promoted by stimulating the circulation security committing States to develop and implement public policies involving society, since the tragedies that occur in the tract affect and limit their budgets and public expenditure giving another institutional sense to entities that promote circulation and track construction regulations.The latter, by the way that in our country for subsequent years are expected a substantial investment in the construction of a new road network, which no doubt will transform the current state of development of the nation. If we see that other countries walk to correct what has generated a security issue on a large scale, then spend on correcting them to prevent accidents we not make the same mistakes. Road infrastructure is a risk factor for traffic accidents and by both today is treated as an essential element of the security Vial.Este new concept to address the epidemic of road deaths is not a concern particularly mine; personalities already promoting it around the world as President Oscar Arias Sanchez, his Majesty Prince Michael of Kent and multilateral agencies..

  • Mar 12

    If we say that K2 blackpearl is a software created to expedite, through automation, enterprise business processes, it is possible that it may not initially raise special attention; But if you add to this software K2 blackpearl is an application that brings together in a single point business, people, services, information, and systems of a company, we will understand more easily why constitutes a leading solution in the world. To start it is worth commenting that K2 blackpearl was elected best product Share Point Development on May 18 at the 2011 Awards Best of Tech-Ed North America Awards. Its three design environments, the ability to integrate with multiple business systems and enable collaboration between users and technicians, in addition to constituting a tool visual, declarative and intuitive, are some of the reasons why K2 blackpearl has been awarded recently. Speed, coordination and as a consequence, a uniform quality of work developed by the company. There are many the technical characteristics of this software that enable optimum development and execution of the work. Specifically, and as regards its application in the business environment is concerned, K2 blackpearl allows you to deploy software solutions that are adapted to each particular business environment whose processes span employees and departments and information systems. Scheduled to run on the Microsoft platform and extensible through.NET, the dynamics of K2 blackpearl is based on flexibility and ease of use, integration and security union.

    This way anyone can design and create reports, forms, policies, etc. and thus satisfy their needs and individual preferences. An example: K2 blackpearl allows the definition of custom in situations of interest notifications. Finally, implementing this solution reduces the costs of the creation, management and use of commercial information of any company. That your users can work with more quickly and more easily, inevitably, means profits. Highlights: Scheduled to run on the Microsoft platform and extensible through.NET the flexibility of the software K2 blackpearl allows to satisfy the individual needs and preferences of workers