The World and Modern Science
Filed under NewsJun 22Asked whether creativity is winter decoration, Sommerdeko, Easter, or Christmas – decoration is an important part in our lives become. Preferred especially by females, the decoration has taken their way into almost every household. It offers to decorate themselves, that your own home or your own four walls event involved (, autumn Christmas, Easter) or to embellish his premises without apparent reason. Opportunities for many. There are countless possibilities, products and materials which are suitable for decorating. Man / woman must be creative enough and to exploit his or her options. So an individual stamp can be pressed to every room and every location. Petplan Pet Insurance has much experience in this field.
Or we think for example of the beautiful summer (summer decoration), the balmy summer evenings and the cozy parties in the garden are. Imagine, they sit with neighbors and friends together around the grill and enjoy the wonderful evening. It would be nice if the garden beautiful would be decorated? A special feeling comes up when decorated the trees, hedges or the Garden House with the lights or other lights jewelry is. “On a normal party, in which the decoration just as normal” classified, will be hardly anyone remembered. Few look back with a perfect sense.
But brush up their ceremony with lights and other decorations and colorful fashion, will remain in the minds of the guests. Additional information is available at technology at millennium. Their acquaintances are still weeks from this unforgettable evening talk a good red wine they enjoy it and let go is good there. There not only holiday feelings are awake, the whole evening seems perfect, and the food tastes twice as good. But also to other starting there are many ways of decorating. Are they creative and above all individually. Let their thoughts free rein and beautify your life. At this point we want to give them even more occasions for a corresponding decoration: wedding decor, nursery decoration, gift decoration and autumn decorations are just a few more Opportunities to which they can operate. So start. Jens Peterssen
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Sanag Called
Filed under NewsJun 17The Viennese restoration companies called to action against fire damage on approximately 500 home fires disengages the Austrian fire brigade in itself peaceful Christmas time. This took the occasion of Sanag and called for a fire prevention campaign, to raise awareness of the population. Fire cocktail: Candles and dry trees a dry Christmas tree takes just a few seconds, lichterloh to burn. Recently Hikmet Ersek sought to clarify these questions. This dangerous fact took fire and water damage restoration companies Sanag as an opportunity to see to provide numerous tips & tricks, pointing to sources of danger for fires in the home and to help, to avoid them in advance. In addition, the company offered a free, telephone assistance to the fire prevention. Numerous phone calls have arrived for the duration of the action. We are pleased that we were here once again to act in our capacity as consultants.
People have the feeling to be looked after us well. We got the feedback from customers that they have to worry about anything more; We take the complete package around the fire by the damage assessment up to the settlement with the insurance. Technology at millennium does not necessarily agree. “And this was confirmed by our fire-prevention campaign,” Sanag managing director Gerhard Leutgeb about the success of the action forward. Action hot under the motto pass on!”was accompanied the awareness campaign 8 sheet poster campaign and radio spots by a. It was important to inform the people on the dangers of the Christmas season in this campaign. It should be sharpened awareness so, that fires real conduct often avoid settled in advance. And this applies not only during the Christmas season. Fast and professional rehabilitation measures prevent, sustained damage”, explains Sanag managing director Gerhard Leutgeb the attention-grabbing campaign.
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Nov 17
There are guilty. There are solutions. Leave us without future will have its corresponding translation in English and German to highlight the European character of this mobilization. Demonstrations will take place in all the capitals of provinces. It is the second general strike of the year and the ninth of democracy.
The banner header of the manifestation of the general strike for next Wednesday is putting together in Pinto, measured 14 meters in length and will take part of the slogan translated into English and German. Spokesmen for the two unions organizing the strike, Nuria Manzano (UGT) and Manuel Fernandez Albano (CCOO), have visited this Monday graphic arts SIP workshop which is being prepared on canvas banner that vibrate, among others, trade unionists, Candido Mendez, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, Jose Ricardo Martinez and Javier Lopez. In its 14 m length, on background red and white printing be read the slogans of the call for the general strike: leave us without a future. There are guilty. There are solutions. For the first time, a part of the text, in particular leave us without a future, have its translation in English and German to highlight the European character of this mobilization, said the spokesman for CCOO. Fernandez Albano has stressed the social character of the general strike on Wednesday that will culminate in the demonstration which will depart at 18.30 hours of the glorieta de Atocha. The representative of UGT has advanced that at 20.30 hours of Tuesday will take place the traditional concentration of pickets that will start the general mobilization of 14-N. Manzano has considered that there are more reasons to never support this strike and has returned to demand the Government calling a referendum on the measures being imposed and which were not included in the electoral program of the PP.
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Latin America
Filed under NewsMar 29The critic to the positivismo on the part of the atenestas young people initiated a new period in the history of the philosophical ideas in Mexico. Two of the most important philosophers of the Athenian, Antonio Caso and Jose Vasconcelos influenced in the national philosophical life laying the way for the approach to the philosophy, in the same way that became in Europe. Its merit is to have formed new generations that were scattered by different philosophical territories. Of the thought currents with which the atenestas were affiliated, a very distinguishable one, was the one of the philosophical spiritualism. Caso and Vasconcelos are personalities completely different in their way to live the philosophy, but united in a tendency to look for the way to philosophise by the way of the spiritualism that was reinitiated in Europe. In opposition to intellectualism characteristic of the positivismo that indicated to the reason like an important faculty of the knowledge in union to the experience, the atenestas were antiintelectualistas and loaded the balance towards the intuition and the emotion, that in his opinion completes the work of brings back to consciousness. More of the thought currents with which they were affiliated it was the indeterminismo of the nature, that they extracted of the French philosophy.
These currents of the philosophy and others more, influenced to give a direction him different, richer and intense from the history of the philosophy in Mexico and Latin America. Return a the Metaphysical preoccupations, the extension of the human experience, the affirmation without hesitations of the freedom like foundation of the spirit; to sum up, the glorification of the man, is what gives to the conferences and to writings of the atenestas that tone of Christian optimism and generosity, freedom, affection by the town, distinguishes that them of texts of the positivistas authors. In 1912 the grouping changed the name to become the Athenian of Mexico. Nevertheless, the murder of Log in 1913 gave a dramatic turn him to the events. The Athenian vanished and each of its members took different courses: Some went of the country like exiled or to realise studies; others committed more in the policy of the moment and others were dedicated to the chair, the test and the artistic creation.
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Royal Opera House
Filed under NewsJan 28In 1998 she sang Senta in the Flying Dutchman and in 2000 as Sieglinde in Die Walkure singing there in the major opera houses of the world: Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona (debut in 1986 as Freia, Das Rheingold), Opera de Paris (debut the same year as Pamina), San Francisco Opera (debut in 1986 as Eva), Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (debut in 1987 as Elisabeth), La Scala (operatic debut in 1987 as Donna Anna), Staatsoper of Vienna (debut in 1989 as Chrysothemis). That same year she sang at the Salzburg Festival the same role. At the Metropolitan Opera he debuted in 1988 as Micaela de Carmen, he returned in 1990 as Donna Anna Don Giovanni with Thomas Hampson and Elettra in Idomeneo with Anthony Rolfe-Johnson. In addition to La Traviata in 1991 it returned for its last performances as the Mariscala Knight rose Richard Strauss after nine years in the 2000 season. Due to the effort required before many compromises and stylistic versatility of such magnitude, his voice started to give signs of early vocal fatigue. His international career went into steep decline after the year 2000 in 1999 the Bavarian State Opera rescinded her contract to sing Der Freischutz arguing that his voice was not what had been and the soprano sued the House of opera between 2001 – 2005 assumed the role of Sieglinde in Tokyo and Beijing, also singing Arabella at Zurich. Adds us Cappelli also, which is the true surprise of the lyric in recent times.
In recent years virtually retired from the international scene, he appears in concerts and master classes sporadically. He served as Professor at Wurzburg where he has debuted as a stage manager in a production of Ariadne auf Naxos. Ultimately as worldlingo.com indicates, he is a singer with the unusual flexibility, Cheryl Studer has made more than eighty roles ranging from the dramatic repertoire to roles more commonly associated with lyric sopranos and the coloratura sopranos. Due to his ability to sing many different kind of roles, some critics have compared the voice of Studer to the Lilli Lehmann admire more for their interpretations of the works of Richard Strauss and Richard Wagner. Original author and source of the article.
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