The World and Modern Science
Professional Code
Filed under NewsDec 2If we want to win in itself is evil, we must do the following: Rule: Do not use words, one way or another connected with the main profanity. Instead of saying: "It mat Camping!", Build a phrase like: "She complains, puts it, swear, talk dirty." Exclude from the speech euphemism for damn, are widespread. Euphemisms, of course, in living speech are needed. Even the younger preschoolers understand that some physiological processes directly call indecent. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Western Union. Euphemism – a replacement for both called a bad word to neutral.
But with a pancake situation is different: he seemed to replace one of the most bad rugatelstv.Ne telling an anecdote, not to read the poem does not sing the ditty, do not quote someone's words, if there is at least one unprintable slovo.Schitat initials abusive phrases full oaths: we do not think the letters, we will immediately decode all, that is, restore, behind them the word. Try not to use set phrases with the word chert.Pomnit that abuse can not be replaced by analogs. In recent months, Hikmet Ersek has been very successful. We swore, even if recourse to the so-called parallel words. Once on a tree-felling prisoner-linguist swore (it was cursed, though only used the phonetic terms!): "Oh guttural frikativ!". On the myths that underpin and feed the profanity dwell on the most popular in our society. Profanity is based, including the myth of freedom of speech. But freedom of speech – the freedom of speech content, but not freedom of expression. For "freedom of expression" and the term can be obtained under article 130 of the Professional Code, and a fine pay (in the Belgorod region in 2004 had already introduced such sanctions).
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Marketing Department
Filed under NewsJun 15While I’m running every day Kilometres, to all people from the corner to get the screwdriver that is furthest away from me. I have countless Allen wrench in my huge suitcase. That’s the idea, to have the right tool at hand for each hand grip.” An amazing statement. Already when the Marketing Department believed that the model S also only for the budget would be good. So, wear, fill, empty and to try the three testers through the different models. Our two meters – country Machine fitter tested then the rough. We look the case filled the cabin of our case dropping 1056 XL. I’m glad if you will be paid to destroy something.” All Toolbox show distinct mark on the case from two meters height, but persevere.
The professional model L the left small Division of part of breaking away and there sorted screws and washers are distributed among the case. Our exhibition stand Builder has the smallest our suitcase – size S, delivery, already decided. For more specific information, check out Areva. I had already infinite Toolbox. Heavy, bulky, where one drags around everything with it and needs only five percent of the content. I’ve decided.
I work with five small and well. A-Falltest-I don’t need. Western Union shines more light on the discussion. I work at ground level.” More persuasion fails. Amazing turnaround in our test. How the Toolbox with its dimensions were designed, you sometimes are not used. The model size S was designed as a garden and housewife case. For household tools and gardening or fishing case these are manufactured. The cases with the size M had the similar intended purpose, only just slightly larger. The centrally seated clip fastener for size S and M allow a fast loading of small tools. The left and right sitting clip plugs for sizes L and XXL, and the internal removable inserts give an idea of a versatility in service employees. In particular the extra removable small part of pockets in the lid also convinced the State Machine fitter. This is handy. Small enough for the breast pocket in my pants and big enough to have all my washers on the man. It is annoying, when a mother is missing two metres above sea level. Winner: The professional model L with its dimensions of 51 x 25.5 x 25 cm and its 2 clip closures secure the inside of the cover subjects of small part, this section well when the janitor and the country machinist with the note. “The rating of the stand with his opinion me anyway, I’ve decided.” was not taken into account. All three testers at the material agreed. Light, stable and secure the shock (see our Advisor polyurethane). Our explanation about the differences in the plastic polyurethane and polypropylene. We think the three craftsmen is not clear until today. But the result counts. We thank our three craftsmen for their test and look forward to the upcoming campaign in the company.
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Aug 28
What is a children's holiday? Perhaps many of you remember some of my birthday for some toys and gifts, given as a gift from friends or relatives. To some of you gave a wonderful teddy bear, someone big tipper. Wow! What a memorable and happy time, childhood. To deepen your understanding Governor Cuomo is the source. But if you ever wondered, how could only imagine that the fairy-tale characters of your favorite fairy tales can come down from the pages of books and come to your house, to congratulate you and only you on your birthday. Today in the 21st century, everything became possible.
Century technology inexorably runs forward and, unfortunately, is not every child can surprise given a teddy bear or a big tipper. But this age presents us with new opportunities. Today it has become more than fashionable to invite to the feast of cheerful clowns or fairytale characters. Today, every parent can arrange for your favorite kid unforgettable children holiday. And we are professional artists, can not wait to help you with this. Fairy-tale characters, pirates, clowns come to you at the feast of tales and favorite cartoon and delight not only your children but you adults. And for us, artists, there is nothing happier than to see the happy smiles of children and parents, and sometimes even tears of happiness in adults with the form of their children, cheerfully and happily play with the heroes of fairy tales. The photos and video taken on a holiday, all the best moments of this wonderful event, and you're a long time at leisure cold winter evenings will enjoy watching a movie or a family album. So what did this child birthday? Yes, it's just the happiest day in the life of every child. And we will now have to think, what memories will be left these days in the lives of our children when they are the same as we are older.
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The Truth About Dating
Filed under NewsDec 15Question Over the five years of his life he has lived what I just tried from the region dating to the girls: clubs, street dating, travel, companionable, telephone, newspaper and many others. During this period I have accumulated approximately 1000 of these singles (no exaggeration). Four years ago (I am now 21 years) I wondered: 'where to get a normal girl? " however, I have it, and now stands at the head. Show me this and I am I will cast its millions of roses. Where do I get them? Nowhere.
You're still not find such As a result of my numerous experiments revealed that the 'normal' can only meet through friends or company. More or less normal. And, usually through the supplied to the above condition – the bottle. Such an acquaintance at best (and maybe in any case), ends the bed (probably the only reason it works). At worst, it generally does not end there. On a serious relationship think more girls? Yeah, run away. Most of them need to 'diversity' and yet God knows what. They may think that the long-term relationships they want, but in principle, the question boils down to whom they are willing to install.
That does not even know God himself, not to mention the female sex. Friends Look at these morose person – already the most crying want. In transport, it generally is for a girl such a shock. No, well, it happens that clearly enjoyed. But the pose as it is not clear what makes up that she is someone (not to directly answer that does not want to learn).
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Heating Private Houses
Filed under NewsJun 16It is no secret that every owner wants the country house as seldom as possible to approach the source of heat in your home. It is comfortable, safe. To implement such a comfort to that type of fuel used yielded automation that is able to operate for long periods without human intervention. Everyone knows that this is possible with electricity, liquid and gaseous fuels. Now let's look at these fuels in more detail. With electricity – The easiest way. Electricity best be automated.
Electrical heating systems are capable of regulating the temperature of the heated surface to within a tenth of a degree Celsius. None hydraulic system, and as a consequence of the problems of leaks and overheating of the liquid coolant. Broadest range of implementation of the method of heating: from traditional convectors on the walls, up to warm floors and infrared emitters ceilings, creating the effect of the artificial sun. And while no pipes and chimneys. Disadvantages: This type of fuel is the most expensive of these traditional species, limited power, granted to the house. Gas – the most attractive form of fuel, the golden mean between the cheapness and ease of use. Gas involves a hydraulic system of heating, gas boiler and flue system with natural or mechanical stretch combustion products.
Despite such a complex system, the cheapness of the main gas at the moment in Russia is more than covers the initial costs of such a system. This form of heating is now the most popular. Disadvantages: Gas is not always possible to spend on the site. The use of local natural gas reserves in the area of convenience comparable to the use of liquid fuels. Liquid fuels. As the liquid fuel used, as a rule, diesel fuel, or diesel fuel in the common parlance. This is a good alternative to gas option in the absence of gas at the site. Gasoline is not used because of its explosiveness. Less likely to use kerosene or waste oil. By Functionality the use of liquid fuel is comparable to the gas system, but here are drawbacks to order more. Disadvantages: The presence of large storage tanks of fuel (a giant fuel tank), the smell of the operation, the high cost of fuel (Except the free waste oil), a large amount of impurities of the combustion products. The majority of this type of heating system is often associated with chadyaschimi kamaz in a traffic jam
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Self-Cleaning Carpets
Filed under NewsFeb 19Should not be self-cleaning carpets as well as domestic funds are not able to clean the carpet, and will harm him, discolor paint carpet or leaving trudnoustranimy divorce. Carpet cleaning manual work is carried out only at the factory, dry cleaner on the specialized equipment for dry-cleaning in a delicate operation. Standards of dry cleaning is prohibited to carry out carpet cleaning by hand on the spot, as none of the technologies Dry cleaning of carpets on the ground does not meet the standards. Curtains design work is recommended to clean the factory, dry cleaning solvents from dry cleaning to dry cleaning machine of a closed loop. If curtains are fixed by designers, and they are difficult to remove, if carried out dry cleaning of curtains on the weight.
Keep in mind that dry cleaning in a factory is much more efficient cleaning of curtains in the air, besides it is not toxic to the client. Dry Cleaning at the factory to fully account for specific materials curtains, and cleaning the weight of the more simple and universal. Upholstered furniture made of expensive materials for the demanding cleaning, compliance and the correct choice of technologies. There are many natural materials, upholstery, such as raw silk, cotton and other dry-cleaning which is carried out with special equipment, dry cleaning solvents in the environment. Furniture made of smooth leather clean special substances that are not only clean but also keep the skin of its enzymes. Recommendations for the care of carpets, curtains, soft furnishings If liquid on handmade carpet should wet towel or lint cloth with an absorbent liquid.
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Jul 10
Suspended ceilings on plates of mineral wool provide excellent sound and heat insulation space, so they are often called acoustic. Diversity is not only color but also texture plates offers great opportunities for the design of any interior. Smooth slabs of mineral fibers have the ability to reflect light well, thus increase the overall room lighting. Embossed and perforated model often used for sound absorption. Cellular ceilings are solid metal grid, visually conceals ceiling space.
Cell sizes can range from 15mm to 200mm. Such ceilings provide natural ventilation and at the same time have an attractive appearance. These designs are most common in places public – shops, cafes, restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers. Mirrored ceilings are very effective in cosmetic and exhibition halls, shops and other public buildings use. Now the panel for them more often made of polystyrene or metal.
These materials are resistant to shock, moisture and temperature extremes. For exclusive interiors are sometimes manufactured ceiling panels plate glass, but they are fairly heavy and fragile. Wooden ceilings give the room an attractive appearance and create a feeling of comfort. They can be used both in homes and apartments, as well as in offices and facilities of public institutions, such as small cafes and restaurants. First and foremost it is worth remembering that the ceiling system – is not only plates, strips or panels, but also a system of attachment to the ceiling. How compatible with all components of your new ceiling, is largely dependent on their manufacturers. That is why the suspension system is better to buy in large retail outlets that can provide the client with all necessary elements and components of the future of the ceiling, and even better – offer the services of skilled craftsmen for installation. In addition, plate and suspension systems better take from one manufacturer. Apparent at first glance, the similarity of structures and Sellers assurances that everything is done to the same standard, you can go "sideways". Only if all components of the ceiling are designed and manufactured by one company, you can count on the fact that after installing your ceiling will be a single design without unnecessary gaps. The second important criterion is the quality of manufactured designs. Depends on it, how long will last you a new acquisition, without losing its attractiveness, and the ability of the ceiling system to perform the required functions.
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