The World and Modern Science
Bubble Tea – Taste Of Asia
Filed under NewsMar 28The new trend drink comes after Germany first of all: this tea can not be compared with traditional teas. There is also no tea bags with the flavor of bubble. Supposedly only Asians know what really there in the fashion drink from Asia. And we of course! Bubble tea is called also Pearl milk tea. The name bubble”from the Asian concept Boba”, means the ball or Pearl. The Pearl tea is invented about 30 years ago in a small tea shop in Taiwan, in the summer to make tasty tea benefit schoolchildren. The success it takes awhile, until the soft drink throughout Asia is known, but then is overwhelming. While the European kids Monster slush slurp, suck little Asians cold tea made from thick straws and the beads on the tongue burst.
2010, the Taiwanese Ming Ching Lai brings the bubble tea after Germany. He opened the first bubble tea business, which brings the delicious milk tea mix among the people in the take away style in Berlin. Initially, the people are skeptical but there’s no holding back now. Asian tea miracle is an absolute figure and Asia-tea-shops spring up like mushrooms from the ground. Magic Balls in tea? The drink consists of two components: a tea as a base and these mysterious balls.
Green or black tea is used for the base tea, which is traditionally set with milk or yogurt. This milk tea is sweetened with fruit syrup, caramel or honey to produce different types of reason. Real bubble tea is served chilled in a large, clear plastic cups. The presentation is reminiscent of a milkshake. The beads that make up the actual appeal of the bubble teas come in this tea-shake. The beads are made of plant starch; similar to the Sago, know our grandparents as pots. These beads are either filled with syrup or completely consist of sweetened, jelly-like substance. They burst and melt on the tongue. A real experience! With a thick straw tea and pearls are at the same time absorbed. The milk tea, you can prepare at home and sweet with fruit juice. The real bubble tea drink with the characteristic pearls is available so far only in the trendy Asia-tea-shops. Sure where people stand in line – then are on the right track. The Internet portal teabubble.de provides information about this new trend and has listed all the bubble tea shops in Germany. Especially in the big cities, many stores are represented. Good thirst! Nico Westerman – teabubble.de
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