
The World and Modern Science

  • Nov 14

    E-book, what is it? E-book can rightly be considered the best digital products, and superior on almost all indicators of an ordinary book. First, e-books on a lot cheaper, as a buyer no longer have to pay the costs of paper, cover and shipping. Second, e-books that exist in a single copy can be sold many times as desired. Third, the delivery of the book takes place through the network Internet, which again reduces costs compared to printed books. Here are two types of electronic books that are most common on the Internet. The first type – text book, compiled from a text document and have PDF.

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    Books of this type are a group of web pages compressed into a single EXE. file that requires no installation. E-books come in several species. Free e-books released to create viral traffic, or to sell other products directly from the pages of the book! Paid e-books written for subsequent sale. This is different manuals and guides. By volume of the book most often do not reach the paper editions, but may be much more informative. Promotion by e-book. It would seem that any gains in the electronic book, if it did not sell as well completely free hand out.