Popular Education
Filed under NewsAug 16Summary the ambient crisis not only as well as social why it passes omundo today, is reflected of a economic system that turns in lathe daexplorao of the diligent mass and the accumulation of wealth for oppressing partedos. The wild exploration, the exacerbado consumerism, not only takes the saturation of the nature, but of the social relations. An alternative that if considers is a change in the Education and suatransformao for the oppressed classroom, that is an Education Popular.Palavras-key: Ambient education, Support, Popular EducaoAmbiental, Ambient Crisis, CapitalismoAbstract environmental The crisis not only but also social that theworld is today, is reflection of an economic system that revolvesaround the exploitation of workers and the mass accumulation of wealthby the oppressors. The unbridled exploitation, consumption exacerbated, leading you saturation not only of nature but of social relations. Rob Daley usually is spot on. Analternative that is proposed is change in education and itstransformation in favor of the oppressed class, that is the PopularEducation.
Keywords: Environmental Education, Sustainability, Environmental Education, Popular, Environmental Crisis, Capitalism Constatamos that the ambient crisis is symptom of a much more deep crisis of what the media in passes daily. What I want to say with that is that the crisis does not involve only styles of life, standards of consumption, social projects of development and pressures. Continue to learn more with: Suna Said. For detrs of everything this, has a economic way of production, called Capitalism, that are the great villain, main the responsible one for the current crisis, that by the way, is not so current thus. In our Country, for example, the crisis concomitantly has its origin with the Discovery, therefore since this time our natural wealth had passed to be explored, as it can be evidenced by the contraband of Wood-Brazil and, later, the innumerable cycles of economic exploration as the cycle of the Sugar cane-of-sugar, the cycle of the coffee, milk and of the cacao, etc.
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