
The World and Modern Science

  • Apr 10

    For many customers in retail stores, it has long become everyday life, to participate in the cashless payments. For many customers in retail stores, it has long become everyday life, to participate in the cashless payments. Easy, comfortable and safe, normally the cashless payment option offers decisive advantages for the customers as well as for the retailer. For the customers at the supermarket checkout means of cashless payment transactions but also a claim to the security of its map data in the comprehensive sense. Debit card or credit cards have become the best and most secure means of payment and include in the comfortable payment transactions as well as the traditional payment with cash. The waiver of the payment with cash requires a high degree of safety and trust of all stakeholders. However, it is often forget what technical requirements make the payments with plastic money. For the customer, it is a simple process.

    Insert the card into the Terminal, check the payment amount, Enter the PIN and confirm. Then run the electronic processes of reconciliation with the account-keeping Bank and the payment process is completed for the customers at the Terminal. For the security of this payment process are different characteristics, which is matching by the customer with the input of the personal identification number or the signatures on EC or credit card and proof of payment is completed. For the technical process in the business include more. In addition to a card terminal of the new generation with appropriate registration and exact functionality and the cashier with the receipt printing on the old cash register rolls, especially the security also for card payments is important for retail. While even the recent reports of the media about credit card fraud and misuse of data in debit cards are always in the focus of security efforts of the retail and manufacturer and distributor of card readers and the corresponding terminals.

  • Apr 7

    New customer information with digital signage the supermarket chain is mix market systems on the distribution of fresh produce and specialized foods for Eastern European cuisines. This mix market not only focuses on the target group of immigrants from Eastern Europe, but wants to offer all its multicultural customers a unique shopping experience. With a wide range of fresh meat and fish, as well as cucumber, caviar of all kinds and Crimean sparkling wine, mix market offers its customers a wide range of specialties. To inform the customers up-to-date and quick and with uniform German language in all markets through products and services mix market opts for NeXgen solution since August 2011 the digital signage. It began with the mix market in the District of Boblingen, where the fresh food areas for the Department of fruit and vegetables, meat, sausage and fish, as well as the confectionery with flat screens were fitted. Mix market wants his current product information with the introduction of digital in-store technology In the branch increase customer communication, to increase sales.

    The content broadcast on the display as current offers, products, and events are collected by the mix market headquarters in Herrenberg and played through the system in the markets. Germany-further roll-out for the next few months is planned aiming for the years 2011 and 2012, solution throughout all mix market stores to introduce into the digital signage equipment branches with dating advice, customizing, hardware, software, training and services solution of NexGen. Creative cooperation the concept for the shop interior was creative and close by NexGen and mix market. Spark for the innovative project was the idea of modernizing the stores with screens. The positioning of the screens, the content and the messages have been defined in the framework of joint planning. In cooperation with NexGen was built the technical infrastructure and mix market put in the position of the software from the Headquarters to control independently. After the project started in April, the live operation started in August 2011. In the technical implementation delivers a complete solution flat panel displays from Samsung along with the software PRESTIGEenterprise from online software AG NexGen consisting of 46-inch and performs installation and rollout. Profitable customers we are excited by the modern concept”, explains Eugen Schmidt, leader of mix market Boblingen. The customers are always informed about the screens and new offerings we can be flexible. We are convinced that we can increase sales and also better serve the customers.

  • Feb 10

    Prevention of food poisoning starts with your trip to the supermarket. Here is how to start safely. 1. Pick up your packaged and canned foods first. Buy cans and jars that look perfect. Do not buy canned goods that are dented, cracked or bulging. These are the warning signs that dangerous bacteria may be growing in the can. 2.

    Look for any expiration date on the labels and never buy outdated food. Similarly, check the "use" or "sell by" date on dairy products like cheese, cream cheese, yogurt and sour cream and choosing those that will stay fresh longer in your refrigerator. 3. Check eggs, too. Choose eggs that are refrigerated in the store. Before putting in your car, open the box and make sure the eggs are clean and not cracked or broken. 4. Raw meat, poultry, and seafood sometimes drip.

    The juices that drip may have germs. Keep these juices away from other foods. Place raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood in plastic bags before entering the car. Separate raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood from other foods in your shopping cart and in your refrigerator. 5. Do not buy frozen seafood if the packages are open, torn or crushed on the edges. Avoid packages that are above the frost line in the freezer of the shop. If the lid is transparent, look for signs of frost or ice crystals. This could mean that the fish has not been stored for a long time or thawed and refrozen. 6. Check the cleanliness of the meat or fish and the fight against the salad bar. For example, cooked shrimp lying on the bed of ice as raw fish could become contaminated. 7. When shopping for shellfish, buy in markets that are supplied from sources approved by the state, stay away from vendors who sell shellfish from roadside stands or the back of a truck. And if you're planning to harvest your own shellfish, pay attention to warning signs about water safety. 8. Milk collection, frozen foods, and perishables (meat, poultry, fish) last. Always put these products in separate plastic bags so that drippings do not contaminate other foods in your shopping cart. 9. Immediately drive home from the grocery store. This will give you less food cold or frozen to warm up before you get home. If the destination is farther than 30 minutes, take a cooler with ice or frozen gel commercial perishables home and place him. 10. Save hot chicken and other hot food to go, too. This will give them less time to calm down before you get home. Terry Nicholls My Home-Based Business Advisor Copyright e by Terry Nicholls. All rights reserved.

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  • Feb 6

    Hello dear readers! Today I propose to talk about what network marketing 2.0, it differs from the classical network marketing, network marketing from 1.0. What is a classic marketing network, Network Marketing 1.0? This is a network marketing based on product promotion, the company's brand. All of the words of the classical network marketers are the following meaning "we have a cool product, purchase, we have such a cool, serious company, add ". Moreover, as a rule, everything is done compulsively, evaluated the effectiveness of efforts by the criterion of the number of presentations and meetings. Almost never used the term "target audience", ie not is taken into account the fact, whether people are interested in your suggestion about a product or business, uses a simple mathematical statistics "of such and such a number of presentations, meetings, so many people buy a product, or so that people will be your partners. It is for this criterion assesses the effectiveness of activities. Currently, many networkers are using methods of network marketing 1.0 at promoting a product or brand Companies in the Internet.

    Network Marketing 2.0 also uses the Internet to conduct business. How do they differ? To answer this question, let's see, what has the hallmarks of Network Marketing 2.0. Thus, the network Marketing 2.0: Do not promoting the product or the company's brand, he promotes the personal brand, ie, the identity of the businessman. The main task of a man building a business on this principle – to show its uniqueness, to interest his persona others, to make himself interesting for them to make sure that they were asked "What are you doing in life?". And that others could find themselves full response on its website, to understand whether it is interesting that business. Network Marketing does not use the term "business proposition", he replaces it with "a story about themselves." Works exclusively with the target audience, ie, to create conditions in which information is obtained only interested in her people. Different maximum automation, automate everything that is possible, for example, with the help of special services organized by e-mail mailing letters, the site provides much information about the product and the company, allowing potential buyer or partner to make your choice.

    Actively used every possible means of the Internet to conduct business. As a result of Network Marketing 2.0 businessman creates such conditions that the relationship with him go people interested in the product or business that have already received sufficient information to make your choice In what could spend this time hitter 2.0, while that is not a classic hitter? 1. P1. Perhaps most importantly – to develop a personal brand, blogging, and active participation in social networks, in their groups. 2. The introduction of new automated way to attract potentially interested people. 3. On social activities, charity, under which there is a mean not only financial donations, but what can we do to benefit society by applying their efforts, for example, help to clean-up homes for the elderly. 4. Its family, on their personal interests. Dear readers, but now, when we saw how many and what new features 2.0 offers network marketing as it frees up our time, let's answer the question "Is this not enough to make its choice in favor of Network Marketing 2.0 "?

  • AnnualCreditReport

    Filed under News
    Jan 29

    These loans are unsecured in nature and anyone who proves their repayment capacity can be able to get one and settle their underlying financial crisis. Any person who finds themselves incapacitated by bad credit scores knows the pain of seeking financial assistance without getting any. The reason for this is that they are considered a financial risk by most calendar and the ones who avail them with loans charges them exorbitant fees and skyrocketed Council of interests. However, if they do some thorough research for calendar who can avail them with loans, they won’t fail to get one, especially the payday loans types. Moreover, irrespective of their bad credit scores unsecured loans bad credit are there to assist. To cut the risk of failing to get a lender, it is essential to improve ones credit score, at least to a figure not less than 580 credit scores. If a credit score is poorer than this, they are certain things a borrower can do to improve it below is on analysis of some of them. 1 before visiting the lender, check your credit rating plus your record.

    A borrower can get a free copy of their credit report from a helpful site like AnnualCreditReport.com. They can so get their credit score from the site same but at a small fee. Review the availed report for any mistakes and take up any incorrect information by writing to both the creditor and credit reporting bureau and have it corrected or removed which ever is easier. 2. pay up all your pending bills. Now-a-days calendar do not deny people loans because of their bad credit history, however, no lender wants to touch a borrower who don’t pay their bills when they’re due.

    The assumption is, if when advanced with loans they can’t pay up their bills, then they fail to pay up, just like they are unable to settle their bills. So before approaching a lender ensure your pending bills have been taken care off 3 A government financial aid may assist students always get financial assistance from the government.Any victim of natural disaster can so get financial assistance in the form of a loan from the government. Most of student’s loans are gotten from the government irrespective of the student’s financial status. They are often high risk borrowers as they get money from multiple lenders, and most often than not fails to honor the loans repayments due to their unemployment Not Acceptable!

  • Jan 27

    Some products are especially popular among mobile devices and really considered must have. Specifically, mobile phones have already ceased to fit the needs of modern society member, because not only direct conversational interaction at the moment can be of great importance, but also communicate through mediation. And communication is currently carried out – using text and video and audio messages, letters, transmitted over the Internet mail. And for all kinds of needs are not cell phones. Communicators need. In this case, extremely high-tech as valuable not only that, what are the possibilities for quality communicator, but also how it looks. Exterior is also able to have a huge assignment, since the design is decisive and in the workplace and in Communications. Of course, any one of us understands that the most significant – find the required solution of their own needs.

    Because so much in demand today such searches on the Internet, as a communicator or communicator htc. Consumer interest and prices, and technical capabilities, and external design of modern mfp. And it seems, because each buyer is seeking for its own funds to purchase is actually the best quality. Select communicators or smartphones in retail stores – at least disadvantageous position with cash. It is well known that the cost of goods anywhere in the standard commercial network enabled and wages of employees of trade, and utility payments and rent per square meter shopping area. When you purchase through a global network of customer rid of these expenses, then your purchase will be much more practical. Many implementors mfp offer their products on the Internet.

    And yet the easiest way to apply to the ability of resources, which offered a variety of products. One of these resources, without a doubt, is Mobidrayv. And if what you need – it’s communicators htc buy then you have come directly to the destination. At this point, actually find not just a reliable communicators, but also other mobile devices, virtual, house, photo equipment and automotive equipment. Huge range of products from various manufacturers can find exactly what you want, without undue effort and potential. Force literate only send after the use of a technical apparatus and acquisition optimum enjoyment of life in general. Because in order to make the dream a reality, it is enough to apply to a special web site.

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  • Passports

    Filed under News
    Jan 16

    Traveling abroad on their own home country today is one of a list of the most common types of trips. Truly, after lowering the so-called 'Iron Curtain' ability to see our world is no longer provided an option only the elite. Every one of us can afford to go abroad to get an idea of states that previously could only see on tv or in photos that were taken back to a from distant wanderings relatives. The only thing needed for trouble-free travel outside their home country – this, of course, a passport. The document, which are really involved in every world power, and which is better only issue in advance so as not to collide with the unnecessary complexity and long queues for receipt of documents at the last moment. Moreover, it is most reasonable to issue all the papers in advance if you are harmed in the media and would like to use probability to visit another country on the so-called 'Last minute'. In this case, the passport must be ready, and in some cases correct to immediately think about getting a visa. In an effort to carry out holiday abroad, at any resort or on guided tours, you must first of all find out a few nuances. The first step in tax administration needs to be clarified, not hanging down for you some debts. These days, tax institutions, as well as bailiffs have created a very close interaction with employees of various customs and debtors – credit if, for back taxes or child support is – will not be released abroad.

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  • Noel Papa

    Filed under News
    Nov 29

    He was what my father said one day of one many last Decembers. I felt the impact of that phrase. now? who goes to help ' ' Noel&#039 papa; '? He will be that it goes to leave this? Then I was imagining a store without movement, with the empty shelves, only with one brinquedinho here, another one there, and one velhinho stopped behind a balcony, seeing the time passing, monotonous. It was my vision of poor Noel. Iglu did not see an old one in the North Pole dying of cold in one. I was accustomed to see the store of the imported electronic Zona Franca full, toys, with a tourist mount entering and leaving. In the Christmas, then, the lights and musiquinhas revitalized everything. Now, Noel was poor, behind a balcony, without merchandises and musiquinha.

    I do not know if it was in the same year, but in an eve of Christmas vi mine two new sisters earning, each one, one joguinho cheap of xcaras of plastic. We costumvamos to gain good gifts. In that year nor he had supper. All year had one, and also visits to the grandmothers. My parents had entered in house with two small ones. I remember in the frustrate way as they had given the small gifts for them. They had said some half thing without skill. For me and oldest, nothing.

    We two are in the patio, looking at we do not know what, without saying nothing, with the faces of tacho. He started to rain, we are one there tempinho feeling the respingos, later we enter and we were to sleep. From that night, I perceived that this business of Christmas and ' ' night feliz' ' he was badly counted. Not for not having earned present, but for having seen the semblante sad of my parents. Then I started to be intent the things on the Christmas that the church does not comment, and I convinced myself exactly that it was everything badly counted, since the date of the birth of Jesus until the ornaments. Until I decided that day 24 of December a good date of confraternizao is pra me, only this, without being with weight in the conscience to be esnobando the anniversary of Jesus, therefore, after all, is not. Happily today the truth on gifts is another one. All year the foot of the tree in the house of my mother is full, overloaded of gifts, but I confess: I continue not believing the Christmas. Nor in the Noel, it mind very.

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  • Zurich Software

    Filed under News
    Nov 24

    Contentserv expands its partner network with the Swiss branch of the industrial services Rohrbach / ILM is 14.06.2011: the software manufacturer Contentserv is further expanding its extensive partner network in the Alpine region. With the Zurich-based branch of is industrial services AG the Baba welcome a further competent Swiss implementation partner in its partner portfolio. After already in 2010 the German is@web GmbH has been part of Contentserv partner network, now also the independently acting Swiss branch is has joined group as implementation partner. As part of the internationally active is group, currently the world’s 14 companies with offices in Europe, North America and Arabia, the Swiss on the know-how of the global group can be accessed. The deals include partnerships in the IBM of areas of Lotus, IT security, IT services, Web applications, content management, software development and project data management.

    The is group software and products developed using state of the art tools and Development environments, directed and backed up by an ISO 9001 certified quality management. The objective of the is group, data, knowledge and information to make transparent, genuine and safe at any time at any desired location in the world available, fit perfectly to the identical intention of Contentserv GmbH. This assists companies with the holistic approach of enterprise marketing management software solution with companywide centrally control all sales, marketing and communication processes and to handle. Over 40 qualified solution partners and technology partners in whole Germany support Contentserv now in the planning and implementation of customer projects. An international partner network in addition with partners and others in the Switzerland, Austria, France, the Benelux countries, Spain and Italy. More Contentserv is can be found at. The is@web presents its services at.

    About Contentserv GmbH Contentserv GmbH is a software manufacturer for Enterprise marketing management solutions (EMMS). With its comprehensive and user-friendly approach makes the solution by Contentserv the creative system of marketing, sales and communications. It supports in all media, print and communication processes. Media, such as catalogues, websites, E-shops, print and online promotional materials can be created without knowledge professionally via Web browser. Thus, optimize processes and high cost and time savings. This ensures a faster time-to-market product communication and for clear competitive advantages. Press contact: Petra Kamal, head of marketing CONTENTSERV GmbH Werner-von-Siemens-str.

  • English

    Filed under News
    Nov 17

    There are guilty. There are solutions. Leave us without future will have its corresponding translation in English and German to highlight the European character of this mobilization. Demonstrations will take place in all the capitals of provinces. It is the second general strike of the year and the ninth of democracy.

    The banner header of the manifestation of the general strike for next Wednesday is putting together in Pinto, measured 14 meters in length and will take part of the slogan translated into English and German. Spokesmen for the two unions organizing the strike, Nuria Manzano (UGT) and Manuel Fernandez Albano (CCOO), have visited this Monday graphic arts SIP workshop which is being prepared on canvas banner that vibrate, among others, trade unionists, Candido Mendez, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, Jose Ricardo Martinez and Javier Lopez. In its 14 m length, on background red and white printing be read the slogans of the call for the general strike: leave us without a future. There are guilty. There are solutions. For the first time, a part of the text, in particular leave us without a future, have its translation in English and German to highlight the European character of this mobilization, said the spokesman for CCOO. Fernandez Albano has stressed the social character of the general strike on Wednesday that will culminate in the demonstration which will depart at 18.30 hours of the glorieta de Atocha. The representative of UGT has advanced that at 20.30 hours of Tuesday will take place the traditional concentration of pickets that will start the general mobilization of 14-N. Manzano has considered that there are more reasons to never support this strike and has returned to demand the Government calling a referendum on the measures being imposed and which were not included in the electoral program of the PP.