
The World and Modern Science

  • Oct 16

    In 1995, when the World Wide Web really started to boom, with its Internet browser Netscape had a market share of around 80% – an unassailable, so it seemed. But then, Microsoft has invested heavily in the development of Internet Explorer, which is coupled with the operating system and then brought below 3 per cent to over 95% in 2003. When Netscape was the browser war, thought lost long ago. 1998 AOL bought Netscape Corporation and the company released the source code for Netscape Communicator – the Mozilla project was born. At this point, the Mozilla Suite was composed of browser, e-mail and news components, HTML editor and chat program. This composition was maintained for several years. The strategy: Mozilla should be a product that is possible, covering all the needs of Internet users. In addition, the programmers developed the code not only continue, but wrote parts from scratch. Yet by 2002, the developers decided on a new approach. March separately with the motto “united to win” were the functions of the Mozilla Suitevarious projects divided. If one of the portly battleship no progress, then maybe nimble with several speedboats. They promised to them faster boot times and reduced demands on system resources. In addition, the individual components could be developed faster and more concentrated. The e-mail and news component, was named Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Sunbird, the calendar function and the HTML editor Nvu. And the browser Sure, it was Mozilla Firefox. First, the browser, however, was Phoenix, but because of the US-American complained BIOS manufacturer, Phoenix Technologies, the name was changed in Firebird. Finally, a phoenix from the ashes is also a kind of Firebird. Unfortunately, there was another open-source project with the same name, so that not even one years later, a re-renaming is necessary. Namesake for the final name was the red fox, whose name, translated from Chinese into English, is just Firefox. In the last name change, the end of 2004, was the 1.0 version of Firefoxpublished. The new browser is not running only on Windows and Macintosh systems, but also among various Linux distributions and even Solaris. Thus began the second browser war, which runs until today. The time was just ripe for an alternative browser. Many developers of Web sites had yielded to the temptation to put on their pages not by the standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), but tailored to the Internet Explorer. Users with other browsers were therefore always an online banking or shopping from outside or were forced to use Internet Explorer. This monoculture had a lot of disadvantages. As with nearly all users, the trio Internet Explorer, Windows and Office was installed from Microsoft, had it easy for virus writers to exploit vulnerabilities in any program to program their target pests. Firefox, however, could claim to be much more secure than Internet Explorer. Although increases were spread over time, even with Firefox againVulnerabilities, and these were to be closed by the worldwide community of developers, however, much faster than in Internet Explorer. Also Firefox is not so closely intertwined with the operating system as its competitor and does not potentially harmful content such as ActiveX. Unnoticed Firefox downloads is not as well. Even active downloads have yet to be requested once expressly confirmed. Safety first flat. But it is not only the security, Firefox’s fan. The innovative browser has introduced many advantages that are now being adapted by other browsers, by and by. Tabbed browsing extremely handy if you do not want to lose the survey in several browser windows open simultaneously. Only one browser window, many websites, neatly lined up and divided into tabs. The pop-up blocker commercial breaks easily hide – how pleasant. Pop-ups will only be shown by a subtle strip, the user decides for himself whether he wants to see the window or not.Extensions in Firefox enable everyone to determine the functionality of their browser. Extensions needed to turn the browser into an FTP program, a web editor to provide additional information on web sites and still make a lot more possible. And if it is again changed their minds, is the extension uninstalls just as quickly. Themes just as easily as the functionality can change the look of the browser. Nearly 200 different themes can be downloaded to the user wechselwillige at addons.mozilla.org, while under categories such as compact, choose modern, nature, etc.. Integrated search engine to search, nobody has more on the search page of his choice. Instead, the term is entered directly into the search box of the browser. And which search engine you prefer, you can choose to either. In addition to classic search engines, you can also download plug-ins, books, movie information, DVD’s, guitar notes, find recipes, news and information to search Auctions, dictionaries and Wikipedia. Live Bookmarks ProvidesWeb page to an RSS feed available, it can create the Firefox users by clicking a dynamic bookmark that appears in the bookmark list as a folder whose contents are updated automatically. Privacy Clear Private Data – one extra menu item in the current Firefox, which protects the privacy of users. In one swoop, or even deliberately Chronicle, form data, passwords, downloads, cookies, cache, or secure connections may be deleted. And these are just some of the points that have Firefox’s market share can rapidly grow. Surely even the open-source contribution origins to the success of the browser. Finally, not only Firefox is on the rise, but also his e-mail brother Thunderbird, the office suite OpenOffice or the free Linux operating system in its various versions. Whether this is a revival of the ’68 uprising against the establishment or just an expression of “greed-is-geil” mentality – in any case, only the Internet Explorer effort to continue the browser No. 1. InGermany is now using about 30% of users Firefox (according to the website of the French company xitimonitor.com). Maybe you are soon to do so.

  • The Brazilian

    Filed under News
    Sep 29

    From 1952 Getlio Vargas it stimulates the nationalization and formation of an industry automobile in Brazil, the starting point would be a document of the subcommission of jeeps, tractors, trucks and automobiles, establishing that the vehicles ' ' they could only enter in Brazil total dismounted, and without components that already were manufactured this way ' '. Already in administration JK in 16/06/1956 FROSTS it was created it from decree 39,412, aiming at to establish referring plans and initiatives to the industrial park automobile Brazilian. As we can observe the great automobile industries since the beginning of sc. XX already if they had installed in the country marking its presence and dominating the market. Competing places did not exist that dared to pierce this hegemony of the great multinationals of the sector that they mounted its vehicles here. Exactly proportionally, the Brazilian market being irrisrio with regard to the great markets of the countries central offices, the presence of these companies represented a strategy above all to be present in the market, aiming at to discourage the sprouting of possible competitors. stimulatons aiming at to the nationalization of the manufacture of automobiles objectified the substitution of importation.

    The governments Vargas and JK waved capital foreigner to it to establish industrial bases in the domestic territory, them already they dominated the market widely, and it did not have plans in average stated period that if instituted projects of some technological autonomy. Perhaps obviously, this was the only alternative for the installation of the automotiva industry, therefore beyond not having technological domain, it did not have national capital of great taken over on a contract basis available transport for this great one. The Brazilian state granted incentives is companies to construct its industrial parks to them in the country and to reproduce its technologies here. If of a side it together has an essential role assumed by the foreign capital companies with the Brazilian State in the implantation of the automobile industry, of another side had a species of marketing impermeability to the appearance of national competitors.

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  • Ethics

    Filed under News
    Sep 18

    The simple concept of Ethics would be to say that it is the research of the moral nature of the human being with the purpose of if to discover which they are its responsibilities in relation to the way of conviviality. In the reality the ethics although to share with other human enterprises in the search of the truth, if it distinguishes for the fact from wanting to take the man what it must on the basis of make the discovered truth. It agrees to point out that one is not only about a precaution, but of a lapsing in its first character. All ethical being has the capacity to reflect on its proper action verifying if it made well or badly for somebody. The Ethics can be divided in its field of research in: Christian, Philosophical, Theological, Social, Pessoal and Christian Ethical ProfissionalA are in the reality the way to weigh the man to the light of Philosophical Ethical the Divina.A revelation make responsible the man regarding what it also knows through the natural reason and in what he says respect to the secular existence. The Theological Ethics deal with that it can be used to advantage of the alleged agreements of one determined community, in regards to this life and of the future. Although enganosa the affirmation, can also be distinguished the Social and Personal Ethics.

    Why enganosa? For the fact of the man to be a social being and all its behavior has meant social. Although this, the social ethics deals with the moral consideraes that say respect to the social behavior. The professional nothing more it is that to keep the professional position, exactly at the moments most inopportune. To be an ethical person a set of valoresEmbora must be followed the concept seems forced, the ethics is not limited only to the way as we deal with the other, but in as the groups if they associate, in order to act in responsible way.

  • Vorarlberg Market

    Filed under News
    Sep 9

    Q2E and Weihnachten.at present nationwide Christmas market consultants who make numerous Christmas and advent markets all over Austria in the run-up to Christmas with their range at the most beautiful time. With its Christmas market consultant Q2E on now also caters for Christmas on the Internet. The unique offering of more than 50 Christmas markets all over Austria advises visitors at the choice of the correct market. Christmas markets and find every year Vorarlberg, Austrian Christmas markets enchant its visitors up in the Burgenland. The sparkling Christmas worlds are devoted to the idyllic time of advent and then as today marked by little delicacies, tradition and Christmas anticipation.

    It is not so easy to keep track and to find the appropriate market according to the individual performances, by the rich offer of local Christmas markets. The enchanting Q2E offers in cooperation with Weihnachten.at for the first time Christmas market consultants on the Internet. sting+hopes+that+punishing/10114207/story.html’>Deputy Finance Minister is full of insight into the issues. “Leo Gruber, the owner of Weihnachten.at is very enthusiastic: the Christmas market Advisor is for all visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the Austrian Christmas markets on the Internet.” The visitors of Weihnachten.at set their wishes and requirements by answering 10 questions, are on a visit to the Christmas market. As a result, they receive individual recommendations of Christmas markets in your environment and in addition valuable tips and information around the contemplative Christmas time. Austria Christmas markets offer variety of Christmas markets in addition to art and craft exhibitors each year a variety of local goodies, ranging from the traditional gingerbread to savory dishes. Special events complete the offer of the numerous Christmas markets and increase the anticipation. Christmas sounds, Nativity scenes, and lots of activities for the little ones, so the waiting time for the Christ-child is shortened.

    Whether it comes to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, or to make a pleasant trip in the run-up to Christmas the Q2E Christmas market consultants find the right Christmas markets. David Kamau, who supervises the Christmas market consultant at Q2E, is evident from the idea of the Christmas market Advisor thrilled: the Christmas market Advisor is an intelligent guide, which helps to come quickly and accurately, to individual recommendations. Thus he represents an innovative way of consulting the Internet, which will also help the visitors when choosing the Christmas markets and increases the anticipation of Christmas.” About Q2E Q2E is a young company from Sankt Polten with core competences in the development of innovative Web solutions and Contentdesign. Tailor-made solutions are developed, holistic view of the customer requirements, generate sustainable success.

  • Aug 30

    DEEP PEACE AUTHOR. NORM AP SILVEIRA OF 26/09/09 MORAES DEEP PEACE! It is at the moments of meditation In the peace of the Celestial Sanctum That meeting in the reflection the Universal Cosmic flame In the silence of my soul the joy and the ecstasy if finds to comungar with calm and to appreciate these moments that enchant the soul if it makes receptive I appeal To it cosmic that it emanates Sprout light ideas; active to guide the life human being the love is felt with glow the PEACE grows in the heart the LIGHT surrounds then of LOVE and the love and life are GRATITUDE ****** DEEP PEACE TO ALL! LIGHT LIFE AND LOVE ******* DEAR PEOPLE! MY BETTER VOTES WITHOUT PRECONCEPTIONS ARE OS: RELIGIOUS, RACIAL OR OTHERS. OBS: CELESTIAL SANCTUM IS THE NAME THAT THE ROSACRUZES GIVE TO THE ALTAR MADE IN HOUSE FOR MEDITATION. MEDITAR IS TO ENTER IN CONTACT WITH GOD GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE; THE GOD FATHER OF OUR HEART? MEDITAR IS TO HEAR THE SILENCE OF THE HEART? MEDITAR IS TO TALK WITH GOD? MEDITAR IS TO HEAR GOD? MEDITAR IS IF TO DELIVER GOD AND TO RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS DIVINE ' ' THE LOVE IS THE ONLY FEELING THAT BACKWARDS CHANGES AND FIXES ERRORS THAT WE COMMIT, IS THE ONLY FEELING CAPABLE TO WIN THE PRIDE, THE FEAR. ONLY THE CAPABLE ONE TO PARDON, TO BE THANKFUL, TO GIVE AND TO BE. TO BE IS NOT TER' ' (MORAES NORM AP SILVEIRA).

  • Copyright Act

    Filed under News
    Aug 10

    AG Munich, judgment of November 11, 2009, AZ.: 142 C-14130/09 also was in an earlier decision of the AG of Munich (judgment of November 11, 2009, AZ: 142 C-14130/09) noted that comes an application of 97a II Copyright Act only if there is a substantial infringement into account. In the matter was the Audiobook of “The way of the beam” accused the defendants of Dieter Bohlen on the Internet Exchange eDonkey to download offered. The Court sentenced the defendant to pay EUR 1006,00 to the plaintiff. In this decision, the applicability of 97a is negated II UrhG. The AG Munich took this as follows: “a capping of the incurred costs in accordance with article 97 a paragraph 2 UrhG present also did not come into consideration. The offer one Urheber Recht lieh LIEH copyright protected work within the framework of an Internet Exchange as eDonkey, is already not insignificant violation of law in the meaning of that provision. This arises from the fact that the contested infringement of rights in the public make of is a copyrighted work.

    It arrives for the infringement just not so, how many users actually accessed the offered work, but how many users of Internet swap copyrighted and made publicly accessible plant would have to access”the other versions are remarkable, because the Court assumed that regularly several 100,000 users is to use this Exchange. “It’s known court that at Internet exchanges such as eDonkey regularly several 100,000 users at the same time provided can access files on the download. Of this magnitude can be no longer assumed by a minor violation of the law, since unchecked and without reservation the copyrighted work was made available to a wide public. The referred to as far as exemplary cases of a minor violation of the law (insert a map on a private website, use a photograph in the) Under a sales offer an Internet auction Exchange) affect completely different bearing cases, because a significantly lower, gated persons addressed or is but offered the protected work is not for reproduction.” Attention should be also two further points of this decision. For one, the Court does a damages claim gem.

    97 para 2 UrhG amounting to 500.00 as appropriate. This is determined in the context of the license analogy. Still the Court makes it clear once again that no original power of attorney should be attached to a warning: “the warning was also due, even if no original authority according to section 174 BGB was attached to her. Although section 174 applies to BGB of its wording also business-like actions. A cease and desist letter as such but has no right shaping effect opposite the Dunned down. The injured person can successfully sue the infringer even without warning. The warning is only at the question of how the costs distribute ZPO are a role within the framework of the balance in accordance with article 93. “The provision of section 174 is a power of attorney be accompanied BGB with unilateral legal transactions, but not intended to make it easier for the infringer, to estimate the risk of costs of a process (OLG Hamm, judgment of 17. 7.2008, business signs 4 U 60/08).” More information is available on our website: your Tobias Arnold

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  • Men

    Filed under News
    Aug 7

    Send to find appropriate and at the same time fashionable clothing, mens clothing XXL massive presents a problem for many people with larger sizes. Even harder than the ladies have it gentlemen, for shops that specialize in plus size clothing for men are scarce. The way to the cutter will cost both time and money, but often was the only alternative to poorly fitting or not fashionable models off the shelf. With this problem have deals but now many manufacturers of men’s fashion and sizes added to their collections a wide range in XXL. Quality and perfect fit, play an important role in this high-quality fashion. The high quality, the perfect seat of the clothing and a product range that offers the appropriate attire for any occasion are important for the impression to others and your own self-esteem in the professional and private life. Many brands offer therefore now also suits, jackets, shirts, pants and more.

    Is the purchase of the appropriate wardrobe Children’s play. Also in the private sector the convenience of clothing should not be accompanied by bad seat. Well so that the fashion manufacturer in this area their collections to XXL sizes have expanded. More interesting information can be found under:. Manfred goods Ballesteros

  • Aug 4

    SMS AllNet flat rates in Germany always used the SMS, which is the quick message to anyone. No long emails, no phone calls, which is SMS typed in seconds, sent out, with a little luck a reply is coming also. This short, straightforward communication instrument is enjoying increasing popularity. Young people no longer do today without the deft short messages from the phone, and sometimes the back – and forth text may take time really. Who then are not careful, could experience a nasty surprise at the next mobile Bill. But this must not be, mobile Flatrate or SMS flat rate make it possible, that can be arbitrarily long phone and texting without the that it is expensive. SMS flat rates to all domestic networks there are 10 euros.

    Since sending quite many short messages may make again really fun, and the budget bills can’t get the seams because of high mobile. Also the domestic anger remains past such low offers with the parents. Is more expensive of course the mobile flat rate to all networks, in addition to SMS including the telephone calls in the German fixed line networks and all German mobile phone networks. In the case of diesnur pays for all who like to much on the phone and want to tap SMS without seeing to the cent. Compared with a mobile account for all individual calls and short messages a client who like to write and phone comes with also one such flat-rate, which is currently starting from 35 Euro, very well off. Calculated on the year many hundred euros that can be saved with the flat rates can do this.

    The 35 Euro offer is in addition to a prepaid plan. This, you’ll pay for call minutes, reaching 9 cents per min. SMS in all German networks but income 35 euros a month, then the costs 35 Euro will be capped, although you keep calling and texting can.

  • Aug 1

    Well to start I want to communicate to the entire community articulo.org that this paper is based on my personal experience regarding this topic. For a fairly long time now, trying to learn more and more on the topic of web publishing, and while scanning pages, articles, softwares etc. I came across something I thought was super interesting, but for the testimony that had attached to these issues and are paid surveys or surveys, and it caught my attention because many of them offer excellent payments, even those where no must pay a registration or sale of the listings, almost “secret”, because I think that information is golden, and I say without exaggeration, when I refer to “list”, I’m saying that some pages will offer the sale of a list of other pages, where you can find those companies that are trying to evaluate a product or service and are willing to pay thousands of dollars in order to have an honest opinion about your product or services.

    It is This I consider that the proposed work at home, is shown as a long-term trend and in my opinion and as people become aware of this, will become an option for labor in comfort and earn more money than we can get, even with our day-to-day. Now, many of these pages that offer paid surveys are not in Spanish, so it is necessary that we have a little knowledge of English, but for those who find it difficult to work in that second language, as I think now day, the barriers have been broken, there is no such thing as “impossible” and more as technology has advanced so far, but if we talk about the internet, then find this many good choices of translators, which are capable of doing enough work faithful to the texts that incorporate them and because I personally when I find something very technical or a degree of difficulty out of my reach because I speak personally to the translator of Google which I think is fairly accurate as I said earlier. And finally I explain a bit about a survey. For it is not more to give your opinion through a survey, which must be very sincere and it is an assessment of a particular product and a company which is interested in knowing what their reception by the public consumer which we, and the company is willing to pay thousands of dollars or millions without exaggeration, to know if your product or service will accept ours, and thus lost savings after bring them to market. And now, if, finally, after hours, days, months to read and read carefully, looking for the best information on this subject, I decided to take up some pages that I think are the best, and if you want to start working on this issue, we present them as an excellent choice. are: NOTA.no miss this, although some are in English, in fact they are better paid here inthis idiomay let you best, check it out and remember that the translator will do the work for you!! in Spanish you can use Google translator to translate texts. to enter the site click on: create a free account .

  • Aug 1

    Flash-Integro co. presents the new free program – the VSDC free screen recorder. Flash-Integro co. If you would like to know more about James Woolsey, then click here. presents the new free program – the VSDC free screen recorder. The simple video application has numerous professional features that make it a serious competitor for the Pro Tools.

    Many users want to record what happens on your screen or on portions of the screen. James Woolsey may help you with your research. Share experiences, communicate with the technical support person or hold the screenshots as a reference, these are the typical features of the privately used software for screen capture. The VSDC free screen recorder gives the user but a much better tool, as was to be expected from a free software. The VSDC free screen recorder is a new product by Flash-Integro LLC. It ties in seamlessly with all functions of the company’s other products and is also easy to use. If the whole screen or just a window to be captured, the program is perfect for both. It supports dozens of video formats and helps the Users to quickly create a whole video for a specific purpose.

    It is also amazing that accesses the recorder with audio and video codecs, which are already installed in the system. That has stable quality to the result, that the establishment of the programme’s minimalist easy and the quality of playing videos. The custom comments are among the many startling effects of the program and accompanying notes, the mouse and hotkey. Also a special pen mode allows drawing on the screen literally during recording, to highlight important elements of the film material. The VSDC free screen recorder not bogged down and not all promises. He is focused on its main function and offers at the same time many options for creating video tutorials, exercises, and how-tos. Prices and availability of VSDC screen recorder is free and compatible with Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Win7/Win8. Links product link: de/free screen recorder download link: services/download.aspx? ProductID = 27 Web: de / the developer Flash Integro co. is a software company that specializes in the development of audio and video editing programs. The company’s products are including VSDC video editor, VSDC audio converter, VSDC audio grabber. All products are free of charge.