The World and Modern Science
The Second Vatican Council
Filed under NewsMay 30Note: The freedom of the Wolf means the death of the sheep! (C) on the horizon of religious morals, the Zeitgeist WINS! The Christian religion (Rome) is not a democratic organization. It is thus the capitalist system always closer than democracy. South America (liberation theology) is a good example of this. Today the secularization (separation of State and Church, Treaty of Church of the State) is maintained us limited. Catholic holidays apply equally to all citizens and all religions for example. But what a Muslim with Easter and Pentecost do? France is as much law compliant. Christianity is a world religion that emerged from Judaism. …
Christians believe in one God (monotheism) as a Trinity, that is a nature unit consisting of father, son and holy spirit. … Some 2.26 billion adherents, Christianity is the world’s most widespread religion…. Both the Pope and the bishops College has the highest authority of the world church 9-stage hierarchy. The Pope is head of the College of bishops and does Supreme, full, immediate, and universal jurisdiction over the whole Church. In the exercise of his rights, he is not limited. This violence is also known as Primatialgewalt.
The Pope is advised in his duties by the Synod of bishops and the Cardinals. The Curia as a governing body for the Government of the Church existed. The College of bishops is a subject of law. … Carrier management violence. The Second Vatican Council and the CIC 1983 attributable to highest and full powers in regard to the whole Church the Bishop College, which exerts it together with the Pope as the head of the College of bishops. The exercise of violence against the Pope is, however, not possible. Dictatorship, such as FIFA, dogmatism, clan society A State Church contract is a contract between a State (nation-State or another Member State, such as in particular a land of the Federal Republic of Germany) and a religious community.
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Superior Council
Filed under NewsMay 24Many manifest concerned by children of the India or Africa, where so many die, either due to malnutrition, hunger, or whatever. But there are millions deliberately eliminated by abortion. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was the great Spanish philosopher Julian Marias, than the worst that has happened in the 20th century without exception, has been the social acceptance of abortion. Bioethics Committee, Spain, has delivered an opinion which concludes that killing a human being is not any imposition, but if a right. An opinion as scandalous as obscene.
There has been a particular vote: of Cesar Nombela the most backed vowel by the autonomies, microbiologist and former President of the Superior Council of scientific research that has voted against such pamphlet, by removing the colors to the rest of the Committee to denounce the radical contradiction in which incurred, by recognizing that from conception, there is a new human life distinct from the pregnant mother; but at the same time admit that it can finish on a voluntary basis with this life, during the first fourteen weeks of their development. But today I will not remove nauseating filth that apparently, by ignorance, resentment or personal gain, many will tumble happy. Put highlights in my article that difficult is defending the honour of God which has apparently caused an interested uproar between the ultraconservative and reactionary Liberals insatiable selfishness and hypocrisy that we are impregnated, disease that has led us to substitute the highest values of Christian humanism, which deepens its roots Western civilizationby personal conveniences and the golden calf, so that emerging from the blackness of our intangible empty, fertile ground fructifies in it, the bloody seeds of our own destruction which is abortion, which new Chronos devouring our own children. The human being and as such imperfect, is simultaneously capable of carrying out the most sublime actions and more abject, why suffer desdoro or impairment of its dignity.
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Credit Report
Filed under NewsApr 14Experts agree that both because 70% of all credit reports have errors. In addition, identity theft is rampant, so the reading of your own credit report often and checking to see if there are errors is vital to keep good accounts of credit how calls get free credit report. Some errors, however, are not worthy of the correction, because they have no effect on their credit accounts. These include: spelling of its name listing an old address or an incorrect address an old pattern listed as current incorrect information errors who closed an account you or the Bank while those articles do not attempt a new account that is not clearly yours, you do not need to make the effort to correct them. An address where you have never lived or a pattern you have never worked for, on the one hand, could be a sign of identity theft, so it should be investigated in free credit report. Errors that may affect your credit accounts and so they must be corrected immediately mind include: considers mentioned because unpaid was included in a bankruptcy balance current account which are not clearly theirs older than 7 years of negative articles or 10 years in the case of a bankruptcy closed accounts listed as anything with the exception of paid as agreed if you have paid time and inside completely limits credit reported as lower than the limit listed in its statement of credit card late payments, charge-offs or collections that are not theirs. The latter could also be a sign of identity theft, so you look at the source of the report immediately. A caution while it must be always beneficial to get your clear report of credit of any negative information, the removal of old items can really lower your account.
The method that writes the credit of FICO gathers to Syncrometer pray together of a very strange way. When your credit history is smeared included him in one of several groups, and when it is clean will include him in another group. You can be at the bottom of a group or cover all components that enter the determination of a credit account-based. And his situation within that group will affect their credit accounts. Thus, the removal of an old negative could move him from the top of a group to the bottom of another and bills will fall accordingly. Remember, however, that you cannot achieve the highest scores available while you stay at one of the lower groups. So even if you have a temporary setback, is still worthwhile work in create a file of the clean credit clean my credit.
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Casco Calculator
Filed under NewsApr 1In this article I would like to talk about the concept of "Casco calculator." The idea originated when the statistics of "Yandex" I saw that people enter this month inquiry more than 15,000 times. After the introduction of this request, they go to sites which is located and this "calculator" in order to calculate the value of the policy. Let's start with the following question: "What is to represent Casco calculator?". This should be a beautifully decorated box to enter data such as: 1. Make and model of car 2. Year of release 3.
The approximate cost of 4. The number of persons admitted to management 5. Their age, years of 6. Protective means which is equipped with a car. After the data entry program to calculate the value of the policy of "20 insurance companies with discount." You click "calculate" and (multiple) – see nothing – see the following phrase: "Your application has sent" – see calculation in the end you feel cheated, because even if you see the calculation, it would be wrong. When you call and order policy, then you will say: "This was a preliminary calculation, unfortunately, it's wrong," One small Disclaimer – I have seen only one correct calculator online, but it is not. This is because the data you have entered enough. Even if there were enough to update the calculator is very expensive and useless pleasure.
Tariff policy, the methodology of calculation of car insurance varies in each of the insurance company every two weeks. In addition, if you see a calculation of price and you do not like, you can simply close the page and leave a this site. It is unprofitable to the owners site since If you call, then you will have a chance to catch a good suggestion, or to understand the reason for your departure to a competitor. In the end, we obtain the following calculators Casco on the Internet is not – they are all forms of feedback, created in order to get your details and contact you for clarification of data. Ps: People shake on the "calculate" up to 20 times and brokers come to the post office 20 mb of identical bids.
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Ford Focus
Filed under NewsMar 28Having studied the statistics of accidents, EuroNCAP has developed a methodology by which simulated the most common accidents. For example, we saw the crash-test 40 per cent head-on collision runs at a speed of 64 km / h and hit the side of the car a special truck (or other vehicle) at 56 km / h. During the test identifies a number of key parameters. In particular, security the driver and passengers, the degree of risk car for pedestrians, the ability to quickly restore the machine when not strong collisions (for example, when parking). Conducted late last year brought EuroNCAP tests new Ford Focus in leaders on security in its class.
He became the only vehicle to receive one hundred percent of passenger safety rating in frontal and side collisions, as well as one hundred percent rating to protect children from injury and injuries. Scored a total of 35.46 points, the model has received the maximum five stars for the overall safety and four stars (the highest result yet) for the safety of children and good for the two stars pedestrian safety. Commenting on this, the Secretary General Adrian Hobbs said EuroNCAP: 'Focus received the highest scores in the security of passengers for the entire seven-year history of our tests. Team of its developers helped raise the bar even higher standards, thus showing other manufacturers the goal towards which they should seek. " Faster, cheaper, more reliable elements of comprehensive security are laid in the construction of car Long before the first model will be created in the gland.
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Mar 11
But it is more frequently observed aggressive reactions in people. Rather unload our anger developing all kinds of descriptions to the police and the most arrogant take offense directly. I was very young when I noticed this phenomenon and I also noticed that almost in all cases the offenses were well taken, that is, the real fault was the "defense" of the "accused" was nothing more than a set excuses fetched or not believed themselves. Admittedly, it is. Also found that there was a high correlation between the friendliness of the offender and the benevolence of the police. I also thought that there was nothing worthy to recognize that we ignored traffic rules and since I started driving 35 years ago, I always did well with the police.
In fact, I paid two offenses and have forgiven me about 15 at least. In one of the two cases the police were in a superior as it was in their hands to ignore the matter and let me go. In the other case I did not like the attitude of the police. I got angry, entered the car without hearing it and told him to do his duty. But most of the time, "went very well" with my offense. This is my advice and so I see things: 1 .- Be honest with yourself and with the police: Do not claim because you committed a violation. Recognize that screwed up, it will be a relief for the police because they've found in you a sincere person instantly relieve stress for him to change their expectations for the immediate future.
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Feb 10
Rome Piazza Venezia if tourism travel to Rome and you are located in the heart of the Italian capital, then you’ll be standing in the Piazza Venezia, at the end of the Via dei Corso. From this wonderful place, it will be a short walk to some of the most famous places of Rome as the Campidoglio, the Roman Forum and the Pantheon. Its current appearance is the clear result of a late 19th century urban work. To obtain the large size of the same had to destroy some buildings of medieval Rome. Piazza Venezia is the nerve center of the Italian capital where you can make some shopping in Rome, a place in which typical congestion and traffic problems are manifest more than in any other point of the city. In addition, it is the place of the starting main streets or Roman roads close to renowned hotels in Rome (Via del Corso, Fia of the Imperial forums or Via del Plebiscito) and the area where some of the most important historical monuments are. Among them the Palazzo is, without doubt, Venice, a Renaissance building, whose main balcony which was used by Benito Mussolini to give some of his most iconic speeches.
Just in front of this building is the so-called Palazzo delle Assicurazioni Generali di Venezia, however, the most striking monument of the square is dedicated to King Vittorio Emanuelle II, known as the Vittoriano or, more colloquially, the machine’s writing, by its particular shape. When traveling to Rome we can not miss this colossal neoclassical style building which was built between late 19th century and early 20th century as a tribute to Italian unification and its first monarch. Large stairs, Corinthian columns, the so-called altar of the fatherland and an equestrian statue of the mentioned sovereign are some of its most representative elements. In addition, from the Vittoriano is unable to access the basilica of the Aracoeli, and thence, in turn, to the Campidoglio, with wonderful views of the forums. In short, to ask us to visit in Rome, this will be an option that you can not lose if you visit the Italian capital. Source: Press release sent by vannesakol.
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General Notes About Consumerism
Filed under NewsJan 17In developed countries where people have access to countless offers the widest range imaginable, where the only limitation is the income level of the individual or family group, there is growing concern for trying to guide people to can manage their finances and thus balance their hectic pace of expenditure with revenues obtainment.a society overall care of your credit because without it, literally disappear all kind of opportunities that are offered daily for those that fall within the definition of good payers.
The harshness of this reality tells us that, whether a person has no credit, drive more effective than simply not exist, the absence in the records of credit controllers and the fact of having no background in this area prevents them from access to the system so that the person can move only within the limitations of its purchasing power in cash, will not have any other alternative under any circumstances. That for a high consumption society is one more reason for you to look, by all means, to maintain a reliable credit behavior. However, given the growing temptation of offers truly amazing, it is very common to live on the edge of the knife, the edge, contracting payment commitments can not be completed as scheduled amortization, which causes high additional costs on account of interests and the consequent restrictions on the realization of new loans in the future, which if obtained, will be at a disadvantage compared with those obtained previously. This situation has led to create real crisis of relationship in the family unit, one of the leading causes of breaking those links. .
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MindBrain Problem
Filed under NewsJan 7RELATIONS BETWEEN THE MIND-BRAIN PROBLEM AND THE MENTAL way of characterizing As expressed in the definitions of mind-brain problem, it should also be clear that I pose the same (or more specifically, the answers to that I raise) the issue involves almost inevitably take a stand (eg a theory) about the nature of the mental. Indeed, this close affiliation can be demonstrated in various ways through the different theories about the mind-brain relations, as follows: Cartesian Dualism: the mind is basically an immaterial substance that interacts with the body it is attached in a way inaccessible for philosophical thought. Radical behaviorism, the mind does not exist, there is only the behavior of organisms, therefore there is no mind-brain problem to the extent that there can be indeed a problem of relations between something existing (brain) and some non-existent ( mind) Physicalism: the mind and brain processes (apparently) exist, but ultimately, they are nothing but the brain and brain processes. Functionalism: The mind and brain processes (apparently) exist, but ultimately, are nothing informational states of a system that is: how components are arranged so that each one constitutes "information carrier" to allow the system to perform certain functions (ie, the so-called "mental functions" perceiving, thinking, reasoning, evaluating, deciding, problem solving, creating, acting, etc.). The problem of dualism Preliminary characterization dualism is the doctrine that there are two kinds of things or aspects in the universe: the mental and physical. The dualism goes back to the doctrines of the soul developed by Greek philosophy, especially Socrates and Plato, but in modern philosophy was formulated as a comprehensive theory of Descartes.
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Jan 2
It is usually believed that MP4 is just a modern and updated version of MP3. But it is not so at all. It is something very different in its features. 4 iPod Nano Aluminum Case: A stylish aluminum case with neoprene lining for the iPod Nano. This case is very light and fits perfectly around your Nano, the neoprene lining prevents scratches on the inside and the hard aluminum prevents knocks and scrapes on the outside.
Effectively, here comes the master piece which we re going to discuss in our words later. That is, iPod, a device which not just revolutionized the music globe but was a source of inspiration for numerous other companies. Every other music celebrity wanted to become a part of it. Users can opt to use the external screen to see who is calling without having to open up the flip phone. Once the phone is opened, it will connect the incoming call. When the call is finished, simply closing the call will terminate the connection. This phone comes bundled with a lot of attractive features like the ones already declared above, and to add to this, it comes with included social networking updates, so that you get every updates from Facebook and Twitter, just to name to socail networking websites. YouTube, Google Talk and Google Maps are also included, so that a being is completely in touch with the internet to know what’s happening around.
Even the Motorola Mobile Price range is remove low in comparison to Christian Louboutin Pumps the features it provides, thus making the Motorola Quench XT3 XT502 a lucrative one. Why don’t people care more about protecting the things that make life easier? I have never understood the consumer who will drop hundreds of dollars on an item, only to balk at paying a few extra dollars to cover and protect that investment. Unfortunately, it seems to be in human nature that people will generally dig deep for the money to splurge on a toy, Red Bottom Shoes but the well seems to dry up quickly when it comes to investing just a few extra dollars to maintain, protect, or customize the larger purchase. I have noticed this trend seems to be especially noticeable with the gadgets out there in today s society. * VisionThere are lots more specific Hemi Sync CDs, such as Quit Smoking and Chemotherapy Companion. Each 30-40 minute track is made of music and gentle white noise (and sometimes Christian Louboutin Ankle Boots a person speaking). They are extremely pleasant to listen to as you drift through altered states of consciousness. Samsung Chat C3222 is the first mobile that offers QWERTY keypad in addition to DUETS; It gives traveling business people and conversing heavy texters improved choice on the go mobile. No matter, you are dealing with the two phone numbers or enjoying the benefit of different tariff plans, admittance to two SIM cards assist you stay in touch with twice the convenience. Enjoy anytime, access your email along with favorite social networking sites anywhere, and also the instant messaging.
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