
The World and Modern Science

  • Foreign Investors

    Filed under News
    Oct 30

    The head of state of all its activities demonstrates a huge desire to attract the largest possible number of foreign investors in Ukraine, but because the norms proposed in these bills wreak havoc on the country's investment attractiveness. – In addition to the text of the explanatory memorandum to the bill number 8163 told the following "At the current stage of development of agricultural market a significant portion of the proceeds from the sale of products grown by domestic agricultural producers, intermediaries and assigned to exporting companies (traders), most of which have foreign capital. " That is, in other words for Ukrainian companies with foreign money is bad? That's the whole investment attractiveness. – But first of all, the authors take care of domestic manufacturers, which currently does not have access to the export of their products. – In order to to understand this question let's understand the market model, which is now proposed by the legislators. At the moment there are so many manufacturers are at a considerable distance from each other. Small intermediaries, whose number is also large enough, with little working capital, and traders with significant working capital.

    Small broker collects from manufacturers products, accumulating it in Port elevators, and then sells the trader that exports large quantities of goods on the world market. Such a model exists in the world. The proposed model would look like, a monopoly will gosagent buy directly from the manufacturer of products that will sell on the world market, other traders will be able to export only if the 50% share of the growing season. So eliminated the small broker that, at first glance, not bad, but the trader and gosagent are at a disadvantage, because gosagent no obligation to invest 50% of the products manufacturer. So, the question of the existence trader in this model is also solved. In this state agent can single-handedly regulate prices in the domestic market, putting the producer to choose to sell at the proposed prices or not sell at all, which is also not stimulates the growth of agricultural production and the revival of agriculture.

    First of all, these bills eliminate the concept of competition in the grain market. – What to do and what are the ways of development APC? What standards should be taken to our legislators? – First of all – direct discussions with market participants, calculation of the economic consequences of the introduction of laws, consult with experts and study the rules existing domestic and international laws, for example, the same WTO rules that are to our community member states, the norms of direct action. You can explore the experience of neighbors such as Russia, all efforts which are aimed at the liberalization of the market and the development of logistics infrastructure. As for us in the country as a whole infrastructure is much better, thanks to this small resellers who accumulates the products from manufacturer. And of course, pay attention to the accuracy of the language as vague definition opens up considerable opportunities for speculation and corruption, killing the development of any industry.

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  • ACTIVITY Surveys

    Filed under News
    Oct 30

    In times of crisis we all look for options to make a little extra money, this article I’ll show you some ways that the purpose is not to get rich, this requires hard work, the purpose is to know how to gain a little more money, help cover expenses. If you were hoping to win millions how easy and fast, because I have not. One way to make some extra money is through the Internet. This tool revolutionized the telecommunications world, we have at our disposal much information and many ways to reach more people. Through this medium we can make money from home without having to be trapped in an office, I know people who make their living on the Internet, and although not supermillonarios and perhaps do not earn more than an average office worker, have a great advantage average office workers do not have. Mobility and independence.

    By mobility I mean that they have to be in an office all day, can work from home or go out and work from any location with Internet access. Yet most important is independence, not have to take orders from anyone, are at the wheel of his destiny. This is very valuable. But to get to earn a living online can take a few years. For now we see some ways to earn money and if you persevere and work hard one day achieve the desired independence. One of the easiest is this, did you know you can earn money answering emails or surveys? That’s right. If you use Google you can search for companies that engage in this. Why anyone would pay to resolve polls? Many market research companies to better position your product, and the best way is through surveys.

    This information is valuable because if you do not respond to market needs may lose money. But these surveys can take away time from other ACTIVITY ralizar, which is why companies outsource to make them. What do these companies? Instead of looking for people to survey, people go to them, nobody likes to do surveys but with Incest money, you save people that have to be playing house to house to conduct the surveys and therefore money. You will not make much money with this, but a few extra dollars are good for anyone. Do not even need to invest much time, you can even do them from work. Be honest how long miss a day surfing the internet and watching chain letters. You could use this time and make extra money. Go to your favorite Internet browser and look for these businesses, so you can start earning some money online.

  • Verification Costs

    Filed under News
    Sep 17

    The accounting studies the patrimonial situation and financial the economic performance of an entity, and the agronegcio studies all commercial relation and industrial involving the productive and agricultural chain or pecuria.com the accounting and the agronegcio come to the idea to search clarification on the subject in anci to establish paramentos of agreement that are passveis. According to DUTRA, (2001) Verification of costs it consists of its accumulations for each type of unit or function that fits refined and to be mensurado with precision, and inside of a cost system exists such measures to be taken, knowing that to analyze all a system of cost of a company it has that coffer with all the responsibility cabveis since of its fixed costs the 0 variable and all qualification of costs in compensation it increases more the varieties of you analyze for its taking of managemental decisions basing on information more complete and objective. For Dutra (2001, p.249) ‘ ‘ the methods of costs are based on operation of costs, where its predominant order in rateios is changeable in agreement, for ways of costs and expenses that if can reach inside of one empresa’ ‘.

    Arajo (2009), at the beginning of the sprouting of the agronegcio existed ways that well were not suggested for the manual work that the man would go finds new concepts and methods for its survival in the field of agriculture why specific knowledge did not exist on as to work, and were in the beginning of its development, and the man with passes of the times was extracting information and getting success with its evolution automatically. This system backwards great relevncias for the market due its vises of as the branch of the agronegcio in agriculture functions, and backwards information essences for taking of decisions, as to act as the changes before the portire and after it, which methods will be implanted for always work with this type of sistmica in agronegcio.e searching to evolve so that the market is benefited with these methods..

  • Social Engineering

    Filed under News
    Sep 15

    Of this form, it can be affirmed that the ergonomics can carry through partnerships with some areas of knowledge, as the Medicine of the Work, Social Engineering of Production, Sciences and with the Economy; even so distinct areas that, aim at to establish ethical lines of direction and techniques, that is; the idea is to adapt the work to the human being and never in contrast, however, in some cases, had the internal difficulties of the organizations, the practical one finishes occurring in inverse way, either for insufficience of technique, financier or organizacional politics. According to Vidal (2002), the work of the ergonomics aims at to decide the problems that appear in the professional life. The modalities and the fields of the ergonomics can to be: ) how much to the object: production and product ergonomics; b) how much to the perspective: conception and intervention ergonomics; c) how much to the purpose: ergonomics of correction, framing, remanejamento and modernization. To follow, the field of performance of the ergonomics is presented: Ergonomics of Product and Production: The product ergonomics is come back toward projects of diverse devices, as tools, utensils, furniture, clothes, etc. hards by clicking through. the production ergonomics foca the norms and procedures (technician and human beings), verifying the conditions in the execution of the tasks in the work environment. It is called simultaneous ergonomics, therefore, one contributes with the other.

    Ergonomics of Intervention: One is about the reply to be given to the customers, users, consumers referring the implantation of an ergonomic action. Ergonomics of Conception: Elaboration of new products, processes, methods of work and/or systems. Search change of habits in the form to think and to make, aiming at always improvements. Ergonomics of Correction: Search to correct or to minimize the discomfort in the ranks of work, its routines and procedures of the laborativas attributions. Ergonomics of Framing: It aims at the implementation of standards to be taken care of, in agreement strategical questions, imposed for the legislation or unions.

  • Sep 14

    The strategy is a concept. This represents an important implication, that is, that all the strategies are abstractions that exist only in the mind of the interested people. It is important to remember that nobody never saw a strategy or touched in it; all strategy is an invention (MINTZBERG, 2001, P. 30). Relating the different definitions of strategy that Mintzberg and Quinn (2001, P. 31) develop, as much how much as plain is observed that and/or standard can be compatible with perspective and position.

    An example is the emergent strategy that it is characterized by a behavior standard that is recognized as an excellent action for strategy, to the point of being enclosed in the strategical planning, becoming plain. In such a way, the general perspective gave edge to a standard, that emerged as strategy. According to Mintzberg and Quinn (2001), the perspective of a company can be considered one ' ' personalidade' ' , in which, through previous experiences, and its relation with environments can mold to a standard. These perspectives, a time established are difficult of being modified. , The more in such a way consistent they are the perspectives, more consistent go to be the standards while the position becomes less consistent. 2,3 Empreendedorismo and Inovao One of the great differentials detached for Porter (1998) are the companies who reach competitive advantage by means of innovative actions, then what it really creates is the perception of chances inside of a sector that the competitors ignore.

    People with innovative profile, in marked they are recognized for being enterprising. According to Shumpeter (1828), ' ' the essence of the empreendedorismo is in the perception and the exploitation of the new chances in the scope of negcios' '. For it, to undertake always has to see with creating a new form of use of used resources already, where they are dislocated from its traditional job and citizens the new combinations.

  • Cristovo Columbus

    Filed under News
    Sep 13

    The origins of the tobacco are linked directly since primrdios of our settling for the Portuguese, according to some historians, the deriving economic support of the production of the tobacco in Brazil and the Bahia. in this last occurrence in the Recncavo, was a watershed for the social, cultural and economic development of the related region, even so today in lesser intensity. Ahead of this context this scientific article has for purpose to evidence which the resultant contribution of the agricultural activity of the tobacco for the Recncavo, without disrespecting the national context. Aiming at to take care of this proposal, the subdivision of the research was elencada of the following form: First Topic? The origins of the tobacco in the world, evidencing that the fact occurred as some historians, simultaneously with the desbravamento of Americas for Cristovo Columbus. According to Topic? The initial culture in the world, Brazil and the dissemination in the Europe is dated. Third Topic? it all shows the art of the process of the tobacco, since plantation until the commercialization of the finished product.

    Topical room? It makes boarding of the culture of the tobacco and its impact in the Brazilian economy, the measured periods of crisis and the first ones that they had directly reflected with the Brazilian economy. The fifth Topic? it tells to the passage of the culture of the tobacco in the bahian Recncavo and which its contribution in the national scene, beyond citing the moments of apogee and crisis and the cities that if had more intensely detached with the production and all inherited the cultural and economic legacy. 1,0 Origins of the Tobacco in the World the discovery of in agreement tobacco Heifer (2001) I appeared since the first trip of Columbus to Americas. Rodrigo de Jeres and Lus de Torres, friends of Columbus, had found the plant in Cuba, enter perpassar of days 2 (two) and 5 (five) of the month of November of the year of 1492, as register in the SINDIFUMO (Union of the Industry of Fumo of the State of So Paulo).

  • House Museums

    Filed under News
    Aug 25

    It was the autumn of 1946 an extraordinary post-war, golden, sun, resembling, levitanovskuyu autumn, with its light and quiet sadness of farewell glance. Idly falling leaves from trees, covering the beautiful multi-colored carpet almost deserted sidewalks. Slowly, wandering through the park Kislovodsk artist Vladimir V. Seklyutsky, demobilized from the army sergeant, a sketchbook and a host that would write his first post-war study. In a park in post office, his attention was attracted by tombstone without the fence. On the black granite inscribed: a palette and brushes, palm leaf, “Nicholas Aleksandorovich Yaroshenko (1847-1898).” Monument to the remarkable Russian artist, the author’s favorite folk art! Bronze sculpture bust, the work of L. Posen, drained well-known St.

    Petersburg studio of A. Moran, who completed a sculpture N. Lermontov for the monument in Pyatigorsk. And the thought of Vladimir V. far in 1918, a young man he sailed as a stoker on the tug. In a little shabby cabin at the head hung a reproduction Yaroshenko, “fireman.” Even then he was filled with love for this artist, truthfully display the entire weight of the infernal work. How painful it was to see the holy tomb for us in the running. Vladimir V.

    aside sketchbook, took off his coat, and put in order the grave. Then decided to find a house where he lived artist. The house was infested Yaroshenko residents. Nothing in the estate was reminiscent of a great artist. The path on which Vladimir V. Seklyutsky went to the house Yaroshenko, became his dear and close, turned the whole his life. He was going to make sketches, and met with destiny, and in that memorable meeting at the monument, though the story itself looked into his eyes. Yaroshenko house became his business life. Began years of hard work, hassle, petitions, applications, searches, finds.

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  • Aug 24

    Almacenaje.org: advice and resources stop for their company The absence of a good plan of storage can as much cause many problems to companies as to individuals. She is that the organization of merchandises and provisions hides several secrets that, although very simple, require of effort and dedication. Almacenaje.org is a Web site where the visitors will be able to discover the keys that do to a good plan of storage. Next to this information it is possible to find strategies and products that will increase the effectiveness of a suitable planning. Easy to sail, comprehensible and pleasant, the vestibule allows us to learn how a correct storage can make our commercial tasks simpler. At the same time, we will know how to apply these techniques to our daily life.

    The users of the site will be able to find a listing of dedicated companies to offer similar supports, bookcases and other products. Those that looks for solutions of logistic and storage, will find in the site a good ally to which to consult. Those people who they want to become familiar with the storage techniques, will be able to do it at the same time as they will find information on products that can be to him of utility. An example is the one of the bookcases, furniture with which we can take advantage of all the space available, by more minimum than it is. The storage has several aspects that sometimes can escape in view of the experience people of businesses. For this reason, he is advisable to inquire into way adapted on the different existing tools and this site is a good place to do it. If you want to learn more on logistic storage and, she already knows where she can go.

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  • Aug 21

    Better supervised GmbH publishes first survey results on the topic of animal care Berlin, 04 May 2011 the better Betreut released initial results from the animal report 2011, a survey on the topic of animal care in Germany. Over 1,000 participants took time for the Berlin based company’s online questionnaire and astounded with clear statements. So, 70% of workers appreciate their employer as a domestic animal-unfriendly. One reason for this is Steffen Zoller, Managing Director of better supervised GmbH, in the inflexible workplace conditions. An animal in the workplace comes for many employers out of the question. You see this as a distraction or unnecessary stress factor.

    Experience with animals in my company show me that this is a prejudice. Four-legged friends at work provide a relaxed atmosphere in the team and often are a nice alternative for the animal.” That pays off: A positive attitude to animals in the workplace is quite a decision criterion for applicants. Any third party has the Pet already rejected a job offer. “Even the German animal welfare Federation e.V. confirmed that animals suitable for the working environment: as donation partners of the survey he calls canine colleague this year to the day of action” on. A day at the dog owners have the opportunity to take your faithful companion in the workplace. The better Betreut takes, like many other companies, takes part in the action on the 30.06.2011.

    To continue to support the Club, gave better supervised a euro for every completed questionnaire of the survey. The check is passed the German animal welfare association in the coming weeks along with the exciting and complete results. About Betreut.de – better Betreut Besser Betreut offers TuV South tested solutions in the mediation and consultancy by family services, including in the areas of child care, tutoring, senior care, pet care, household and garden. The company operates the largest database of caregivers in the German-speaking area. An experienced team also advises competent to questions around the themes of care. BESSER Betreut helps the better reconciliation of work and family through the company service numerous firms and insurance companies. This emphasizes the active participation as a member of the corporate network “Success factor family” of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Since 2007, the better Betreut supports families in more than 10 European countries. Press requests Stephanie K.n better Betreut Roth first breed 9 10245 Berlin Germany T: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-90 F: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-99 m: W: go.betreut.de/pdf/Betreut.de_Sicherheitskonzept.pdf

  • German Institute

    Filed under News
    Aug 19

    Another 45 percent see a bank change as likely, but still know not the time for the next Bank bills. With 47 percent, but nearly half of all respondents have never changed the Bank and plans no Bank bills in the future. Somehow the statements not so fit pretty together. Many customers are indeed satisfied, but if there are more favourable terms at another institution, then it can be over quickly with fidelity. 74 Percent of all to question participants of Nelson survey specified in March 2013, that it can be moved by more favourable terms with another bank to a bank draft. Only with very clear distance, the more interesting financial products that are called by 31 percent of bank customers as important change reason follow on the second rank. The austerity measures of the Germans have declined in the past decade, as an early 2013 published investigation of the Federal Association of German Volks – and Raiffeisen banks on the basis of numbers of the socio-economic Panel of the German Institute for economic research shows.

    Their demographic change requires increasingly private precautionary efforts. Usually, the chip efforts appear too low to provide enough for the age. More than half of the households with a monthly income of less than 1,500 euros range even in 2011 not. Considering only the respondents who actually save, some interesting findings show. The largest share in the Group of savers with monthly savings of up to 50 euros is to find with 29 percent. Behind it, the Group of savers who want every month between 100 and 200 euros on the high edge lies on the second rank. This share is 25 percent and it slightly higher than the proportion of those savers who every month between 50 and 100 euros to rebuild on the high edge. The proportion of depositors with savings of a magnitude between 50 and 100 euro per month is 24 percent.