The World and Modern Science
Jul 7
Reseller magazine, the modern E-Commerce magazine for shop owners, eBay sellers, and all those who earn money on the Internet want to Hamburg, 21.03.2011 the CDM publishing digital media launches an innovative partner program on 1st April 2011 for its new, modern E-Commerce magazine reseller magazine. It is not only a common affiliate program. Innovative sales opportunities of CDM publishing for digital media is also reflected in the marketing of its latest product, the online magazine reseller magazine”, lived happy innovation. He offered even the usual affiliate program, where a partner as a percentage is involved in the revenue obtained with its help, its distribution partners but of CDM publishing goes a step further. He forgives real reseller licenses for its online magazine, which entitle the holder to sell the reseller magazine under their own responsibility and at the same time to keep 100% of revenue.
The reseller license for their acquisition, the partner paid a one-time license fee, is This for distribution partners particularly interesting, because she allowed the seller all income he generated by selling the issues of reseller magazine, to keep itself. So, the success of his commitment, if the low license costs are again played, completely even benefit him. Special engagement and marketing skills will be rewarded here especially. At the same time the distributor with the reseller license receives, if you like 12 individual licenses, because the license is awarded for 12 months and includes all 12 appeared in this period issues of reseller magazine. Skillful seller can make it so, to build up a loyal, ever-growing readership, the month can provide you with the latest information to all areas around the topic of e-commerce and E-commerce. That strengthens the customer so mediated knowledge and marketing expertise at the same time also the image and reputation of the seller itself.
Why is the reseller license for Web agencies and other service providers with the Audience online retailer, shop owners and eBay seller quite interesting and can own services target groups expand and complete. High-quality advertising materials as experienced marketing and E-commerce specialist of CDM Publishing uses the latest Internet technologies and software solutions for the development and optimization of promotional advertising materials. Free spending, sales videos, widgets, banners, specially programmed landing pages etc are provided of course free distribution partners. This is true not only for the owner of one of the reseller licenses, but for all sales partners. Professional support also in the future all partners are directly through the Publisher at their distribution expenses supported and advised, because of CDM publishing provides its partner program not only pure sales program as a genuine partnership, in which deserve not only to sell and money, but also mutual mutual learning and cooperation comes to optimize. For this purpose, the CDM-Verlag is on its Web page a special member’s area, exclusively for his partner a. Seller just new or not so active in the partner area can benefit tremendously from this cooperation, because they learn along the way how to successful selling. Lucrative deals until 31.03.2011 are interested seller secure the discount of 100 euros on the regular license price, also participating in the normal affiliate program is very lucrative, because the sales commissions amount to up to 40%, which is also in this sector clearly at the top. To affiliate partners can apply not only the issues of the reseller magazine, but also some other interesting products of CDM publishing and its affiliates. Marko Christiansen editorial reseller magazine
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Lifestyle Magazine FreeDays
Filed under NewsJul 3‘Recovery’ for FreeDays gave it very exciting and personal (entrepreneur) days the fair recovery 2011 “for business start-ups and young entrepreneurs last Thursday, Julia Brotz brought a lot of visitors at their first stand at all, which had been prepared in addition to around 80 other exhibitors. You have been asked the various questions to the company, the vision and the actual offer. And even the other exhibitors looked carefully at the idea of FreeDays, listened well and consult very intensively. “Ultimately there was a single opinion, namely, that” outsourcing is the future, the FreeDays makes it now possible! “The great advantage of coming together of FreeDays and interested parties was that now everything was once very real. In the daily business communication refers to with the customer rather the digital way. It is communicated via Skype, phone or email. On this day, everything was tangible but and there could be new, personal contacts establish, as well as intensive discussions face to face. Positive vote from this event was just the next day to the next event the entrepreneur days at the Radisson Blu in Frankfurt.
An event that is focused not only on the business alone, but their entire family. Finally, the entrepreneurship often affects the entire family and can not be described as a single scene. There were even programmes for children. Here too, a number of new people came together, to inform and to share. There was this event, not least because of the successful woman Brotz lecture, she held within the framework of outsourcing workshop for FreeDays. The Auditorium was filled to capacity and the visitors were lively even after a detailed lecture willingness to talk and curiosity. Even in the course of the show in the aftermath of the event offered opportunities to convince the principle and system of assistance and outsourcing. It was so also here clearly: the Interested in virtual assistance, the need for more time for the essentials, is huge! Long, exhausting days lie behind all those involved and draw the following conclusion with himself: the appearances on the upswing and the ENTREPRENEUR days were successful, interesting, and suggest a continued successful work by and with Julia Brotz.
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China Contraction
Filed under NewsJul 1The Deep one foresees that the production industrial of U.S.A. it goes to fall colossal 2.8% this year. In contrast of most of the economists who are foreseeing recovery in as the semester, the FMI does not wait improvement some before 2010 middle. exactly it calculates there that the growth will be of anmicos 1.5%. On the other hand, the Cabinet of the Budget of the Congress of U.S.A. foresees a growth of 4% in 2010. Meanwhile, the economy of the zone of euro must have contraction of 4,2% this year and 0,4% in 2010, according to FMI, criticizing the block in relation to the weak public answers and coordination. According to Deep, the contraction must be ' ' particularly severa' ' in Ireland and ' ' sufficiently severa' ' in Great-Britain and that the unemployment in developed European economies must increase around 10% in the 2009 end and continue speeding up until 2011.Em Asia, the FMI it esteem that the contraction of Japan must be gone deep more than previously imagined, while the Chinese economy tends to grow in a slower rhythm.
The Deep wait that the Japanese production falls 6.2% in 2009, very worse forecast that the esteem decline of 2,6% in January. For China, the Deep one reduced the forecast of growth in 2009 for 6,5%, before 6,7%, tax equivalent to half of the registered one in 2007 and well below of registered 9% in the last year. Sobrou for the banks Latin-americanosO prolongation of the world-wide contraction threat to even create significant risks for banks that today seem solid and had been even though contaminated by the reliable crisis that shook the financial sector in the advanced countries, said the director-controlling of Fundo Monetrio Internacional (FMI), Dominique Strauss-Kahn.' ' Latin America does not have a banking crisis today, but financeira' has a crisis; ' , Strauss-Kahn in the afternoon of tuesday, interview to the Value and others said three Latin American periodicals. .
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You Are Your Own Brand
Filed under NewsJun 27For most of my professional career I have worked in themes of consulting, basically in IT professional services. My training as a PMP, experience in IT (development of SW, ITIL), quality (CSSGB, Lean Thinking) and Business (public accountant and Administration degree) attached to my educational experience I focused on the analysis of the complexity that involves being responsible for a project and in how one should deal with an ambiguous and unpredictable environment, and however exit successful as a professional and individual. My recent reading of the book of Seth Godin Linchpin: Are you Indispensable? it motivated me to write this article about the importance that attached to any professional and above all in a project manager, the fact to be highlighted through a personal stamp, rather than my own labour experiences showed me it. As said it another book about Marketing Personal, as opposed to the notion of commodity is the brand. Everyone can see the difference between a cola drink and Coca-Cola, or between a hamburger and Mc Donalds.
The question is: can this phenomenon of the brand be attributed to professional services and be applied to a person? Unlike the sale of products, the world of professional services is intangible, is constituted by a relationship between the professional and the customer or user of the moment that provides your service. In this case the customer’s satisfaction is necessary condition for the continuity of that relationship. A dissatisfied customer can cut its link with the professional or that this weakens, decay and finish. Our intangible benefit such as professionals materializes in ourselves, our person, our appearance, our knowledge, the way in which we relate and solve customer problems, all that is the container of our services. The key to success in the professional services lies in the fact of being able to sustain long-term relationships with customers.
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Social Intelligence And Success In Life
Filed under NewsJun 6At present, it is certainly possible to speak of the totality of human abilities, combined specialists in the field of psychophysiology and creative genius of personality, a general concept “Social intelligence” as the main factor determining the success of human life. This statement is confirmed by numerous scientific studies conducted both abroad and in our country, the results which allow full voice and with full responsibility to make such statements. What kind of power and how realistic these abilities to develop to the desired level? It is about man’s ability to successfully adapt to environmental conditions and effectively to build productive relationships with other people. In addition social intelligence includes the ability to understand and adjust, as their emotional reactions and emotional reactions of others, and at the same time, the ability to use these abilities in interpersonal relations. Some researchers of the field, ability to manage emotional sphere are allocated separately and defined them as emotional intelligence. Both of these concepts – the “social intelligence” and “emotional intelligence” – are so intertwined that their separation, in my view, it makes sense only in terms of scientific detail. From the standpoint of determining the ability of determining the success of human life, this separation is not essential, and for this reason, this article will be considered in the context of a single definition of social intelligence.
In the light of existing research results, it appears that common perception in the community for a long time to view the that person’s success can be identified with his abilities as measured by tests for IQ, was not quite wealthy, or rather has undergone considerable updating. Sure, we can not exclude this ability from the list factors necessary for success. But how many people would not have been high rates your IQ, you simply will not show them, if your ability to build relationships with people will not at the proper level. Moreover, the available research suggests that often people with high IQ have significant difficulties in communicating and establishing contacts with other people. Think, for example, their fellow students – many of those standouts, who predicted a bright future teachers, currently occupy in the life of the positions that are traditionally considered to be the achievement of success? Highly doubt it. Such people, and if succeed, it is likely that success in a highly specific narrow area, usually does not require the establishment of multiple contacts with other people.
And vice versa – those who differed from childhood open character, was the soul of the company, in most cases, and in the adult period in his life, retain its leading position. Often they become effective managers, and held various management positions, in spite of their past behavior and unsatisfactory for many academic subjects. Furthermore, available data are conclusive, indicate that the capacity determined by IQ, are enshrined in a person at birth, and in many ways defined circumstances, formed in childhood. The ability of the same form of social intelligence and refined throughout the life of a person on the basis of the acquired his own personal experience. On There are some reports, these abilities in the natural development of favorable reach pronounced at the age of, roughly, about thirty-five years. A focusing efforts on developing their skills of social intelligence, as clearly assert the results of research, it is productive, perhaps at any age. The sooner you realize this and start moving in this direction, you will have more chances to secure the welfare of present and future success.
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Filed under NewsMay 9The materials used in the cults afro-Brazilians come being modified for the introduction of techniques and new materials, as weaveeed synthetic, metalloids, plastic lines of nylon, accounts and of resins, metal galvanization, that is widely used for craftsmen, making possible the object production in bigger scale, what it sells at a loss the end item, the musical instruments and the rhythms who are executed possesss historical values. They are medias and of information, they are sacred e, after the obligations, become instruments of materialization and exteriorizao of the vital forces, that is, of the 9 Ax. This is, for example, the case of atabaques. In Salvador it is great the consumption of musical instruments, for the integrant ones of professional and amateur bands, for the entailed tocadores to the cult afro, for the amateur public and the tourists that visit the city periodically, notadamente the foreigners. The preference falls again on percussion instruments. With the creation of bahian rhythms as afroreagge and ax, these musical instruments had wide passed to be used by percussionistas, data to the predominance of the African rhythm that is dominant in the city. The list of the instruments of the Brazilian rhythms is great diversified e, of the most varied origins (European, eastern, African, etc.), beyond autctones, where if they include the instruments aboriginal. Most of the produced musical instruments in Salvador is percussivo.
In general, they are of African origin, with small modifications carried through when passing of the time better to take care of to the new musical styles created by the Brazilians. They had come at the time brought for the blacks of the slavery and, initially, they served to ritmar the cantos and the parties of the cults afros. Due to ethnic origin of these instruments, the produziz form them and to touch them, survived all these years being the last information to the successive generations for the verbal tradition.
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Very Beautiful Way
Filed under NewsApr 7Anyone who knows this strong, wordy, flexible and system-independent programming language, is not surprised by their durability. According to a survey, 93% of respondents believe that COBOL is also in future play an important role in your company are and the average American works in interaction with a COBOL program still 13 times per day. IT modernization is high on the project list for many companies and organizations. “” Almost always, that means detachment “, reprogramming” not so for COBOL! But COBOL even lift off after so many years”, is remarkable. 61% of respondents in the survey didn’t know that COBOL is already floating in the clouds”. COBOL applications in cloud environments to can be operated as well, such as the trouble-free communication with any other new technology.
Congratulate you should Grace Hopper (Rear Admiral of the U.S. Navy (Reserve), has created this treasure in 1959. How right she had: the technology is always changing, but the logic remains. Who can claim that half a century of stability and functionality? And now the gates are again wide open for COBOL! EasiRun Europe has made a famous name as COBOL specialists in nearly 20 years. COBOL compile after .NET Windows and even in the Java environment, which is our daily bread. From COBOL logic out graphical user interface design, modern printing requirements and create Web-capability, also open the world of the RDBMS for COBOL applications, it has focused our company.
EasiRun packed COBOL so that the integration of new technologies is just like IT philosophies changed adapting itself and still remains open for further developments. Now EasiRun goes on another issue relating to COBOL programming: the education and training of programmers. 50 years term which also means that valuable knowledge by the Generational change is lost. Companies and organizations and their employees can catch up now.
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Prepaid Tariffs Cheaper
Filed under NewsApr 4Are prepaid tariffs cheaper as contract? According to the prices of the prepaid tariffs through the variety of currently existing prepaid provider always continue to decline, the question whether it is even cheaper to put a prepaid card instead of a mobile phone contract is now? With any new technology, there are very high costs. Zero cost control for the most part and horrendous sums are paid for services. Some are ready with many others but as these costs to take over first, are aware of the costs and know that you only have to wait until there is more competition in the market, and they are opposing. Meaning: the prices will fall for the Otto ordinary consumer. Patience is a very important virtue sometimes and can pay off.
I still remember that the Internet at that time was measured directly and be charged per respective performance, flat rates you could only dream of at the time. And yet, after a few years the competition was so great, that you had the choice between many different providers. Until today. And there will be more! Prepaid fares the next level is now so far that even prepaid provider may be the cheaper option. Cheap prepaid tariffs, whether in the UMTS field or on the simple mobile phone customers are been spoiled and want to pay only this, what exactly is used. This is fair and can be verified quickly without any problems. One hundred percent control without extra paragraphs, which are taken into account in contracts and can be often very watery.
Prepaid rates are usually the smarter choice. Aside from the comfort and understanding. So the motto: compare, compare and compare again! If you are a few minutes time, so those minutes will pay off. And who does not, who will get angry very in the near future.
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Hong Kongs Baby
Filed under NewsMar 3140Th birthday has the HKTDC Hong Kong Toys & games fair reason to celebrate baby articles about toys and writing utensils up to licences: right at the beginning of the year, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) from 6 to 9 January 2014 organizes four trade fairs with growth potential in all respects, for young and old, for buyers and exhibitors. The sign for the toy industry still are more prosperous, more births, young companies in Asia on growth. According to Euromonitor International Asia Pacific developed up to 2016 is expected to the largest growth market for toys worldwide, with a share of 28%. In 2011, China and Japan were second and third behind North America and Western Europe on the courses. Alone on the Chinese mainland, there are about 250 million children under the age of 14.
The demand to Teddy’s, educational toys and co. in Asia continues to grow and thus the attractiveness of the exhibition and commercial metropolis of Hong Kong. With its four masses of HKTDC Hong Kong Toys & games fair, the HKTDC Hong Kong baby products fair, the Hong Kong International stationery fair and it offers a perfectly coordinated around the needs of children and parents the HKTDC Hong Kong International Licensing show at the same time. And under one roof: all four fairs take place at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The trade-fair Quartet already 2013 attracted more than 100,000 visitors from over 120 countries. Asia – the HKTDC Hong Kong’s largest toy fair has the HKTDC Hong Kong Toys & games fair 2014 to the 40th birthday toys & games fair all reason to celebrate: you is the largest of its kind in Asia and second largest toy fair in the world. More than 1,900 exhibitors from all over the world are expected at this year’s industry event.
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Guide The CampingCard ACSI
Filed under NewsMar 29Dutch quality of camp leaders gaining ACSI popularity who is? 47 Years, ACSI (car camper service international) has become the brand name among campers and campsites. Since 1965 the Publisher provides the industry travel with current camping information and innovative camping products. Andelst, July 26, 2013 – the German camper appreciate always more the high Dutch quality of the ACSI camping guides. This appreciation has resulted in that already 2 ACSI camping guide (with high circulation) in the ACSI webshop are sold out; the ACSI camping guides Europe and the CampingCard ACSI. Campers receive our guides reliable information about the camping sites they want to visit”, so Director van Reine. ACSI inspects all ACSI camp sites as sole publisher of camping Guides every year. 9800 Seats are in total.
About 200 facilities be controlled per campsite. Campers will receive reliable information.” CampingCard ACSI & pitch Guide The CampingCard ACSI is located among the leaders sold out. Camper in the off-season can stay very cheap with the purchase of this guide. This successful product of ACSI gaining popularity for years. Among other things by the simple system; you pay only 12, 14 or 16 on the discount card.
Can also no longer delivered to bookshops in the ACSI CampingCard & pitch Guide. There are still some copies in the ACSI webshop. This guide is a Special Edition for campers. Is ACSI camp sites listed the CampingCard under infliction of numerous campsites across Europe. Also the discount card is also included. Now the inspectors by ACSI’re 2014 to collect information for the camping season. Who still have a copy of the ACSI camping guide 2013 wants to rise, can find possibly a copy in German bookstores or caravan traders. In ACSI webshop can still the ACSI on webshop.acsi.eu Campsite Guide Germany (incl. CampingCard ACSI) are ordered.
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