
The World and Modern Science

  • Studying In France

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    Feb 7

    How fascinating sound phrases – 'Get educated abroad', 'probation in a foreign company' or 'went to study on exchange in France' … Just seems a great future career, the prestigious profession, the pride of parents for their child and of course the number of future wages with a bunch of noughts on the end (and it's currency!) and creeps into his head insidious thought: 'Why do not I try? Suddenly, you're lucky! " And so the prospective student begins to collect information about how to make the dream a reality. All night long sits on the forums on the internet, for grains of collecting information about the countries where go to study, in which universities received about contests in admission. For more information see this site: Governor Cuomo. Avidly listening to advice 'seasoned' … And this is the first step toward the dream is made – decided to do study in France! And further be enhanced training for entry – to learn French, endlessly surf educational institutions in France, which, incidentally, quite a lot, trying to understand someone else's system of education. Finally submit the dossier, a statement to the admissions office three schools in France, subconsciously realizing that no sure that those universities which wanted to get. But the cold mind whispered, 'Just to have! ".

    Another step toward the dream is made! Test of French language – a particular challenge. But there he is behind. What will the result will take or …!? And while the enemy so slows down. Hours seem to be days and days – weeks and weeks – months. And finally the long-awaited answer – yes! You – the student, and soon went to conquer France! Joy is no limit! Response from the French school – an ordinary sheet of paper, put it bluntly, not very nice, but a valuable! 'Vous etes autorise (e) a vous inscrire. Pour proceder a votre inscription vous devez vous presenter en personne au Bureau notre Etablissement.

  • Detach And Include

    Filed under News
    Feb 7

    Detach and include them in the articles does not seem excecivo guys a TV show like the Simpsons for example, are 4 or 5 attachments that could safely be in the article – Beco (Talk) 17:07 21 dec 2008 (UTC ) Quite the contrary, I find that certain content is preferable to segregate non-dragging annexes and articles too. Saludos ) wikisilki iklisikiw 17:09 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Truth Nos how the counter items, but must have 50,000 in my view attachments that are useless – Beco (Talk) 17:19 21 dec 2008 ( UTC) Anda, without the slightest relevance of the number, I think the namespace is unnecessary. Perhaps a list would be better. Netito777 17:43 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Regardless of the name or place, I think we must determine what is allowed and what is not annexed: in theory they are attached to a particular article, in practice have become a bag without thoroughly and without rules.Mercedes (Gusgus) messages 17:56 21 dec 2008 (UTC) If I am not saying remove all attachments, that some are necessary, but, for me, all attachments of the chapters in a season of a television program, these are useless – Beco (Talk) 18:23 21 dec 2008 (UTC) I think that the chapters are clearly a season annexes that complement and deepen general information raised in the article in the series. That is, the article should describe everything about the series, referring to both the existence and general content of their respective seasons (plus details such as what dates were thrown, burned, how many chapters are in each, etc. .), and annexes specifies how each chapter was discussed, or whatever. I think in this case is justified Annex, in others clearly not.Another type of “annexes” I do not know whether to call them, because they were not themselves as beings created to support a particular article, however, support a particular theme. As an example, is an attachment that I created in my early days of wikipedian: Annex: Coins of independent India. You may want to visit Thredup to increase your knowledge. Farisori message 18:46 21 dec 2008 (UTC) For Annex I put parce ahi me more than interesting because I know the currency used in Chile, but an annex on the chapters of The Simpsons and Ben 10 are little encyclopedic – Beco (Talk) 19:04 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Annexes may be more or less relevant depending on which subjects are, but more importantly from my point of view is that in the article of The Simpsons (to give an example) if we put the current 20 seasons will occupy too much space to annex this article is not long innecesareamente.- Ravave (Talk) 19:14 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Not really, Ravave, the annex is invented to escape to the lists we had almost forbidden (I say almost because the ban is not acceptable) and that the lovers cease to annoy these lists and give many problems that were. It sends the list as an annex and see it published, as they wanted. But for everything there is abuse, even for attachments, so you have to invent a subterfuge as cleaning and then another, and so on. Merry Christmas. Lourdes message here 19:43 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Pacoperez6 You’re right, I take that back. Not all schedules respond to that idea I had. I apologize Lourdes message here 22:14 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Lourdes, I do not correct your comment, it sounds to cover mouth and everyone is content and happy, I feel like I’d been given a handout to take the hand to see if it rains.Each annex published conveys information better or worse, but information that may be useless for some but for many it is absolutely necessary. Would try to restrict the wood doors. Pacoperez (Talk) 20:37 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Excuse me, can I get some examples of attachments “irrelevant” outside the context of fiction (episodes, characters ,…) Are not I have an idea exactly what annexes dealing with this topic beyond the lists of episodes (if I am relevant, albeit with reservations) Thanks and regards, Eric – Contact 20:44 21 dec 2008 (UTC) Lourdes has their right to speak and nothing seems to want to shut some mouths with your comment, we both have every reason to think that we, as the annexes, should be considered as a list of different subjects are independent of the respective articles like .. . Drama series, geography, or on the national currencies of such country.- Ravave (Talk) 23:34 21 dec 2008 (UTC) For Eric, here I leave the category of Annexes, that example does not give so I give you all – Ravave (Talk) 23:49 21 December 2008 (UTC) jeje is that this is it: SRA annexes are normally eliminated, so Eric asked for examples, believing that there is no alarm on this issue.

  • Female Bosses

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    Feb 6

    Most women take adequate decisions in the critical days. But since they last only a few days a month, the rest of the women were not able to operate as successfully as men. Employees of Institute for Social Studies of Michigan found that male bosses have less risk than a woman. And most women take the right decisions in critical days. As explained study leader Professor Yan Chen, they tested the actions of both sexes in the management of the company.

    All experiments were based on models used in economic theory, which can determine the percentage of risk, strategy and size possible in the circumstances of earnings. During the initial economic model, researchers have trading auction. Chen and colleagues conducted a series of 40 experiments. Each series consisted of 30 rounds. Scientists have identified 400 students and graduate students of different profiles of activity (including economists). All volunteers in each round randomly assigned buyers and sellers at auction. Basic conditions for the experiment consisted in the fact that all buyers simultaneously provide their bids.

    And none of them does not know each other, neither the rates of other bidders. In each round, a group of sellers to designate the approximate price of a hypothetical commodity. Buyers who got a thing is assigned a certain number of points equal to the difference between fixed price and the purchase price. At the end of the round glasses were converted into foreign currency. Each series of 30 rounds lasted from 40 minutes to an hour, and the average value of earnings for the series is $ 15.36.

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  • Internet Social

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    Feb 6

    A conception change becomes in the system of mediation of the new was of the communication and the field measured of them while dynamic element between some social fields. Tecnolgicouma is perceived today with the development legitimation of the order and the form of the structure of the medias as well as in the functioning way of the society. The mediation technique and the idea of communication in redefinition due to the constant impact of the technological innovations, fall again on form as the spectator starts to infer in social construction of the reality. Remembering that this construction passes to be molded by the system measured of them and to its promotion of socialization and integration of the individual in the society. The decurrent transformations of the process of computerization of the society, mainly with the advent of the Internet, establish new conceptions of space and time, social convergence of nets and systems. Ciberespao starts to also redefine the sociability form human being. The globalization, the easiness of connection, the access to the knowledge and the idea of participation of the virtual communities are other examples of social modifications that if they reflect in the convergences of the medias.

    One perceives that the digital age provides a present potentiality in the social relations. This also is observed in the influence of the technological devices in the identity and the communication between the people, for the new established forms of relationship in a proper cultural context. The Internet has revolutionized the world of the computers and the communications as no technological invention it had made before. This new technology is presented at the same time, as a mechanism of dissemination of the information and world-wide spreading and a way for contribution and interaction between individuals and its computers, independently of its geographic localization. To understand this new technology better it can be presented some vises on the origins and the history of the Internet.

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  • Offline Radios

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    Feb 3

    It can be heard some spots, musics, and only be read some iformaes on the sender, however it cannot affirm that estao connected, therefore the Internet only functions as media, being that the programming content is not extended in fact to the computer. Already the Online radios, different of the Offline system, not only perpassam for the computer the programmings made in the conventional radios (dial), as well as any programmings made in the proper Internet. It does not have necessarily the obligatoriness of an sender to exist in the real space, that is, can exist only in ciberespao. Other already mentioned group is the netrdios. This is characterized for being radios existing and only developed paraa Internet. The netradios possess only this new structure of inherent radiofnica lnguagem the Internet.

    They are these considered emitting of radio virtual. An advantage of the netradios is the fact not to precissarem of license, since they are bred radios specifically for the net. The model of the webrdio In the Internet, the radio congregates music, information and advertising, in parallel with other components as static animaes, images or in movement. The new supports allow the introduction of components (graphical, written tables, photographs, texts, images of video) that they complement the information disponibilizada for the way. This aspect goes to compel to an adaptation to this new form to communicate, with resources that go to allow to produce a message more complete. This new conception of radio in the Internet it can redefine the proper concept of radio, for the possibilities that the listener will not obtain to find in the traditional format and for the diffusion of the emissions in global way. In the webrdio the radiofnica language presents-senum half essentially visual. The hearing now depends on the graphical quality of its site, to attract the visitors. The new systems of diffusion for the radio, develop new forms and expectations.

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  • Feb 3

    The research pointed that the primordial and important quality is the objetividade, the personalized interaction with the followers, notice and links. These groups must use to advantage the chance and study of close everything what the users argue and quetionam. Beyond creating an important bond with the white public, fact that does not happen currently with the majority of the groups of notice. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Thredup on most websites. The impacts of the Internet in the journalistic practical companies and had been potencializados with the popularizao of web 2.0. The envolvement of common citizens, before considered mere readers, in the publication and edition of journalistic contents if has become practical one each more common time. To this trend the concept of Participativo Journalism, Journalism Citizen or same Open-Source Journalism are attributed. It is important that the groups of notice do not create an account of user in the Twitter poque to the other had only made it competitors, will have to exist a planning before this action that will raise strong and weak points, threats and chances. The analysis will have to point if the group must act in a platform Web 2,0 will be really interesting.

    Beyond everything the content could not be only one copy of the content of the traditional way is it electronic printed matter or. An employee will have to be responsible for adapting and creating tweets beyond establishing real interaction with the followers, beyond reporting anseior and perceptions of these users to the group of notice, creating a connection between the company and the public. When a company faces the possibilities of Web 2,0, makes direct contact with its public, in a more accidental climate. Web 2,0 offers to a more direct line and confiel of what any another way that came before. Web 2,0 is not only blogs, can be one podcast, a video a infinity of tools gifts in the life of the user of the Internet today.

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  • Brazilians

    Filed under News
    Jan 31

    Most of the accesses if of the one in paid places, as the LAN house (28%) and in house (23%). About 48% of the Brazilians of classroom C they have access to the Internet, and majority of these internautas has access in LAN house. The classrooms and the B also have access sufficiently in LAN house. In accordance with this research, the socioeconmicos factors and the regional inaqualities still are main the determinative ones of the access to the Internet in Brazil. Hikmet Ersek usually is spot on. How much bigger the income and the escolaridade, greater the access. Thus, richer regions have more access. As the use of the Internet is conditional for the partner-economic situation, the individuals younger than withhold greater escolaridade level and greater income presents more possibilities to keep the frequent use of the Internet. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Western Union on most websites. The divulged survey sample despite the main reason for the majority of the young internautas, 39% of the interviewed ones, to use the Internet is the information.

    Questioned on the habit to insert content in the Internet, 58% of the young declare already to have inserted either a text, a photo, a music or one has filmed. However, the majority costuma not to complain on a product or service online. About 94% of the interviewed ones they use the Internet to become related. Between the young, the half ones more used for this end are MSN the Orkut. After the social nets, the biggest virtual interactions are the insertion of commentaries in small farms of notice. These data also confirm the net as second bigger media of mass of Brazil, what online would justify more investments in the media. Of this form, to study the appropriations of the new technologies for this group at a moment where if the consolidation of the cibercultura lives can helping in them to understand the importance of the new ways for its social performance, and also, in case that it were the objective of this work, to point trends of behavior of future social groups that, to judge for the current perspectives, will make use each more intense time of the new technological resources. But following the methodology of Castells, it is better not to point the future and yes to understand the gift.

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  • So Paulo

    Filed under News
    Jan 29

    The groups of notice cited they go of great corporations as CNN and BBC to the groups of lesser notice as the Leaf of So Paulo and the Way & Message. Dynamic, objective messages and the previous knowledge of the group of notice are the main reasons so that the interviewed ones decide to follow one another user. With regard to what it dislikes the interviewed ones and stimulates that them to leave to follow a group of notice the answers they had been homogeneous. The interviewed ones had affirmed that she is necessary to have a balance, not to pastor meiosis tweets at the same time, so that they all do not occupy the available space in the page as presentation in figure 2.3. To be long periods without postage’s also influences of negative form. To lose the objectivity, with great messages that receive the signal from ellipses in the end they are ignored, the models of headings teasers does not attract them. It is necessary that they together elaborate a concise sentence in 140 characters with the main information with link for the complete notice.

    Asked if they knew the groups of notice before following them in the Twitter, the interviewed ones in its majority already knew the groups of notice and this factor was important in the hour of the decision of would follow or not. But they admit that they had known for the tool new groups of notice that desperate the interest, many times for indications of other enclosed users in the cycle of friendships of the tool. They had admitted that before twitter they visited the site of these groups with an extremely lesser frequency. On the interaction with these groups of notice most of the interviewed ones is not communicated directly with the groups.

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  • Jan 26

    Men have 31 years and 25 women, his work is possible and the Administrative Assistant is that more repeats. Here, Thredup expresses very clear opinions on the subject. To come up with adequate housing, visit an average of six buildings and take 24 days if you look on the Internet. Perhaps check out Jeff Gennette for more information. The time of stay in housing is two years. Mileurista young and unmarried. This is the usual profile of the search of an apartment for rent in the cities. They tend to be Spanish, with casual work (the Administrative Assistant is that more repeats) and take 24 days to find the desired floor if they are looking for on the Internet. They are data from a study on the profile of the tenant in Spain. The study’s conclusions the opinion of rental insurance, on the profile of the tenant in Spain in big cities urban s (June 2011), defines the tenant as a worker of 31 years for men and 25 for women, of Spanish nationality, unmarried who live together as a couple in fact and services in small and medium-sized enterprises working in the sector, with a seniority which is less than 2 years (1.7 years).

    Mileurista with precarious contract on the other hand, the wage which perceives this urban tenant profile found in population called mileuristas sector (modal value of wages: 13.790 gross per year). Financial economic data also described the profile of this tenant as a user of banking, with a debt ratio of 45.36%, who have asked for a personal loan from 6.560 and funding to the consumption of 990. Visit six floors to stay with one regarding the habits and behaviors related to rent, tenants usually pay with debit card, make it search for rental through the Internet and take about 24 days to find housing. Until they find housing, visit approximately 6 properties, spend about 1.8 hours per week to the search and nearly two visits makes final decision to rent housing. In the prrencias in the final option for housing, tenants have clear priorities: housing found near the job. These priorities are linked to some resignations, in this case the number of bedrooms. Finally, the average time of stay in a home is 2 years. Source of the news: Mileurista, Spanish, young and single, profile of the person you are looking for rentals in the city

  • Badminton Tour

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    Jan 22

    Go, who wants to be a Dodger a brand new book of badminton has been dismissed just on the free market of the sports book, has been no less, than to acquaint its readers with the high art of technical and tactical Joky. The idiosyncratic author duo Lars Lucke / Christian Schwab, which make up the fun of writing here and there secretly went in planning the tour de badminton two assumptions that should determine the structure of the book: learning from a book is subject to special requirements and should be possible even without corrective trainer. Any athletes or non-athletes”begins at its own level, and learns best in his own way. The typical approach of training, tactics, and technology”as a succession of dry sport knowledge was so not needed here. Rather Lucke / Schwab try with the distribution of the book in three stages, to pick up any reader there, where he is athletic and has desire to enter (so to speak after the bus driver “principle).

    By the selection of material about the first handle position is ideally suited to demanding techniques, such as, for example, the Sidek serve, the tour for beginners unencumbered by any advanced. But also three-quarters experts are undoubtedly still find on the various stages. The entertaining language, tips registered for many like having an also by editing not to deny wink and the vivid photos and graphics the tour de badminton to a highly readable book, and each reader make guaranteed multiple stage winner. Club attitude before the tour price: 12.95 EUR (plus shipping) contact: Lars Lucke funpool 10967 Berlin the sports network Dieffenbachstr.