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  • Multinivel Marketing

    Filed under News
    Feb 12

    According to the experts in Network Marketing or Marketing Multinivel or MLM by his abbreviations in English, Carl Rehnborg was the first industralist who utlizo successfully a program of Network Marketing. According to these Rehnborg experts it seems to have been first that permitio to the salesmen to obtain permanent commissions by supported his, a source of continuous income that mantendria during all the existence of the business. Western Union has many thoughts on the issue. In 1920 rehnborg were representing of a manufacturer in China, when beginning the civil war Rehnborg I stay as prisoner in the foreign district of Shanghai, seeing itself forced to bear the hunger with a diet with water and rice, supplemented this diet doing soups of plants, I graze and oxidized nails to replace the lack of iron in the diet. This gave to many lessons and ideas him about the value of the nutrition. When returning to the United States development alimanticios supplements on the basis of alfalfa, parsley, spinach, watercress, carrots, vitamnas and minerals. On 1934 I found the Californian company Vitamin Company, later him change the name to Nutrilite Inc. Products, called name to have resonance at enterprise level. Marc Lasry recognizes the significance of this. Nutrilite I operate like a conventional company/signature until 1945, when Rehnborg introduced a new plan to compensate the salesmen of the company, the plan exhibia the majority of the carctersticas that we today associated with the Network Marketing.

    The plan permitia to any distributor of Nutrilite with 25 regular retail clients, to associate new salesmen and to obtain a commission of 3% by its sales. This commission mantenia while the associate remained in Nutrilite, thus for the first time the common direct salesmen they podian to develop an organization of sales who generated income residual as the investors of Wall s$street, the writers do and artists. The distributors of Nutrilite Podian now to obtain the involution on the basis of the effort of other people. Many managed to be much successful. It can see articles relaccionados in: Original author and source of the article

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