Yalnizca The World and Modern Science

    Filed under News
    Aug 30

    DEEP PEACE AUTHOR. NORM AP SILVEIRA OF 26/09/09 MORAES DEEP PEACE! It is at the moments of meditation In the peace of the Celestial Sanctum That meeting in the reflection the Universal Cosmic flame In the silence of my soul the joy and the ecstasy if finds to comungar with calm and to appreciate these moments that enchant the soul if it makes receptive I appeal To it cosmic that it emanates Sprout light ideas; active to guide the life human being the love is felt with glow the PEACE grows in the heart the LIGHT surrounds then of LOVE and the love and life are GRATITUDE ****** DEEP PEACE TO ALL! LIGHT LIFE AND LOVE ******* DEAR PEOPLE! MY BETTER VOTES WITHOUT PRECONCEPTIONS ARE OS: RELIGIOUS, RACIAL OR OTHERS. OBS: CELESTIAL SANCTUM IS THE NAME THAT THE ROSACRUZES GIVE TO THE ALTAR MADE IN HOUSE FOR MEDITATION. MEDITAR IS TO ENTER IN CONTACT WITH GOD GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE; THE GOD FATHER OF OUR HEART? MEDITAR IS TO HEAR THE SILENCE OF THE HEART? MEDITAR IS TO TALK WITH GOD? MEDITAR IS TO HEAR GOD? MEDITAR IS IF TO DELIVER GOD AND TO RECEIVE THE BLESSINGS DIVINE ' ' THE LOVE IS THE ONLY FEELING THAT BACKWARDS CHANGES AND FIXES ERRORS THAT WE COMMIT, IS THE ONLY FEELING CAPABLE TO WIN THE PRIDE, THE FEAR. ONLY THE CAPABLE ONE TO PARDON, TO BE THANKFUL, TO GIVE AND TO BE. TO BE IS NOT TER' ' (MORAES NORM AP SILVEIRA).

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