Burnout Syndrome
Filed under NewsSep 29What does cervical cancer, hypothyroidism, burn-out syndrome and cerebral hemorrhage have in common? A disease the patient indicates where it should go long, but did not. If you look at any disease for which one would think, they have nothing in common. Conventional medicine would probably also so think. But look at the life flow of the client you may come to a different conclusion. We scroll back a few years: 1989: the husband of client dies all of a sudden. Shortly before, it acquired a House which is still quite a bit of debt.
There is also a 12-year-old daughter. The client tries during the next 9 years the following: to be… a good mother that did it. too arbeitzen to the debt of the House abzuzahlen…das has also managed it. herself and her daughter annually in the year some weeks holiday to gonnen…auch which has she managed. but the remaining 50 weeks in the year, she has worked and spit to cope with it all.
2006: cervical cancer: everything good run, but 8 weeks sick leave necessary, although mostly 3 weeks will be sufficient. The body benutigte very much peace after years of exploitation. 2007: Thyroid insufficiency: is treated with tablets and is well under control. From an energetic point of view, a thyroid mean underActive body: Hello, when do now finally I you’il with my needs. 2007: Burnout Syndrome: a connection with the Stress and the death of her husband is seen also from here. Now reichts, I no longer can, wants to bring the body to the surrounding. 2008: cerebral hemorrhage: from accidentally, possibly due to the heritage… Alternative medicine sees the following in the cerebral hemorrhage: something (usually in the family or at work) charged me so much, me so very tiring of life juice leaking from me. Summarize and relating the circumstances have all 4 diseases at this client made a core statement: the human being in its entirety and unit gets to the ego. Please please give me rest and relaxation and also beware of my Needs. If you don’t do this, then I have to get the much needed rest on the hard way I… P.S.: This client is my wife, who I love more than anything in the world. And the allopathic medicine has been excellent, she is on the mend and will survive expected to indemnify the disease. And I hope for them and also for me, that she uses these hints of soul and respects more suited to their own needs in the future.
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