Bensheim Karl Kubel Foundation
Filed under NewsJul 23Educational work with children and adults Wald-Michelbach characterizes Ruth Cohn and her concept of the TZI – died on January 30, 2010 in Dusseldorf a psychotherapist, the concept of the Themenzentrierten which the education and adult education has influenced interaction (TZI) substantially for more than 40 years with Ruth Cohn. The German Jew born in Berlin, studied in Zurich and emigrated to the United States in 1941. There she managed, basic insights of psychoanalysis and social psychology to connect and to make externally – and to learn for teachers and senior outside the professional worlds in education, economics and politics. Cohn developed a concept of holistic learning that is clearly oriented values with TZI. The Odenwald Institute (OI) of Bensheim Karl Kubel Foundation for child and family, she was an important companion, whose impulse have decisively influenced the development of the Training Institute. From the very beginning more than 30 years ago was the TZI in addition to transactional analysis (TA) the main root of the pedagogical work in the Odenwald Institute. As a consultant, Cohn was the founders Mary Anne and Karl Kubel to the page. She led the first meeting of the course Director in the Odenwald Institute and seminars, which drove the course leaders of the OI to her on the Hasliberg in the Switzerland.
Some of these course leaders perform trainings and seminars on the Tromm, the headquarters of the Odenwald Institute today. Mary Anne Kubel remembers: Ruth has influenced my life through their living setting and practical manner, to instruct themselves and groups. I have intensively worked later during the 1990s for my seminars in India with her. \”At the end of this is it Ruth Cohn Institute (RCI) developed international in India.
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