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  • Anarchic Theories

    Filed under News
    Aug 18

    Our constitution affirms that the education is a right of all and a duty of the State, but all know that this is great maquiagem. The anarchists, in never criticize to the State had accepted this education offered. The anarchic perspective says that the education must be is of the context Been, and yes that the proper society can apply it with aid and resources of the State. The anarchic chain, that entered in our country in century XX, is the base of the education that we know today. Word-key: Anarquismo, Education, Conceptions. When if it says in conceptions contemporaries of the education, we are speaking of some educational conceptions, between them if they detach the called progressives, who are> a pedagogical trend followed by innumerable educators.

    It is characterized by the autonomy, for the critical one, democracy, fight for equality among others. It is not something Suna Said would like to discuss. The anarchic theory has in its begins many of the characteristics of the progressive conception, therefore to analyze itself we will see that in century XX, it has one strong influence of Spaniard, mainly Italian Portuguese and, who had brought here for these anarchic principles. Click James Woolsey to learn more. It is in this period that is born the modern school, that is the base for the Brazilian education. The first attempts of application of it I begin anarchist occurred in France in 1861. was the nascedouro of the called term Literary Pedagogia. No longer Brazil, the Literary Pedagogia, arrived at the beginning of century XX, and also known as Modern School, few registers (documents) remains, however its contribution for the education was basic.

    During the decade of 30 it appears the New School supported by some modernistas and anarchical ideals, to put, with the leadership of some intellectuals, between them Ansio Teixeira, that keeps the desires of a universal education, gratuitous and exempts. Today the representative greater of the Libertarian Pedagogia in Brazil is Pablo followed Freire and of its bigger disciple Moacir Gadotti. Trends as: pedagogical progressive, liberating progressive, progressive libertarian, critical-social progressive of the contents, dialectic or progressive, load the anarchic principles. These trends in common have the defense of the pedagogical management and the antiauthoritarianism. The liberating school, also known as the pedagogia of Pablo Freire, together the education to the fight and organization of the classrooms of the oppressed ones. … to be in the world, for we men and women mean to be with it and with system it oppresses that it. The Anarquismo expression suffers some unfoldings for being systematic and of constant diffusion. This ideology is responsible for the governabilidade of the man. Therefore we must consider the anarquismo as source of our desires of freedom. Today the Brazilian education, this in a way for the progressive conceptions said where we find fort presence of the anarchic ideals, as autonomy, reflection, criticize, antiauthoritarianism, equalities That they permeiam the thought of the professionals of the education and present alternatives for directly on an educational development to the desire of> equality and freedom.

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