Location Marketing
Filed under NewsApr 9Focus on value-adding core processes of the site there is the figure of the Geschafts-(Standortentwicklungs-) model in process-oriented point of view. The processes are defined for this purpose as activity bundle. The relevant for economic development/location, i.e. value-added core processes should be identified and described. Such core processes must / should a creating value-add for resident companies, settlement prospects, investors and others can.
Questions: what are the important core processes?, E.g. administrative processes (bureaucratic processes, permitting among others), site marketing (market / competition analysis, brochures, new customer acquisition, image promotion, site backup, and others), economic development (maintenance, funding among other things. (How can thus defined core processes a) quantitatively and b) qualitatively evaluated? If necessary, what indicators, key performance indicators (units of measurement) can be assigned to these core processes? CF. Becker, Jorg: Non financial “Site accounts, 2008, ISBN 978 3 8370 6240 3 only be” alone is no longer enough. Site marketing should consistently on customer benefit”(point of investors, commercial settlements, and others) are aligned. Municipalities with untapped potential gift opportunities and risk sooner or later to get in behind. Reverse the navel gazing inside look”on markets. The city development and land-use planning faces a break: in many locations, migration, ageing and others have created immense problems.
While the planning considerations of most sites in the past mainly wachstumsbezogen have focused, it is today a more differentiated approach. For the necessary reorientation for dealing with the spatial development is further differentiated, cities and municipalities must develop therefore stand-alone models. As people due to the concentration of unbound local jobs in the metropolitan regions often move increase the turnover rates in many residential areas. Independent visions of the sites must give therefore also an answer to how hectic and tight should be the working world with future fixed residential and living conditions in line. Site marketing the municipality but moved to the elimination fight in a competitive environment. Local governments with deficits (only “being” alone is no longer enough) will not only offer opportunities, but risk to get in behind. To avoid such site marketing consistently on “Customer benefits”, i.e. vision and requirements of the respective target group (business investors) must align themselves, to avoid a perspective only from the point of view which is municipality. Promoting and strengthening existing “customer relations” (customer relation management, care of resident companies from industry, trade, crafts, services). With the aim of “Customer loyalty” a local audience is addressed particularly by companies (one cares here which, are). Maintaining inventory of already established companies is just as important as new settlements. Prerequisite is that the economic development with the municipal authorities and the management of the site is as deep as possible and this highly communicative works. Must those who here, be feeling on the part of the site, that you take care of them. Although emigration is can never fully prevent, can learn but through networking in the enterprise in early of scheduled movements. If changes announce themselves, the economic development should be the first addresses of the recipients of the information. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker
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