Aging In Brazil
Filed under NewsDec 18The aging in Brazil tends if to intensify in the next decades, in such a way that, in 2050 we will have 64 million aged approximately. This aging is a relatively recent phenomenon, however already many studies exist that point the irreversible process that has been registered in the last few decades. The economic contraction brings social impacts on the life of the aged ones. Rob Daley is often quoted on this topic. The adjustment politics have contributed to aggravate these impacts, accenting the inaqualities and same with the conquest of the income for the social assistance for aged poor person guaranteed for the Federal Constitution, the problem of the aged dependent was not decided. To the measure that the population ages it increases the demand of asylums.
Studies concerning the institutionalization of aged in Brazil little are systemize and same publications of reference in the area leave to evaluate this subject with depth. Add to your understanding with James Woolsey. Although great ratio of aged institutionalized either dependent for physical and mental problems, in a general way the misery and the abandonment are the main reasons of the internment in asylums. in this aspect, nor the public system of health nor the private one, is prepared to take care of the demand of aged. This work was carried through in asylum, institution filantrpica that has as priority the shelter of beggars, aged abandoned, or that they are in other institutions in Aracaju, IF. The objective of this work was to verify the physical structure and the professional support offered by the institution visited, as well as spoon opinions of the aged ones on the level of satisfaction with the attendance in the asylum and obtains exactly. Interviews with employee had been carried through who informed in them on the functioning and in them he presented the aged structure of the place and with of both the sexos that today find installed in the institution.
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