The World and Modern Science
Secret of Success
Filed under NewsJun 23The secret of the success is not one formulates hidden in some corner, the key of any profit is that there is no secret then what if there is it is a routine process and is not really difficult, is difficult if one does not do it. The secret of the success is that you are the secret, you you are the cause, you are the stimulus and what marked obtains if it or it is not that you are honest with itself. Mrate in the mirror and selate with the finger and I gave that is the person that I must change to the life. If you do not commit yourself with itself, if she does not acquire the discipline necessary to act, she never obtained results. There is a great number of forms of strategies to achieve the success but as long as you know that what persecutes and that is arranged to pay daily, which is required, are no excuses, compromtase and it acquires the discipline to act and this is important as long as he is honest with itself. Now pregntate all along if you are of those: that they cause that the things happen? , or you are of that: they only see that the things are realised? , or you are of the people: that the things happen to him by chance? and by the way this completes is dangerous and autodestructiva. You can be what wants to be, as long as is decided to carry out a change and managed to achieve the success yet what learns changing to part or all their personal and labor life. If you take action from which learned and leaves happen the things or leaves somebody more does something related to the same information that you learned, you choose and the form in which the things happen in the life how is prepared this a to take action.
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Filed under NewsJun 22The disagreeable part of the trips around the globe – the jet lag or hour decompensation – sometimes can be so strong that you will begin to think that will never return to sleep again. Or talvez that never will wake up again. It depends on the hour. If it pricked gusanillo to him of trip and is trying to restore his internal clock over a few hour zones, perhaps it wishes to consider these simple advice to obtain that its body adjusts in schedule with its destiny. After all, he would not be the best one of the vacations if all the day in a faint in the room of the hotel went. 1. It takes much liquid during the flight. Part than feels when it lands in a new hour zone is exhaustion by the lack of dream, but another part is by dehydration.
The air of the airplane is extremely dry, and if you are not careful to take sufficient nonalcoholic drinks, it will finish still more exhausted of the necessary thing. 2. It tries to sleep in his flight. The jet lag is more difficult to surpass if it is not well rested, to begin. In order to help to the capture on board some zzzz him, it tries to use some aid to sleep, like a mask, corks for the ears, and a pillow. If it has a very long flight (eight hours or more), is possible that it wishes to consider a tablet to sleep, like Ambien.
3. When landing in his destiny, it tries to remain wide-awake up to one hour reasonable to lie down (according to its new location). Unless it lands very early in the morning and it does not believe that it can at least hold 12 hours until the hour to sleep, tries to avoid the siestas at all costs. Simply it will send to his body all the mistaken messages to him. 4. Once it arrives at his destiny, it tries to absorb as much light solar as it is possible. The light of the sun not only will help to that it awakes, but also will help him to convince to its body that it is by day, although ” for usted” it continues being at night. 5. After days to later lie down a little (or a little more early, according to if it has traveled to the east or to the west) all the nights, its body would have to start up and it must not have problems to adapt to its new hour zone. If it continues having insomnia, lack of dream and an incapacity to wake up in the morning and to feel or rested after more than 3 or 4 days, it can again consider the aid of a Ambien. This tablet to sleep will help to lie down him to one hour reasonable (on which you have the control) and after eight hours, will wake up feeling rejuvenecido. After a day or two of this training of the dream, you would have to return to normality.
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Professional Development
Filed under NewsJun 21The democratic management is an exercise of citizenship, basic for the advance of the society that plans to be more igualitria joust and (Fernandes and Muller, 2005). For the society, the democracy of and in the school is the only way for the reconstruction of the public school of quality. The implantation attempt accomplishes of the pertaining to school autonomy and the democratic management of the school if it especially after gave the estudantil movement of 1968, as a form accomplishes of accomplishment of the utopia of the young of that time (Fernandes and Muller, 2005). In Brazil, isolated experiences of management had always existed student body of schools, but without repercussion on the education system. Tied the initiatives of some educators, then they were interrupted when these left the school (Fernandes and Muller, 2005).
The fight for the democratic management of the public school, consolidated for the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education (9.394/96), is resulted of a long process vindicative that it appeared in the last few decades by means of the organization of diverse segments of the society (Fernandes and Muller, 2005). We can remember the fight for the public school and the popular culture of the decade of 50 and 60. The concept of Pertaining to school Management, relatively recent, is of extreme importance so that if it has a school that it takes care of to the current requirements of the social life: to form citizens and to offer, still, the necessary and facilitadoras possibility of apprehension of abilities and abilities of the social insertion (Fernandes and Muller, 2005). The management of Projeto Poltico Pedaggico (PPP) is the significant side most important and of the pertaining to school management. He has been used for many educational professors, researchers and norteadores in search of an improvement in the quality of education (Fertile valley, 2002; Fernandes and Muller, 2005).
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Free Software
Filed under NewsJun 17in free software available in the Web, its influence in the development of services and the necessity of interconnection and exchange of information. The techniques are analyzed to improve the interoperability and the recovery. They describe to the initiatives of metadatos applied to the managers of contents (Dublin Core, RDF (Resource Description Framework) and Format MARC) and his importance for the formation of institutions cooperators for the integration of contents and the creation of a semantic Web. In addition, the languages of noticeable are described like means to structure the information and to favor interoperability XML. One concludes with the present existence of brings back to consciousness generalized on the adoption of standards for the management of information Web and the development of services characteristic of the electronic administration. Nowadays all a range of oriented applications of free software to the management of contents, as well as to the handling of digital information in Web exists. These tools more and more have been taking terrain in means librarian, since they allow of a flexible and economic way to handle to referential information and digital plaintext contents. Next cuatros of these tools appear, by their kindness and characteristics have become the favourites by this sector. Greenstone, appears as the best option by its versatility in the design oriented to the user, fulfills the exigency to form a network cooperator between institutions interested in sharing its information. KOHA, is one of the first system to automate libraries with software of free, distribution that allows to modify the source code freely, is an individual program for information units, basically includes at least three functions: circulation, consults and acquisitions, its code has been in continuous movement, Openbiblio, is easy to use in line offers an intuitive interface and of usabilidad in the administration of the catalogue, to just as the others they are offered in license GNU and DSpace is a system that allows to give public access to one digital collection that requires a previous planning for its installation and is oriented to work in collaboration with its same pairs.
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The Managers
Filed under NewsJun 8Of this form, the ESF if also constitutes as an important source of data on the received population, making possible conduction of studies epidemiologists who allow to know the magnitude of the problem. It still provides to a quantity of data and useful and necessary information to the planning in health and the taking of decision for the managers in the diverse instances of government. Half of performance of the nurse articles According to analyzed the nurse who acts in the strategy health of the family has diverse fields of performance for positive interference in the preventive field of diabetic foot 21, as for example: In the meeting of the team with orientation for the communitarian agents and technician of nursing with the information on the illness objectifying to stimulate all the team as reproductive agents of the care and the information. In the consultation of nursing with the diabetic patient and its familiar where the moment will be created where it will be able to perceive as the patient perceives its illness and the adhesion to the treatment supplying the necessary information to the incentive to this adhesion. During the domiciliary visit with insertion in the context economic partner of the patient and the educative process. Still during the nursing consultation the nurse must request complementary examinations, to prescribe/to transcribe medications, especially in the severity of the control of the glicemia and therapeutical intervention when it will have indication, these actions are guided by specific protocols of the Health department for subsidy of the actions of the nurse in the Strategy health of the family. To supervise and to co-ordinate action for qualification of the communitarian agents of health and nurse aid, with sights to the performance of its functions. At last the nurse also will have to be always if bringing up to date on the lines of direction of the health department on the treatment the diabetic patient and to innovate its action becoming them attractive its population.
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Sales Manager
Filed under NewsJun 8Which are the orders of the manager of sales of its company? You them adimira? Recently, I read a notice of that archaeologists searching coorporativos archives of one old organization, had discovered two boards of rock, where they found recorded teachings managemental. I was surpreso when evidencing that the information in contained them, can very well, to serve of orientation to the controlling of sales of the current days, see: 1.No starts the meeting with critical the team? To criticize, mainly at the beginning of a meeting, will only serve to lower the astral, to create resentment and to inhibit the participation of the led ones; to 2.Priorizar what it is more important? Many times the manager of sales speaks of everything and she does not prioritize nothing. It is important to disclose of crystalline form the focus, so that the team knows as to act in order to reach the established goal; to 3.Ressaltar the victories and not them failures – the manager of sales must value the examples of success in sales. Citations of failures, will be very necessary to evidence, they must have the minimized importance; 4.Pergunte with intelligence – an admirable characteristic of the manager of sales, is to formulate intelligent and directed questions. Exactly that it thinks to know what led its thinks, must act as if did not know and to inquire it on the subject, thus will be able to evaluate the situation better; 5.No goes unprepared for the meeting? The manager of sales must be prepared well for the meeting with led its. He must conquer the team for the knowledge, ability and attitude and not trying to impose the force of the position; 6.Recorra to the scientific data and not it palpites? It does not find to have crystal ball to foresee the trends marketing. It appeals the statisticians of recognized source to justify its positions; 7.Revele with antecedence the points to be treat? It does not leave to evidence the guideline in the meeting. The more chemical preparation the participants will be for the meeting, more productive it will be; 8.No is if bragging on old conquests – Some veteran controlling like of supervarolizar the conquests of its time.
No matter how hard they are marcantes and true, them they must be dealt with description and not as example of to be copied success. The led ones desire to escrerver its proper history of conquest; 9.No to collate the people? To place a person against the other in the meeting is an unforgivable error of the manager of sales. Being extremely necessary, it only makes this in closed environment and with the involved ones. The paper of the manager of sales is to add the teams to win and not to divide it; 10. It manages with examples and not with words? It does not wait that led its make what you are not capable to carry through. To demand behaviors pedestrians, the example to arrive and to leave in the foreseen schedule, to have professional behavior, to take care of of the appearance, organized being and to follow the organizacionais orders, they must not only be anchored in proper examples and with words.
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