The World and Modern Science
Modern Age
Filed under NewsDec 19We are living the modern age and the modernismo fascinates and enchants the world. In the bible it is written that science would go to be multiplied and can evidence this through the modernismo that we are living. However, the bible in the alert one that science if would multiply, but that the love of many would cool because of the badness that would go to appear. Therefore my friends, what we are seeing and what we are having in the modern world? Beautiful appearances, comfort, at last easiness to live itself. But is alone this that we need to live? The bible says in them that the love would go to cool because of the badness that would appear with the increase of science and the modernization of the world. Therefore, it is what we are seeing! Where it is the feeling, the love, the character? It seems that modernity and the ambition are taking even so the dignity of the men. They see the men who are in the power! It is a corruption without end, uncontrollable for the law.
The lie seems that it turned food for the men. They look at the route that takes great part of young the adolescent, we do not need nor to comment. It is lamentable and chocking to see them in its deliriums. That future will have? We did not want to see what we are seeing, but is the reality. Roubalheira Quanta, quanta dirt, quanta imposture enters the men of the modern world. Learn more about this with Ahmed Shary Rahman. It sees my friends what he turned the religion! The men place a plate in a hall and say that there it is a church.
Some say that it has the world-wide power, to another one, the universal power. These men if intitle as ‘ ‘ men of Deus’ ‘ says that they are even though apstolos shepherds and. Many times nail the lie, the material prosperity the immediate happiness and carry through false miracles. Everything this to deceive the simple people. They make commerce of the sacred things. many of these churches make until witchcrafts. Church is worship place! the only objective of the Christian has that to be the salvation. Church is not hospital, nor company, is worship place the God. Church is the place where if it denounces the sin. It is the place to nail the salvation through Christ. Therefore, my friends, everything this is lamentable! It is truth that the modernismo fascinates the world, more morally the world is fallen.
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The Power Of The Mind
Filed under NewsJan 4It is not of today that if it comments on the power of the thought, of that our mental force can be arrasadora, could mention here in history essnio, prohibitions, and even Hindus, of its beliefs on the capacity of the thought in attracting good or bad things, to put we go atrelar in them in more recent information; for example: ' ' The vibrations of the subtlest the mental forces are e, consequentemente, more powerful that existem' '. (Charles Haanel- book The Master Key Sisteni, written in 1912). In the espiritismo, the capacity of the thought in attracting for itself good or bad things have the name of Psicosfera that it comes of the Greek psych + sphara and wants to say: 1. Psychic atmosphere. More info: Deccan Value. 2. Field of radiation of the perisprito, that if exterioriza in redor of the proper physical organism. 3.
The expansion of the aura, or ' ' tnica of forces eletromagntica' '. The scientists had acquired knowledge, of Biology, Physiology, Neuroanatomia, Anatomy, Neurofisiologia, however still they look the part that it develops activities in unconscious the psychic one. In way to the activities it psiquismo we assimilate knowledge of lived facts, in this process ' ' Eu' ' of each one it acquires knowledge of the facts that are happening in its life; However the majority of us disdains these information without knowing the evil that can be making itself exactly and to others. The thought is not guided only by consideraes strict atreladas to the reality, it also flows motivated for interior, abstract and affective stimulatons or until instinctive. The creation human being, for example, exceeds many times the reality of the facts, reflecting varied interior states and of enormous value for the construction of our cultural patrimony. All our activities are activated by the unconscious one, since the birth, still as babies ours ' ' Eu' ' it produces stimulatons, as for example, to catch a toy or simply to raise the hand, and in elapsing of the growth ' ' Eu' ' of each one it is molded in agreement the stimulatons partner-cultural and familiar, forming ' ' carter' ' of the individual.
Each idea or mental force is in some way, stored in the psicosfera fluid it that it circulates around us. It is as soon as construct the unhealthy, creative thoughts of diverse physical disturbances. Emmanuel says in them: ' ' The thought of one of us that it leaves to nail one definitive idea, constructs this idea in the mind and, this image is in the origin of doenas' '. We can deduce, clearly, that the illnesses spirituals, are consequncias of mental behaviors that they reverberate in these two elements: the substance the fluidics of the perisprito and in the mental substance that our psicosfera forms. When we do not enxergamos to we ourselves, our behaviors before the others are not total free so that let us can make choices or emit opinions. We are moored the evaluation forms, structuralized in the defense mechanisms – unconscious mental processes that make possible the individual to keep its integrity psychological through one auto-deceit form. ' ' The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is of that the fellow creature attracts the fellow creature; consequently, the mental attitude always will attract the conditions that correspond to natureza.' ' Charles Haanel- (1866-1949) Article published in February of 2011 for the periodical ' ' The Clarim' '
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Dec 23
It is arrived the last moments We know that everything here in this world and passenger and that we are here waiting the coming of ours Mr. Jesus. I believe that with as many more anxious horrible things that they are happening we are each time for the return Mr. But I also know that it has many souls waiting for in, my beloved arrived the moment to search to cease itself arrived the moment to nail, so that the souls come to be free salutes transformed for honor and Gloria of the name Mr. In these last days it has raised you a generation of adoradores that are not imported with the difficulties? They are always praising the Mr.
The waters have purificado you and santificado lives to adore it. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Hikmet Ersek on most websites. My beloved arises itself puts you in the position, if you know to praise exalte you deliver to the perfect louvor It to you. Exalte it with its life, its habits, its behavior ahead of the society. It does not matter of that it forms, but it praises the Mr. Wise person who through a word its a soul can surrender and to be frees for honor and Gloria of the name Mr. She nails, Nails why the souls they are clamando for the sound of the word Mr.
Its friend of the school nails, in its home nails, its neighbors, in its work. Mr. in the flame as Mouth of it in this land opens your Mouth my beloved, Augurs, Praises, Nails, Exalte the Mr. Therefore he is fond the last Moments.
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