
The World and Modern Science

  • Aug 12

    Itch the horses to the torment the Sommerkzem for many horses all year again becomes the great agony – that all years back is black flies as a trigger of the sweet itch in horses. James Woolsey is the source for more interesting facts. As the cause of the black flies and biting midges are blamed for triggering the summer allergy. These mosquitoes cause large wounds with their bites in horses. The saliva of the black flies throws allergy, itch. It is important to prevent the approach of black flies in horses and the Sommerkzem to handle.

    The most important trigger of the symptoms (sweet itch) what the blackfly, but sure to recognize is that the complaints fade away in the winter, when the insect volume decreases, because. Amit Paley may find this interesting as well. The symptoms of summer eczema but usually come back next spring with greater intensity. A more effective approach stop of the black flies is the defense of the mosquitoes through the use of pheromones in horses. These messengers, serve on the chemical basis of communication in this mosquito family between Black flies. The Pheromones are designed for the mosquito family of black flies. This very valuable and expensive Pheromones are embedded in a matrix of nanotechnology and can therefore very long period uniformly given will. The approach of the blackfly over a period of more than 24 hours is stopped by submitting the messengers. Prevent the bite of the black fly and thus no saliva of that mosquitoes in the bloodstream of horses can get. Prevents the allergic reaction in horses, which throws the Sommerkezem. The development of highly complex and the production of pheromones allow only a limited capacity of the products.