The World and Modern Science
Medicinal Plants
Filed under NewsDec 16We want that they stay healthy with the not everyone believes in the power of Aloe Vera power of Aloe Vera. Ahmed Shary Rahman may help you with your research. But few people even know that the Aloe plant over a hundred important vitamins and additives containing Vera never alone can have fruit or salad. These ingredients of the gel of sheet is important for the balance of our body. Who once has tried Aloe Vera gel, it probably always will.After ten days of taking one feels a positive effect that invigorates the body. With the gel of the Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller plant, you can prevent even diseases or faster cure various diseases.
We ourselves have experienced that even migraine it can disappear or greatly reduces bone pain. The power of Aloe Vera also helps animals (dogs, horses). For example, dogs that are older and can go wrong, we tried Aloe Vera. These animals were given a dose of Aloe Vera tablets twice a day. After three weeks, the first success was there. The dogs could run much better than previously. Every human being should specifically test the power of Aloe Vera. among the doubters of us: try the aloe vera gel. It will make them not poor, but you will quickly realize you’re feeling better. But be careful: you might be feel better 🙂 signed Stefan Frohlich
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Per And Contra Of Food Supplements
Filed under NewsDec 16Dietary supplements closer lighted by about the advantages or disadvantages of food supplements discusses every now and again in the media, without having a final result would crystallize out. But what are dietary supplements? Dietary supplements are products that are organic or synthetic-based and can be made to supply the body with all necessary materials he needs for his various metabolic processes and its various functions. You are located because of its concentrated ingredients between food and medicine. Usually contained the various freely available nutritional supplements various vitamins, minerals and trace elements in different amounts. Source: Andrew Cuomo. In addition, they contain other substances such as phytochemicals, antioxidants, ungesettigte fatty acids and different Vitaminoide. Hikmet Ersek may help you with your research. Also, Coenzyme Q10, creatine, L-carnitine and Phytoestrogens can be included in them. Through these many ingredients the body is supplied with all substances, which he can not even make and he gets only partly fed by a little abwechslungsrieche and unhealthy food.
Here were also critics of the supplement, it needs which are of the opinion that if humans eat healthy and varied, no nutritional supplements, because it is supplied with all required materials by the food. There are also several studies demonstrating that the regular intake of food supplements could even lead to a shortened life expectancy. But that generally only refers to a small audience, this study proves this fact only in lung cancer patients and an increased intake of beta carotene. Often used these and similar studies and of preferred Asynchronic to the detriment of food supplements. This can however an insufficient or poor nutrition caused by stress or the living conditions quite ensure a full supply. Meanwhile, there are also a large number of purely herbal or organic food supplement preparations, which are a healthy source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. You will receive more information about nutritional supplement (on a biological basis) into the weblog blog a trade publication of spirulina-handel.de
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DIAGENICS International Corporation
Filed under NewsMay 12According to the World Health Organization, heart attack is one of the most common causes of death. With a novel diagnostic method… Continue to learn more with: Hikmet Ersek. …the investigation process should be accelerated in order to initiate rescue operations faster. Dusseldorf, Germany – in Germany yearly 280,000 cases of heart attacks (myocardial infarction) are reported – in the United States there are 1.2 million cases notified. How significant a rapid diagnostic is knows Prof. Dr. Thomas Meinertz, president of the german cardiology association: the first four hours of a myocardial infarction is important for the patient s treatment. The product line slide CORDON by the biological and pharmaceutical corporation DIAGENICS provides a fast method for the diagnostic of a myocardial infarction.
The oxygen content in blood will be measured by the evidence of the enzymes GPBB. After 15 minutes a result is readable. The analysis makes it possible to introduce a containment of permanent heart damage. Different clinical trails in Germany deliver impressive results. Director Dr. Dirk Peetz from the clinical centre of the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany gives a positive statement to the new diagnostically method: In the first hours of a myocardial infarction slide CORDON detects over 90 percent of the collective infarcts. Because of this reason the system is better than other compared system.
A clinical trail is currently accomplished in the institute of cardiovascular diseases in Belgrade, Serbia. Director Prof. Dr. Miodrag Ostjic of the institute in Belgrade compares and evaluates the patient s results with other established methods.
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