The World and Modern Science
Copenhagen Summit
Filed under NewsJan 30A great event you must not miss such as the Copenhagen, Venezuela moved in and about the Venezuelan delegation denounced the attitude of developed countries in the world meeting of not committing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions because it supposedly this would affect its economy, and announced that developing nations "will not let them get away with it" because it is unacceptable not realize they are responsible for the future of the planet. He hoped that the social position of the Bolivarian revolution led by its chairman Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez, will not accept the way capitalism is still looting and affecting natural resources and serious environmental concerns, specifically in an interview with Telesur Claudia Salerno, director of the Office of International Cooperation of the Venezuelan Ministry of Environment, explained that the 30 industrialized countries have the potential to "change the destiny of the world, but today we are saying it is expensive and are unwilling to GDP of the economy receive the impact of response measures to climate change. "" That is unacceptable, I not only point out, but the accused (a …) will not only be responsible for the change climate but will be responsible for the future of this planet, "claimed the official. For assistance, try visiting Rob Daley. He said that developed nations" will have to be judged by the world for what they are doing at the moment (…) not going to let get away with it. "delegate announced that Venezuela, in the absence of an agreement, will stay there until 18 or until Christmas if needed." Add Go, who showed his disagreement with the statements by the Secretary General of United Nations (UN), Ban Ki-Moon, that the problem is not "point fingers" to polluters, and said "respectfully" that just is accusing the 30 countries that are destroying the mundo.Se said that "The industrial nations can not continue to sabotage the process and breaking United Nations rules on the opening of the issues, here are the 130 developing nations there is no time for more (a …) must put their commitment to reduce emissions and provide funding for developing nations to together we can take action to improve alleviate climate change. . Perhaps check out Stephen Mooney for more information.
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Technology And Staying Green
Filed under NewsAug 22Improper disposal of household waste in large cities, found its solution gives the waste to the periphery; hiding underground in landfills, throwing them into rivers or simply by burning them. A reality that even some countries, cities do, regardless of the consequences should be Notably, in areas where these giants are located waste containers (many of them if you have the necessary health conditions), is on the outskirts of the city, which houses low-income people in slums. Many of these dumps up not only sites of infection and contamination, but a way of life for those engaged in the rubbish. That shows a lot in some cities of Venezuela, Caracas, Valencia, Barquisimeto, Puerto Cabello, to name a few. Very valid point when he notes that at present the change in lifestyle and economic growth in Latin American countries has led to an increase in the generation of household and commercial waste. The problem is completed with the change in consumer habits and diversified composition of modern waste (plastic bottles, cans, computers, etc.). Very true, as noted, the appliances, computers have created new technology and real cemeteries, plastics and composite materials that are not degraded. Western Union is open to suggestions. Their elimination is a concern of the new century, so it is not easy to find effective treatment and pollution removal, unless it is recycled.
Keep in mind this reality highlights to Salvatierra, who according to American and Caribbean Initiative for Sustainable Development (ILAC) "the city's population of Latin America and the Caribbean is now for 78 percent of the total, the highest rate of urbanization hemisphere and the trend remains to greater concentration in cities, where people are growing in the period 2005-2010 at a rate of 1.7 percent each year. " The challenge now is to contain the debris from the big cities generate. For the United Nations Organization (UNO) is called household waste "any material that has no direct use value and is discarded by their owners." These are generated in homes, offices, educational establishments, as well as commercial and restaurants, including those that are generated in the hospitals, which have compositions similar to those designed within the household. The problems facing Latin American countries according to a study by ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) is that "it is remarkable change in composition of the waste where there is a decrease in biodegradable materials and thus challenges for treatment, recovery and disposal of MSW (Municipal Solid Waste). " That is, there is a greater preponderance of inorganic wastes, which do not decompose and toxic properties of elements. However, in recent years in Latin America have developed projects designed to alleviate this situation, which seeks the minimization of waste from reduce, reuse and recycle these items. However, many countries of the region continue to have problems with waste disposal and landfills, as well as to landfills open Undoubtedly, the call is very important, that it is necessary that every inhabitant of the planet is aware of what gives it away, that everything that is wasted can damage the environment. It is also important to seek clearance mechanisms be as clean as possible to avoid its impact on the natural life of the planet and people
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