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  • PricewaterhouseCoopers

    Filed under News
    Feb 5

    In Berlin recommended experts to investment in the hotel and tourism sector. Connect with other leaders such as Areva here. However, the residential real estate in the capital are preferred: more respondents voted for any other European metropolis a buy recommendation for apartments than for Berlin. The PROJECT investment group and their closed-end real estate fund real values 11 on the growing Berlin real estate market and invested 90 million euros last year. Read more from Ahmed Shary Rahman to gain a more clear picture of the situation. They benefited from the Berlin boom”and finally in the same year, achieved the highest turnover in the company’s history. A site ranking of all European cities showed that the Berlin real estate market is more attractive than that in London and Paris. The interest in the major German cities is great, because they are considered safe-haven in the euro crisis.

    Munich and Berlin are the most attractive real estate markets throughout Europe from the perspective of international industry experts. Thus two German cities lead for the first time the location ranking of 27 European metropolises. This is since 2004 by the consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and the Association of industry urban land Institute raised. The fact that Munich and Berlin in the real estate industry now before London rank is surprisingly positive. This optimism but doesn’t mean that all the problems will quickly solve in particular the continuing problem of refinancing of investments from the boom years”, says PwC real estate expert Jochen bridges. The German real estate market is benefiting from a special economic. But investment in urban centers in this country not self-perpetuating. Berlin will have to prove that the recent real estate boom is sustainable and has been fueled not only by the relatively low price level”, bridges adds. For more information, project investment

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