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  • Power Is Again More Expensive

    Filed under News
    Jun 12

    Compare now necessarily tariffs and providers! Already at the turn of the year, many energy suppliers increased their tariffs. Now, the power will still once considerably more expensive. A total of 183 have announced a rise in prices in March and April. The Internet portal reported preisvergleich.de, what additional costs the customers should expect. In the next few weeks, it is for many Germans back current provider compare and calculate costs. The reason: Nearly 200 companies put on their prices.

    In average, the current from March or April to 35 euros a year is more expensive. Credit: jimmy levin-2011. Nearly 11 million households in the country are affected. Companies not be stingy with numbers. Sometimes up to 110 euro are also due. The increase in hits with an average of 3.5 percent to beech. We recommend the private clients of a total 1056 tariffs now closer look.

    It is worthwhile, because switching is easy and free of charge. Come on a three-member family consumption of 3,500 kWh costs around 35 euros a year. A princely sum when you consider that the prices first rose in December by around 46 euros. Often win smaller provider with the same performance. Customers of public utilities or other local providers of reason most feel the increases. Preisvergleich.de GmbH Lisa Neumann

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