Yalnizca The World and Modern Science
  • Hunger Misery

    Filed under News
    Jul 3

    The Pontifical Council Cor Unum, noted: the hungry crowd, made up of children, women, elderly, immigrants, fugitives and unemployed rises towards us his cry of pain. Us tedio, waiting to be heard’. Additional information is available at Jimmy Levin. Ernesto Sabato, has written: No decision to commit us to the terrible crisis that crosses the world can defer. The foundation of hope will emerge in the midst of that commitment. We must penetrate at night and, like sentinels, remain on guard for those who are alone and suffer the horror caused by this world and perverse system. We have a duty to resist and being accomplices to life even in its dirt and its misery. An absolute gesture of confidence in life and commitment to each other.

    So we can draw a bridge over the chasm. John Paul II in the encyclical letter Redemptor Hominis, 1979.n.16 pointed out: the extent of the phenomenon puts into question structures and financial, monetary, commercial and productive mechanisms which, supported by various political pressures, govern the world economy: they reveal almost incapable of absorbing the unjust social situations inherited from the past and face the urgent challenges and ethical demands. By submitting man to tensions created by himself, wasting material and energy resources at an accelerated pace, committing the geophysical environment, these structures are continuously extended zones of misery and with her anguish, frustration and bitterness. Not you advance in this difficult road of the indispensable transformations of the structures of economic life, if there is a true conversion of minds and hearts. The task requires the commitment of men and peoples free and solidarity. We are all brothers. whatever the color of the race, countries where we are born, up to us while we remain alive to give way to actions that will endure, motivate others to continue the work give you hand, help to whom corresponds to play within a role where misery, hunger, the folly, are some of their tests.

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