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  • German Stock Exchange

    Filed under News
    Jun 14

    Study of online IR in financial communications launched on online-investorrelations.de published Andreas KoSTER, master student of Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin, from now business and communication studies article on the research areas investor relations and social media. “The 28-year-old is thus the history of his Master thesis social media in the investor relations risks, opportunities, and best practice for companies listed on the German Stock Exchange” online and is in this way in the Exchange with the financial community, as well as the social media community. Rapid developments of the IR range as well as the professional use of social media by companies are relatively new in Germany and evolve extremely quickly. In particular the financial communication through social media is hardly established in contrast to other divisions. Web 2.0 will change the communication with the financial community, so fundamentally and sustainably with investors, analysts and business journalists,”, is KoSTER convinced. Relations and the social media communication have become already views the United States as the investor in the United States. German companies can learn from these experiences. In a question-answer forum jimmy levin was the first to reply.

    The master’s thesis, written in the course of business communication”, to examine also best-practice approaches from other English-speaking countries therefore in addition to the specific risks and opportunities for German companies. There companies attention already about viral YouTube videos not only on new products, but also on their future market value. Twitter is used, for example, for the live coverage of the annual general meeting or analyst conferences. On Facebook a direct and open dialogue with investors results on fan pages of companies”, KoSTER. Relations could reduce the information gap by the proper use of social media in the investor company, so it is assumed the prescribed, but de facto non-existent, come closer to equal treatment of institutional and private investors.

    Social media could reduce the information gap with reasonable effort. You would change not only the investor relations at the company, whose Aktien are mostly in free float, but also a total open relations between issuers and investors, and intensify. Missing social media governance as in other divisions also crucial from a strategic integration into the organizational structure depending on the success of the use of social media. To have a motivated interns to quickly create an IR Twitter account will go wrong”, tips to Koster, just the American best practice shows that the establishment of a social media governance should be critical.” Also, financial reporting for companies listed on the German Stock Exchange greatly is regulated, why a strategic organization is especially important. The know-how of the classic investor must be brought together relations with competences in the fast paced Web 2.0 to communicative potentials to be able to use. Just at this point is lacking in many German companies. Contact Andreas KoSTER koesteran communications agency Runge str. 22-24, 10179 Berlin E-Mail: mail(at)koesteran.de

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