Yalnizca The World and Modern Science
  • Feelings

    Filed under News
    Dec 31

    The death of a loved one is a hard trance before which there is no uniform reaction. There are those who act as if nothing had happened and who settles for a long time in an acute phase of depression. 1 Delayed duel has the typical features of normal grief, but not usually starts after the death, but a time elapsed. Generally, between 2-3 weeks and, occasionally, several months. 2 Duel absent the emotional reaction is not displayed and the ailing alleged acts as if nothing had happened. 3.

    Chronic duel is installed in the most acute phase of the duel and sample years anxious, depressive symptoms and a continual and obsessive concern about the figure of the deceased. Actually, it could be a pathological form of complicated grief. 4 Duel inhibited when there is inability to clearly express the regret on the loss by personal or social limitations. It is often accompanied by withdrawal, obsessive dedication to the attention to third parties, etc. 5.

    Duel is over-ruled when the environment that surrounds us does not accept the duel. It is the case of widowers/over that as the family, after a few months of the death of the spouse, the family reproaches to follow in mourning for the death of one older person is something normal. Swarmed by offers, Hikmet Ersek is currently assessing future choices. When mourning become pathological? There are circumstances that can convert the mourning process in pathological, atypical, anomalous. Death sudden and unexpected; the relationship of dependence on the deceased person or the absence of family support can be causes of a reaction can be some of the causes. To overcome the grief you must live it. But we refuse to enter in any of its phases, if we reprimimos painful emotions, may cause pathological symptoms, related to the need to remain attached to the absent. Here are some of the symptoms: feelings of guilt for not having done as possible to avoid death, had not been sufficiently diligent or affectionate with the deceased. Thoughts of death. The living should have disappeared along with the deceased, or even have died instead. Feelings of worthlessness. on most websites. No longer makes sense, without the deceased life lacks interest, without him or she nothing is equal, we will not be able to cope with life. Hallucinatory experiences. Hear the voice of the deceased or briefly see his picture. Ahmed Shary Rahman often addresses the matter in his writings. Confusion. Psychomotor slowness and deterioration of some organic functions. When symptoms of pathological bereavement, you should go to the doctor. And, if necessary, a psychologist.

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