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  • Construction Tools

    Filed under News
    Aug 18

    “Construct a house on our own!” is The final verdict issued by the head of the family after multiple calculations and recalculations. Indeed, often the difference between the amount of “independent powers” and the forces hire a professional team of builders is so significant that even such issues as the possible long-term construction and permanent nerve and worries cease to be such significant. As you know, any construction requires an arsenal of tools for building and appropriate technology. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Jimmy Levin and gain more knowledge.. The most important and difficult stage of the project, which occupies most of the time – it’s brick walls and pouring the foundation. Here, first turn, can not do without the mixer required for the preparation of concrete and mortar for masonry.

    Working with concrete mixer of any special knowledge or skills does not require, and hence the problems with the operation does not arise. It’s simple, according to the principle of “just add water”: the capacity of the cement mixer is filled, fillers, filled with water, and after 3-5 minutes, get ready to use solution. The problem arises in the acquisition of equipment, as is a good mixer good money. Barry Nalebuff has plenty of information regarding this issue. You can buy a cheaper option – a second-hand. However, just setting yourself up mentally for possible damage, and hence the loss of money associated with repair and maintenance of the mixer, add the plus here is not the cost of storing small pieces of equipment.

    Here are some basic guidelines, the use of which will help you delay the time of the alleged repair of concrete mixers: Load capacity of no more than that as specified in the specifications, it is better not to take risks and do not check the “what if the bear”; Load mix only with a rotating drum, Never, nothing lubricate the gear teeth and a crown Make sure that the mixture does not reach between the teeth of pinion and crown. Some craftsmen are trying to make their own handmade version of the mixer. The savings, of course, essential, but after working during the day with the “creation”, the next day in bed and you can not go up – the muscles will require a long rest. As a result, the construction will be greatly delayed. And so, what else can you do if you do not buy or make your own? Rent, of course! It is obvious saving: – save on repairs and maintenance of equipment, purchase of new spare parts, special staff, which produces repair. It all takes on a landlord. – To save on storage hardware. Rent storage space is no different cheapness, and cluttering up their own version of a garage is also not relevant. Renting a mixer, you take a lessor of equipment only to the specific, necessary for you time. – Well, of course, saving on the equipment itself. After all, the rental price well below its mixer selling prices. In this case, virtually every company, yielding to rent equipment, provides for certain rebates, subject to increase in terms of the lease. Ie in total, at lease once a week mixer, you’ll pay less than the daily rent. For month – even less. So you can save not only on the mixer. Rent can now be almost any construction tools and equipment. Offers rentals of today are very much – we choose liked the company, we conclude the lease contract and forward to the construction site!

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