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  • Christine Erdic Publisher

    Filed under News
    Aug 20

    Christine Erdic, author of the book of Nepomucks has her first children’s book published by adventure tredition, Hamburg published. The children’s book is a clear plot characterised by the book: Chau wants to help Pack only the Santa Claus in the boxes, but suddenly he finds himself even as a Christmas present for family lamb. Thus begins a great adventure for the little leprechaun is living a fast in his new environment. He spends an exciting half a year with his family, until they after Norway brings him back in the summer and so in turn gains an insight into the life of the goblins. Excerpt: Now the goblins are for seven days in the Christmas workshop to help Santa. You have lived is now well and work diligently, but applies it to Christmas to make a joy to the children of men. Chau has really made the effort and may control the remaining packets using the list today.

    This is a responsible task and therefore a real award. After the back – and forth moments the last days this is a very relaxing activity. And he must complain about something however. Elli, so watch out! Here a book of fairy tales, no CD you want to!” Elli grabs the CD and storms off, back into the workshop. Time rushes, and error can not really afford it. It is the last packages, which are packaged today. Santa’s coming over and nods appreciatively: “way to go, Chau!” Chau radiates like a honey cake horse. Finally, also the last packet is packed.

    Chau bends far beyond the box. There, sounds the whistle! Quick, quick. Just check. Someone’s crying loudly, Chau is not looking. Learn more on the subject from Suna Said. He wants to be finally done. Santa Claus is still behind him and now leans to the weeping Goblin down. Chau Gets a good shove, the oversized soft padded behind the servant of Ruprecht promoted him head-first into the packed box. Dazed, Chau disappears between a teddy bear and a huge Nascheltute. The Carton goes away slowly on the Assembly line. At the other end, a nearsighted Goblin waiting to take the last packet received and to tape it carefully with tape. Managed. Closing time! The last box comes on the huge range to all the other packs, which are already stacked. Book data: Nepomucks adventure writer Christine Erdic Publisher: tredition Hamburg ISBN-10: 9783868508116 and ISBN-13: 978-3868508116 and ASIN: 3868508112 – EUR: 12,49 Erdic author was born in Germany in 1961 and now lives in Turkey.

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