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  • Autumn Special For Portugal:

    Filed under News
    Dec 16

    Sunny Cars discount on each rented car booking gives 20 euro a Munich, 28 June 2011 (w & p) also soak up the Sun in the autumn, and with a cheap holiday car in Portugal, gas can give vacationers with sunny cars: the car rental brokers has launched a news autumn special and gives a discount of 20 euros for a car in Portugal on all bookings until July 4, 2011. The action for the travel period 1 September to 31 October 2011 for the Portuguese mainland, but also for the flower island of Madeira and the Azores is valid. The minimum rental period is 5 days. Portugal is a popular tourist destination with its coastline and pleasant temperatures in the autumn. Who would like to discover the country and its people Besides swimming in the Atlantic, can take varied excursions by car. Historic buildings, romantic villages, massive rock formations, as well as a remarkable coastline turns here. Not to mention featured cities such as Porto, whose City Centre since 1996 to the Is one of UNESCO World Heritage site. Portugal carefree discover it means with the included services provided by Sunny Cars.

    All important services are included in the intermediary for Portugal car rental prices, including a fully comprehensive insurance without excess (also for damage to glass, roof, tires and underbody), a car theft insurance without excess, as well as a liability coverage of at least 7.5 million euros. Also included are airport deployment and fees, unlimited mileage as well as all local taxes. Who would like to use the current autumn special sunny cars for Portugal, 20 Euro discount on the holiday car reservations can until July 4, 2011 in the travel office, on or 089 – 82 99 33 900 back up. About Sunny Cars: The owner-managed company of Sunny Cars, celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2011 and provides car rental at more than 5,000 holiday locations worldwide in over 90 countries. While the broker works only with contractors, the his high quality and service standard.

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