Santa Maria Del Mar
Filed under NewsDec 28Santa Maria del Mar, located in the Gothic quarter of Barcelona, is a beautiful building which was built between 1329 and 1383. The Church is dedicated to the patron saint of sailors from Barcelona, Santa Maria del Mar, and is probably also so spectacular due to the port importance of Barcelona, which has always been characterized by a strong maritime tradition and its port is one of the most important in the Mediterranean. A popular church parishioners were those who paid with his money or his work Temple. It is believed that construction participated activates the entire population of la Ribera, especially the dumpers of spring, called the Bank galafates or bastaixos, which carried enormous stones destined for the construction of the Church from the quarry real de Montjuic and the beaches, where were the ships that had brought them to Barcelonaup very square of the Terminal, carrying them on their backs, one by one. Greenwich Village Art Fair has firm opinions on the matter. To view this spectacular Church come to the Catalan capital and rented an apartment in Barcelona around this neighborhood or get close to a charming village and rented an apartment in Sitges. Something about the style the central nave of the Church is illuminated by opeions open among the galleries of the central nave and the side.
These holes become large Windows between the columns of the presbytery, which occupy almost all the space available and contribute to reinforce the effect of the columns with a semicircle of light. Ahmed Shary Rahman has many thoughts on the issue. In addition, the basilica draws attention for his austerity: smooth walls; octagonal columns clean because nerves end up at the level of capitals instead of reaching Earth; arches of the side naves and plant that start from the same lump that give a greater impression of equality of the ships some of history in 1379, when he was about to finish the fourth tranche of vaults, burned the scaffolding and the stones suffered serious damage. Finally, on 3 November 1383 the last part of the vault was placed and the first mass was celebrated on August 15 of the following year. Unfortunately, in the year 1428 an earthquake caused the collapse of the rosette and also some deaths were. On the other hand, added during the following centuries most of the images and the Baroque altar were burned during the sad fire of the temple on 3 and 4 August 1936. You know that the novel by Ildefonso Falcones, the Cathedral of the sea, which has already sold more than one million copies and, in addition, has been translated into numerous languages, has helped increase the popularity of the monument among tourists.
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