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  • Siemens I-sft

    Filed under News
    Aug 18

    “On, customers can specify individual display units on i sft.de find the visitors click on solutions” and your own application “an input mask. With their help, you can specify your own display and as a radar chart. The diagram can be saved as a PDF, printed, or sent by mail. Swarmed by offers, Macy’s Inc. is currently assessing future choices. Registration on the site is not necessary. So, the designer can match his idea with examples so far of i-sft of realized display units. This accelerates the bid process and enables i-sft to link existing technologies to new, project-specific solutions for cost-saving manner.

    The user can weight the different demands on the required display in the configurator. (Not to be confused with Suna Said!). Selecting relative values of 0 as not needed”to 9 (essential”) specifies he, how important is a particular aspect for the successful use of the display unit. A relative indicator of cost results from the cumulative specifications for each project. The relative cost factor gives the user an impression where the costs in the three – or four-digit euro range will move. The i-sft GmbH has due to its many years of experience with display units for extreme application areas such as automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding and outdoor use of sophisticated solutions for a variety of display typical problems. With the Configurator makes publicly available its experience i-sft and gives a practical planning tool on hand developers or designers, weight and must-have from Nice-to-have to delineate priorities to each other. “About i-sft: the i-sft GmbH is a leading global player” for custom display solutions for use in the investment goods sector and highly specialized technical services for this sector, such as troubleshooting and analysis, consulting and display specific measurements. The i-sft started in 1993 as a Research Department of the Siemens group and was transferred to an independent company within the Wammes group in 2003. The Gundersheim (Rheinland-Pfalz)-based company develops and produces customer-specific display solutions, which are used in the most demanding applications of international customers. On the interactive website can configure their individual displays interested parties and requesting offers.

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