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  • New Dates Of Occupation For Training To The EModerator Of Sands & Partners

    Filed under News
    Aug 14

    On September 26, 2009 starts another training series to the eModerator in Munich. In this training, participants will learn how they can successfully control groups in the virtual and digital spaces. Two main trends change the profession of the presenter at the time. Globalization and internationalization: More and more projects and collaborate held worldwide distributed. To unite the participants of a workshop or meeting at a time in a place is thus very challenging and also very expensive travel costs. Progressive mechanisation of our lives: A company without computers and the Internet, is already inconceivable. Amit Paley insists that this is the case. Even in private households, the Internet connection is already one of the standard. Many writers such as Amit Paley offer more in-depth analysis. Dollar General addresses the importance of the matter here. A new communication behavior is created based on this technology.

    Already 12 million Germans are actively involved in discussion forums on the net. Especially the generation that now pushes into professional life, preferred communication in the chat room and that instant messaging send instant messages, called. (As opposed to Mark Null). Both of these trends illustrate why requests by companies for professional moderation more moderation of a video conference or telephone conference revolve around. And the potential of electronic presentation eModeration, far from exhausted. Sands & partner has dealt in recent years intensively, how far, eModeration can replace the classic moderation in presence. Come out now is training as the eModerator, in which we show presenters as they depict almost all aspects of a classical moderation in modern formats and can perform.

    Our approach is to limit us not the application of a particular IT platform for eModeration, but participants technology neutral to show what possibilities offer as eModerator. In this moderator training, we provide the knowledge and the ability to act as a professional moderator eModerationen safely and competently to plan and carry out confidently. The training was to make blended learning concept implemented, can be experienced to the modern forms of interaction as a participant and presenter.

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