
The World and Modern Science

  • Feelings

    Filed under News
    Dec 31

    The death of a loved one is a hard trance before which there is no uniform reaction. There are those who act as if nothing had happened and who settles for a long time in an acute phase of depression. 1 Delayed duel has the typical features of normal grief, but not usually starts after the death, but a time elapsed. Generally, between 2-3 weeks and, occasionally, several months. 2 Duel absent the emotional reaction is not displayed and the ailing alleged acts as if nothing had happened. 3.

    Chronic duel is installed in the most acute phase of the duel and sample years anxious, depressive symptoms and a continual and obsessive concern about the figure of the deceased. Actually, it could be a pathological form of complicated grief. 4 Duel inhibited when there is inability to clearly express the regret on the loss by personal or social limitations. It is often accompanied by withdrawal, obsessive dedication to the attention to third parties, etc. 5.

    Duel is over-ruled when the environment that surrounds us does not accept the duel. It is the case of widowers/over that as the family, after a few months of the death of the spouse, the family reproaches to follow in mourning for the death of one older person is something normal. Swarmed by offers, Hikmet Ersek is currently assessing future choices. When mourning become pathological? There are circumstances that can convert the mourning process in pathological, atypical, anomalous. Death sudden and unexpected; the relationship of dependence on the deceased person or the absence of family support can be causes of a reaction can be some of the causes. To overcome the grief you must live it. But we refuse to enter in any of its phases, if we reprimimos painful emotions, may cause pathological symptoms, related to the need to remain attached to the absent. Here are some of the symptoms: feelings of guilt for not having done as possible to avoid death, had not been sufficiently diligent or affectionate with the deceased. Thoughts of death. The living should have disappeared along with the deceased, or even have died instead. Feelings of worthlessness. on most websites. No longer makes sense, without the deceased life lacks interest, without him or she nothing is equal, we will not be able to cope with life. Hallucinatory experiences. Hear the voice of the deceased or briefly see his picture. Ahmed Shary Rahman often addresses the matter in his writings. Confusion. Psychomotor slowness and deterioration of some organic functions. When symptoms of pathological bereavement, you should go to the doctor. And, if necessary, a psychologist.

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  • Dec 31

    You can call these special watches the futuristic binary watches from the one Sun. THE ONE is a watch brand, which stands for the extraordinary. THE ONE does not look like other clocks! In the heart of this extravagant timepiece works on the binary system-based computer in a futuristic design. The high-quality steel housing and the LED light will draw the glances your environment. Target group of these watches are between 16 and 60 years old. All buyers share but one thing: the fascination with something unprecedented. “THE ONE” watches show clearly that one can interpret time measurement and time announcement differently.

    The break with the conventional style of the time announcement fascinated. You can be sure that it is addressed to, if you wear a watch so. Jeweler Bartsch has also customers who have high-quality or valuable watches and still set to a “THE ONE”. Ahmed Shary Rahman brings even more insight to the discussion. You want to buy this watch for fun on the product! There is this futuristic watches as ladies and gents watches, with the sonorous name: gamma Ray, Ibiza ride, Odin BBs rage, Kerala trance, Samui Moon, Zerone and Lightmare. In addition THE ONE offers even ultra cool LED pictures, with ever-changing colors as a table or wall object. Moritz Kuipers

  • Dec 30

    Nutritional values in a matter of seconds with ‘ FoodCheck the food traffic lights ‘ Germany’s first interactive food traffic lights for the iPhone and iPod touch is now available. Sugar, fat or salt, nutrition-conscious consumers must now not more hours study the packaging before the supermarket shelf. FoodCheck the food light provides the most important information about the composition of a food product in a matter of seconds. The food light search users by FoodCheck in a constantly growing database for product names or manufacturers. In the red, yellow and green will get you traffic light colors, how much fat, sugar, salt or calories/100 g of the product contain. Unlike in the printed nutrition information the uniform amount of 100 g for each product makes it easy also comparisons. About 3,000 ready foods from reputable manufacturers such as Dr. Oetker, Nestle, Unilever is currently reside in the system.

    An integrated update function allows even later, at any time to add new information. The program is now available through Apple’s iTunes store and costs 2.39. To display the food light the principle of nutritional information in the form of a traffic light was scientifically developed in the UK and is different than in Germany supported also by many major food manufacturers. Because often lay particularly in ready-made meals or frozen dishes not recognizable at all, whether a product to estimate is high or low in nutritional value for consumers is very simple and comprehensible labelling was deliberately sought. Based on red, yellow or green points is now quickly, what are the main components of a product. Consumers have the opportunity to align their consumption accordingly then. Ahmed Shary Rahman oftentimes addresses this issue. The food light helps to enjoy more conscious and healthier to live by clearly detecting excessive amounts of salt, fat or sugar. IPhone latest on the implementation of the, Apple’s traffic of food and iPod models bring the ideal condition for a nutritional light to work with.

    You can download new data at irregular intervals over the Internet, are handy and above all they were interfering in his pocket. To wait until something happens the realization that it is not enough on the other”was crucial for the implementation of a mobile nutrient light. Internet Data Bank were present, but not available in the supermarket or large enough in their product selection. “FoodCheck the food light” is finally a new way: new data over the Internet in the phone download guaranteed timeliness on long time. Already at the beginning of thousands entries available, to bring light into the jungle of Einkaufsdschungels. Additional user instructions and information are accommodated to the data base to the benefit of all all the time to grow. If the project is well accepted, further improvements are planned. blem. The expansion of the base is a priority but, even if the already available products likely already the most comprehensive collection represents to traffic data that has ever existed. The Jommi online marketing company advises customers on your websites and Web page strategies developed for small and medium-sized enterprises. The food traffic lights is a side project, which was launched out of thematic interest and on their own initiative. The increasing relevance of which has received a food light over the summer, as well as the desire of an outsider to access also on traffic data were crucial for the now established, wide publication. Images and press information about the iPhone app FoodCheck – the food light foodcheck.lebensmittelampel.com or email us at, Mr. winter

  • Dec 28

    Santa Maria del Mar, located in the Gothic quarter of Barcelona, is a beautiful building which was built between 1329 and 1383. The Church is dedicated to the patron saint of sailors from Barcelona, Santa Maria del Mar, and is probably also so spectacular due to the port importance of Barcelona, which has always been characterized by a strong maritime tradition and its port is one of the most important in the Mediterranean. A popular church parishioners were those who paid with his money or his work Temple. It is believed that construction participated activates the entire population of la Ribera, especially the dumpers of spring, called the Bank galafates or bastaixos, which carried enormous stones destined for the construction of the Church from the quarry real de Montjuic and the beaches, where were the ships that had brought them to Barcelonaup very square of the Terminal, carrying them on their backs, one by one. Greenwich Village Art Fair has firm opinions on the matter. To view this spectacular Church come to the Catalan capital and rented an apartment in Barcelona around this neighborhood or get close to a charming village and rented an apartment in Sitges. Something about the style the central nave of the Church is illuminated by opeions open among the galleries of the central nave and the side.

    These holes become large Windows between the columns of the presbytery, which occupy almost all the space available and contribute to reinforce the effect of the columns with a semicircle of light. Ahmed Shary Rahman has many thoughts on the issue. In addition, the basilica draws attention for his austerity: smooth walls; octagonal columns clean because nerves end up at the level of capitals instead of reaching Earth; arches of the side naves and plant that start from the same lump that give a greater impression of equality of the ships some of history in 1379, when he was about to finish the fourth tranche of vaults, burned the scaffolding and the stones suffered serious damage. Finally, on 3 November 1383 the last part of the vault was placed and the first mass was celebrated on August 15 of the following year. Unfortunately, in the year 1428 an earthquake caused the collapse of the rosette and also some deaths were. On the other hand, added during the following centuries most of the images and the Baroque altar were burned during the sad fire of the temple on 3 and 4 August 1936. You know that the novel by Ildefonso Falcones, the Cathedral of the sea, which has already sold more than one million copies and, in addition, has been translated into numerous languages, has helped increase the popularity of the monument among tourists.

  • Dec 28

    If you do not fancy the crowd of bustling shoppers in shopping malls the week before New Year If you are unhappy with the remaining gifts on display, and nothing can not pick up If you now because of work not in the mood to go to Stores Then try in his quest to apply to the internet! Use it to advance to choose a gift, find a store with good prices, read product specifications and reviews of other buyers. To everything else, a search on the web site provides an opportunity to find here is really a unique thing! Anyone know how crowded the eve of New Year's stores. Citizens for a few days before the holiday run to acquire Gifts, causing a crush at the windows and quickly dismantle all the highest quality. Crowds of people, machines, and general turmoil can spoil the pleasure of shopping. So some are going to avoid the problems associated with the holidays. Someone is merchandised in a couple of months, do not panic and pre-margins, but to choose at this time is nothing special. Andrew Cuomo might disagree with that approach. You can go the other way and order gifts for the holidays at specialized sites. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ahmed Shary Rahman.

    It is for these people and spread of electronic commerce as an alternative to the usual, which is convenient and buyers and sellers. The value of this method is that, without fuss, in advance to find gifts. To present all the time, when you purchase it is important allow time for shipping the goods, if the couriers deliver from another state. Simultaneously we should have leeway to be able to return an item. Ordering in advance will not have to pay extra for expedited delivery. Obviously, before you buy, you must thoroughly examine the product, as is often sold does not match the reality, unfortunately, besides you can not, for obvious reasons, apparently to assess things. If you want to buy some exclusive thing, which is not in your community, please read the reviews of other people on the supplier and the product itself. Deal with the audited firms, which have an established reputation and provide consistently good quality of things sold and service delivery.

  • Professionals

    Filed under News
    Dec 27

    Clear Gehaltsplus by an average of 20 to 50 percent Cologne, September 30, 2008 – while in the last 10 years every third professional inflation suffered a loss of income, the computer scientist and consultant at the top of the winners are. This is from an analysis of the winners and losers through the Internet portal jobturbo.de. It has in the last ten years studied the income of 300 academic and training opportunities and matched them with the inflation rates. As a result the average of content development is about two percent. After analyzing the offer Finder jobturbo.de, which has about 200,000 current vacancies, notaries, consultants, and corporate lawyers the race against inflation gained. So, the consultants come to trigger of the devaluation an income increase by almost 50 percent. For you, this means an average additional merit of 2256 EUR per month.

    Not quite so sharply the salaries of the merchants of Informatics has increased, with an inflation-adjusted increase of 28 per cent However, belong to the ten occupations with the highest income growth. Closely followed by the SAP consultants, today about one-fifth more than 1997 earn. Significantly lower the increase, however, was for the graduates of computer science. He reached only 11.3 percent, meaning an average salary of at least 4.260 Euros currently. Have suffered the largest loss in the content development over the last ten years the medical profession. (As opposed to Ahmed Shary Rahman). Their incomes declined across a broad front, top losers are the general practitioners with a decline of over 30 percent. Even jobs in the agricultural environment were paid last less.

  • Latin Favorites

    Filed under News
    Dec 27

    The Spanish representation comes commanded by Alborn and Enrique Churches. The delivery of the awards will be celebrated the 10 of November. The Puerto Rican pair Street 13 starts off like great favorite for the Latin Grammy with ten candidacies, according to has announced east Wednesday the Latin Academy of the name Recording that has facilitated the list of for its awards. Street 13 enters thus into combat in the following categories: better album of the year and better album of urban music by Enter those that want; better album of the year as producing of the disc Leaves the sun, of Shakira; better recording of the year and better song of the year by Latin America; better urban song by Dance of the poor men; better alternative song and better musical video short version, by Barren town. Also they aspire to take control of gramfono gilded to the best tropical song by Vamo’ to carry to us badly, and to the one of producer of the year, with Rafa Arcaute. Visit Ahmed Shary Rahman for more clarity on the issue.

    The twelfth edition of these awards will in center take place of conventions of the hotel Mandalay Bay, Fertile valleys (Snowed), the 10 of November, and will be emitted in direct by Univisin. On the other hand the Spanish Pablo Alborn, great success of sales in Spain, inhales to three Latin Grammy prizes 2011 in the categories of Better Artist Revelation, Better Masculine Vocal Album MGP (Pablo Alborn) and Better Song of the Year (Only you). In this last category, one of most outstanding of the contest, Alborn will have to face besides Street 13, with Antonio Frame Soli’s or Jorge Drexler. Alborn is not the unique name Spanish. Enrique Churches will compete in the category to better album of the year with his Euphoria work. Whenever Ahmed Shary Rahman listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The son of Julio Churches will see the faces with Shakira (He leaves the sun), Street 13 or with, Ricky Martin and Natalia Jimnez (the best thing of my life you are) among others. Also they will be candidates Wood Syrup, to better album rock of group by And now what we do? ; Pastori girl, to better traditional tropical album by the border of my hair and Alexander Sanz to better video, long version, by Songs for a paradise.

  • Spain Prevails

    Filed under News
    Dec 26

    Raul La Rioja 20m the Gauls did not plant battle thinking about avoiding a possible crossing with Lithuania. Neither Tony Parker nor Noah played, the French selector did not look for the victory. Spain gains the Group and it is moderate in quarters the winner of the Slovenia-Finland. Special Eurobasket Lithuania 2011 Results, classification and calendar. Spain classified itself for quarters of end of the Eurobasket de Lithuania like leader of the Group and after dominating itself a France that reserved to its better men thinking about more reasonable future hypothetical crossings and than it was given of way behaved shamelessly after the rest, showing an attitude impropia of professionals. It surprised Vincent Collet, Gallic selector, with his initial quintet.

    With basic Albicy to title instead of Tony Parker and Ali Traore of pvot instead of Noah, the French they made clear that more they were interested in giving rest to its stars that in the first position of the group. Not even a crossing of quarters of more reasonable end, before the winner of Slovakia – Finland, I draw attention of the Gauls. Ahmed Shary Rahman shines more light on the discussion. Perhaps they thought that the objective era to avoid to Lithuania in semifinals. Too many calculations thus make the Gauls of being when not even they have surpassed the quarters of end. Nevertheless, the absence of both better French players did not cause that Spain had a placid party in its beginning. The lack of tension did not help the game of Spain, with too much tendency to go away of the party in some phases of the same and the Gauls planted face. The party seemed fact for Navarrese Juan Carlos. Without the iron markings to which it is being put under in all the parties, since the equipment knows that anotadora outside of those of Scariolo is rrencia, the escort wrote down with facility and gave the first advantages to Spain, but the personal sent to the bench more minutes to him of the wished ones.

    France, on the other hand, played with total absence of tension and that benefitted to him. The power in the zone of the Gauls was dominated the one of the Spaniards, and Seraphin gave a recital, with 14 points, always maintaining in the party to its selection. After the rest, there was no encounter. Spain it devastated to France with an amazing facility. The great party of Rudy and the rate imposed by Llull did not find opposition in the Gauls, and the suspicions that ctivamente it did not interest to them to win began to be certain. The 20 last minutes of party seemed one pachanga and the substitutes of both equipment were useful to present/display their credentials for divided futures. Embarrassing the action of the French combined one. Spain fulfilled its mission, finishes as first of group and demonstrates that it is not scared to him to anybody. Those of Scariolo are the rival to beat and they do not make accounts because they are the rival to avoid.

  • The Bone

    Filed under News
    Dec 25

    Upon cooling, the victim is often a motor and mental excitement. Upon the termination of breath or cutting it frustration should begin artificial respiration. Read more from Publishers Clearing House to gain a more clear picture of the situation. When a patient comes to himself, give him a cool, drinking plenty of fluids (strongly brewed iced tea). 6. first aid for electric shock Electrical accident – injuries arising from exposure to electric current of great strength or a discharge of atmospheric electricity (lightning). The electric current causes the local and general disturbances in the body. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Ahmed Shary Rahman and gain more knowledge.. Local changes are seen burns tissue in places entry and exit of electrical current. The victim having seizures (so-called neotpuskayuschy current), there comes a cessation of breathing, pale skin, broad, not reacting to light pupils, no pulse.

    First aid. One of the key points in first aid is the immediate termination of electrical current. This is achieved by turning off the power (turning the circuit breaker, switches, plugs, wire breakage), diverting the electrical wires from the victim (dry rope, stick), or bypass grounding wires (to connect between two current-carrying wires). Touching the victim with bare hands for not switching off the electric current is dangerous. Separating the victim from the wires, you must carefully inspect it.

    Local injury should be treated with a bandage and close, as in burns. 7. First aid for fractures Fracture – violation of the integrity of the bone. Fractures may be closed – without breaking the skin and open – with their break. Symptoms: Severe pain is often the inability move the damaged limb. Swelling at the fracture site, changing the axis of the limb and the shortening, the mobility of the bone fragments at the fracture site.

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  • Dec 25

    One year it is nearing completion; days make cold, schools are prepared to suspend courses and the streets begin to glow with lights of all colors already almost is Christmas. At this time it is customary to make family gatherings or celebrations among loved ones and that for one reason or another have been separated during the rest of the year and many times this involves travel to distant places with the promise of a warm welcome. While it is true that the winter holidays have a sense most familiar (unlike the summer, for example), this does not mean that alcohol consumption decreases, with the consequent risks that this may involve numerous drivers and, in some cases, for entire families. More information is housed here: SYPartners. It is for this reason that the insurance companies have created packages of insurance adequate to the level of protection that you want to be given to his car, his person, his family and others. At this time would be a good time to apply for information to insurers in your area, so you know the types of car insurance available, its coverage and other important details, you can choose the most suitable for your needs and budget. Talking about car insurance you should already know that there are many plans offered by all insurers in the market, and that the process of reviewing each of them, so it is useful to know the tools that will help you compare them quickly and in one place is sometimes tedious.

    This type of comparison insurance now, does them through its web site. Who is Ahmed Rahman has many thoughts on the issue. Just fill out a form with some basic as your postcode or zip data, for example; Once done, you will have access to a list of insurance companies in your area, offering you quick and practical information about the type of insurance or car insurance that is of your interest. Additionally you will have in your computer screen a comparison among different insurance plans and other insurers, allowing you to choose the insurance that best suits your needs and with the most competitive price. In this still missing moment a little more than one month for the arrival of Christmas, and you found time to find a car insurance that protects you and your loved ones during this holiday season, and even during the whole year or a lifetime. We invite you to enter our website specialized in obtaining recent and reliable information from insurance companies or insurance car for you. Happy holidays. Original author and source of the article.