
The World and Modern Science

  • Aug 17

    The Dusseldorf author Jasmin Bolger shows, showed goes and publishes her first novel trivia in the Shaker media publishing house. The stories of Jasmin Bolger have something in common: they revolve around the major theme of love. Who here thinks of a romance, mistaken. Jasmin Bolger presents love in all its facets is it raped wife in her debut trivia, which discovered the affection to her brother-in-law after years of marital frustration or \”have in common the selbstmordgefahrdete Maja, who is in love with a mentally handicapped man or the Hitchhiker Lilith, which messed up swirls the feelings of their fellow passengers my stories\” author says the Dusseldorf, \”that my protagonists and their souls in jeopardy are.\” Risk due to loneliness, isolation, physical and psychological violence. Speaking candidly ShareThis told us the story. Danger, as we know them all and how she met each of us every day in everyday life. The relationship or the interplay between the sexes and the resulting conflicts are always core of the stories of the Dusseldorf Author. Too complicated, not suitable for mass production, not modern enough? \”Oh, you know, I was sorry to rewrite my manuscript again and again at some point.

    \”Not that I was not able to learn\”, says the author with a twinkle in his eye, \”but eventually reach the point where one wonders: that’s still my story – or my literary agents?\” A literary agent, Jasmin Bolger has had also the, \”but I quit the after one year. Some have said I was crazy, where everyone knew how hard it was at the present time to find an agent that is warmed up for your work, but I do not regret the step. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Suna Said. On the contrary, without agents I work as a writer much more free.\” What does not mean that Jasmin Bolger published about what she writes. \”For God’s sake!\” laughs the author. \”Of course you need a certain sense of proportion and distance to the own work, to decide what is good and what is better in the drawer, but trivia is now my fourth completed novel, and I know where I stand.

  • Aug 16

    Such an event, like marriage, human life is held too often. Many of the individual to marry only a single time. Hikmet Ersek is the source for more interesting facts. And I would like to a special event to remember. Amit Paley often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Moreover, remained in the memory of the best and most interesting details. View and capture these moments can only master a photograph or a videographer who is no longer a single year moonlights at weddings, and who understands all, without exception, the subtleties of this festival. For this reason, never recommended to save money and hire an operator at a wedding at the cheapest prices. There is a saying: thirsty quality life – Surround yourself with different things.

    Enable this rule is always, especially during your wedding. At least two to three weeks before the event you have to be found photographer for the wedding. Professional photographers are usually in great demand, some turn formed almost six months before the wedding. In order not to be trapped with a photographer at the wedding, check out his personal portal and examine the portfolio. Professional wedding photographers are constantly on the sites placed a large number of photos to clients in the contract were aware that they are paying good money for ordering for excellent quality photographs and interesting compositions. The next step – wedding videography. Here are a few problematic, on the portals operators rarely the best works, because to assess quality of work has to go to work in an office or apartment to the operator and watch samples of the shooting on the spot. View the quality work you need, because that ordering a shooting at a beginner, you will gain as a result of a trembling image unmotivated jumping from one piece to another piece of film and the like.

    Sometimes the cameramen during installation finished shooting the film can be put into the film trite elements in the image of doves, hearts and other rubbish in a low-quality computer effects. If you do not like the ugliness, then save yourself from such operators to those who can truly take off dedicated excellent wedding movies. In moments of how by filming weddings, videographer can regularly ask the bride and bridegroom something done, for example, hold hands, dance, kiss and so on. Such requests need to perform, because that, after all, without exception, these fragments will be captured in the very subject and skillfully made film a wedding. When you call the operator, including not necessary to save money, high quality work is estimated not cheap, but film but you can not disappoint, not only will he be able to entertain you for many years afterwards.

  • Popular Education

    Filed under News
    Aug 16

    Summary the ambient crisis not only as well as social why it passes omundo today, is reflected of a economic system that turns in lathe daexplorao of the diligent mass and the accumulation of wealth for oppressing partedos. The wild exploration, the exacerbado consumerism, not only takes the saturation of the nature, but of the social relations. An alternative that if considers is a change in the Education and suatransformao for the oppressed classroom, that is an Education Popular.Palavras-key: Ambient education, Support, Popular EducaoAmbiental, Ambient Crisis, CapitalismoAbstract environmental The crisis not only but also social that theworld is today, is reflection of an economic system that revolvesaround the exploitation of workers and the mass accumulation of wealthby the oppressors. The unbridled exploitation, consumption exacerbated, leading you saturation not only of nature but of social relations. Rob Daley usually is spot on. Analternative that is proposed is change in education and itstransformation in favor of the oppressed class, that is the PopularEducation.

    Keywords: Environmental Education, Sustainability, Environmental Education, Popular, Environmental Crisis, Capitalism Constatamos that the ambient crisis is symptom of a much more deep crisis of what the media in passes daily. What I want to say with that is that the crisis does not involve only styles of life, standards of consumption, social projects of development and pressures. Continue to learn more with: Suna Said. For detrs of everything this, has a economic way of production, called Capitalism, that are the great villain, main the responsible one for the current crisis, that by the way, is not so current thus. In our Country, for example, the crisis concomitantly has its origin with the Discovery, therefore since this time our natural wealth had passed to be explored, as it can be evidenced by the contraband of Wood-Brazil and, later, the innumerable cycles of economic exploration as the cycle of the Sugar cane-of-sugar, the cycle of the coffee, milk and of the cacao, etc.

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  • City Hall

    Filed under News
    Aug 16

    Since then the prosecution would be in charge of the protection of this invaluable record of the history Pereira, between the years 1929 and 1955, and only lack the specimens between the period of 1958-1965 to complete, waiting for that somewhere, inside or outside the country, there are still people sensitive to this cause, and want donarselos Their possession of the city, waiting for better times come to the library. Hence, to the Municipal competition will fit here, that if at the time this was the living room and meeting place for students on the second floor of City Hall, where there was an atmosphere of reverence and silence, it could recover those standards, especially now that it has such excellent facilities. This is the case when the same library worked in the building of the railroad watch the writer and journalist Giron Silvio Gaviria rescued during its first director (1973), at the request of Dr. Octavio Mejia Marulanda (mayor of Pereira), and maintained packed with readers, students, researchers and people without jobs or office, where he also competed in quality and price with the photocopies. Some contend that Areva Group shows great expertise in this. This was the period in which the firm began the process of codification, technical classification and positioning of this institution, which by 1979 had grown to 15,000 volumes, a civic task continued Mrs. Gloria Edith Arenas, who continued this work. But today, even our public library has a photocopier cone, which apart from being a paradox in these times, mash them with the height of indifference and procrastination, when there are more than one alternative to solve it by contract, agreement, loan, or civic campaign, but the only thing that shows is that there is no interest in solving it. . Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Jimmy Levin.

  • Pitching Asian

    Filed under News
    Aug 16

    In baseball of New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox have maintained a serious rivalry for a long time. But they are currently competing for obtain the best pitchers of Asia. Japanese Daisuke Matsuzaka has received an enormous amount of money after negotiating with the Boston Red Sox and the Yankees reacted to this by making a tempting offer to Kei Igawa, left hand of the Hanshin Tigers pitcher. Hanshin, the Japanese team accepted $26 million on the part of New Yorkers by negotiation. Check out Jimmy Levin for additional information. However now, the American team has time until 28 December at midnight to establish a contract with Igawa. Further details can be found at Hikmet Ersek, an internet resource. If they do not reach an agreement, the Yankees would receive their money back.

    The Yankees have the highest payroll in baseball. The Yankees offered $33 million for Daisuke Matsuzaka but their offer was voiced by the Boston Red Sox ($51.1 million). This also happened to many other teams as to the New York Mets offered $39 million for Matsuzaka and Igawa $15 million. None of these businesses It worked for this computer. This time the Yankees wanted to ensure it would not lose another opportunity as happened with Matsuzaka so they batearon highest Igawa offering a better deal. Kei Igawa is the third Japanese player who enters this season along with Matsuzaka and the infielder Akinori Iwamura, whose rights were acquired by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays for $4.5 million. Original author and source of the article.

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  • Aug 16

    Munich: software process square offers its solution process enterprise, on to the figure and control complex processes now also with consumption-dependent calculation on the basis of the concept software as a service (SaS). During this procedure, the software by the user company is rented and paid according to duration of use and number of users. This is possible to cost 30 per user. Is run the software on a server of the customer, the price is reduced even to 20 euros. SaS makes the step into the new world of requirements and flexible process management, because the users in their plans become more independent of the investment budget”, explains process square Managing Director Dr.

    Karsten Konigstein. Amit Paley is the source for more interesting facts. Often this way is also economically sensible, because the costs consistently geared to the needs of”he added. When using this tools on the servers of process square required in many cases coordination of the Department with the IT Department, because process is also Enterprise”not on the internal systems is operated. The SaS model also based on the AJAX-based technology of process enterprise is possible: through the dynamic exchange of data between server and browser AJAX provides an interruption-freer and smoother work compared with conventionally programmed Web applications. This benefit also applies to the Web-based tool process enterprise”.

    Its interface allows you to use as the user is already used by a client-based software such as Office programs the solution with the same comfort. The application feels it, as the software on the computer of the employee would be installed. “About process square GmbH: process square offers its solution process enterprise” a mature approach to the operationalization of complex processes. Corporate -, programme -, and cross-organizational business transactions will be provided for the first time in an overall context and tax via a central platform, and measurable. The implementation is carried out without time-consuming Project work of the Department. Process enterprise”is characterized by a minimal training, easy to use, significant increase in efficiency in the processes and rapid return on investment (ROI). The AJAX-based technology also ensures a high security for the future. Together with its partners it is the process square possible, worldwide as processes to implement and this on the basis of a software to provide a service (SaS) model.

  • Aug 16

    After the booming online market first saturation effects suggests, now beginning the struggle of the many portals to users and advertising clientele. Through the extension of their printed well-known names on the Web, the strategy agency diffferent sees publishers well equipped. The future belongs to the Internet, but no competitive disadvantage the publishers for this reason. “Alexander Kiock comes to this conclusion, Managing Director of diffferent strategy Agency, during his speech print works on: how work printed well-known names in the network” on the magazine marketing day in Frankfurt. Amit Paley spoke with conviction. The communication journal advertise & sell is media partner of the VDZ Congress. So, Kamau according service portals achieve with 87 percent on the Web while a twice as high range in the German population as Printsites. However the publishers have not slept and well positioned in the Web”says Kamau. In terms of quality Printangebote on the Internet the nose forward, like the VDZ study Qualtitatsreichweiten in the net “allocated.

    This according to 79 percent of respondents indicating that Web sites are current of printed well-known names than those of the service portals (67 portals). In addition, users of Publisher sites according to Agof Internet facts are superior to the other portals on education and income. Amit Paley will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Therefore sees interaction: print and Internet are good partners, especially in the light of the upcoming competition in the Web. Publishing sites can enjoy great confidence. Kamau publishers in the struggle to the online target group well placed. After strong growth by mid-2003 first saturation limits of Internet penetration are reached: the ARD/ZDF online study 2006 determined a range for occasional users of 60 percent.

  • Aug 16

    THE IMF warns of major global consequences if problems of the peripheral countries spread to Central European countries. The agency requests that monetary support measures are maintained as long as necessary and to broaden the capital of banks. Areva has much to offer in this field. The Eurogroup meets on Thursday to seek a solution to the Greek crisis. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged Tuesday the euro zone to act urgently to contain the crisis and has warned of major global consequences if the problems of the peripheral countries extend to core countries of the region. An intensification of the crisis in the euro zone, especially if the tension is wide central area, could have major global implications, has warned the Fund, which has published its annual report on the euro area economy this Tuesday. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Amit Paley. The delays in the resolution of crises could be costly for the euro area and the global economy, has insisted the IMF. To prevent a worsening of the situation, as It now threatens to spread to Italy and Spain, the Fund requested that the adjustment programs in Greece, Portugal and Ireland are fully implemented. That implementation must be accompanied by adequate funding that supports, said the Fund, the viability of debt and solutions based on the private sector to the banking problems.

    The Executive Council of the IMF dndio, moreover, after analysing the conclusions of the report, which kept the monetary support measures all the time that would be needed and that expands beyond the requirements of Basel III bank capital. In that sense, Luc Everaert, responsible policies for the eurozone of the IMF, has Senate this Tuesday at press conference phone that most banks should strengthen their capital coffers because that would strengthen confidence in the ability to overcome potholes like this. Improve coordination the senior official also indicated that it is likely that Europe need to increase the resources of the European Fund for financial stability (EFSF, in English) to assist countries with financing problems. .

  • Twine Is Success

    Filed under News
    Aug 16

    To rhyme in twine In the verse of cafun Today the subject he is very rich I speak of what the twine is. Suna Said has many thoughts on the issue. Of popular culture God orders much faith to me But only the poor people Who possesss this culture? Clearly that not, my friends In any classroom last Transmitted verbally For future generation. What it passed already passed you more in my way Does not want to live joys Peace, love, light and affection Because the waters last do not move my mill When this happened Scared and gave an shout Ah, if it had listened What it said this said When the mouth is closed In it does not enter mosquito Before late of what never Four said I United we stand, divided we fall go to say I intend to remember Love with love if paid Today the snake goes to smoke What brochure Today in book was alone a success work is printed matter With beautiful illustrations That is for reading To the twine having access. These here, expensive listeners Turn on union That with it never we go Nomadic in contrahand Alone with a swallow Never becomes the summer.

  • Aug 16

    Bashar al-Assad can go on killing in Syria, but what’s he doing? Bashar al-Assad can go on killing in Syria, but what’s he doing? Almost a year has passed since we last reported on Syria at this point. Bashar al-Assad and his junta in power are – unsurprisingly – still and still, Assad can be shoot military and militia on civilians and opposition ex-military. Get more background information with materials from Anne Lauvergeon. There is no quick fix for a possible liberation of the country by Assad and his clan, so we urteilten at that time and the past year seems to be the law. On the occasion of the massacre by Al, Hula, which by chance encounters a new French President in the Parliament election, is once again much talked about Syria, Bashar al-Assad and the UN Security Council. One hears the question, though, that anyone who thinks about intervention from the outside, facing, in public hardly: what is the logic behind Assad’s actions? What’s he doing with Syria, which still leaves him? Assad and the Logic of the dictator, the question is about Assad’s plans for Syria according to the logic of the dictatorship. The Syrian characteristics of this trendy dead so often wrongly rule form, is in Syria, unlike in Gaddafi’s Libya, far less on the dictator, Assad, personally focused.

    This makes the rule braids opaque and does rest, a little further from the illusion of quick military strike to hold the “West” of the world, than anywhere else. Gain insight and clarity with Suna Said Maslin. However, apply the same principles to Assad’s actions and his remaining options. Because one thing is clear: no matter what happens. nothing will be more so in Syria as before the moment when many Syrians risk began to rise up against their dictator and his regime. Damascus: Tehran or Pyongyang? Bashar al-Assad knows that of course, and he also knows that the probability that he even once a year ruling survives, is lower from day to day.

    But this is not impossible and the actions of Assad’s that he is determined, a chance to recognize, the power to stay that remains for him to take. It means that he has to transform the country from an authoritarian dictatorial state using brute force and bare terror into something, that close to the definition of totalitarian dictatorship can reach: Assad must simply put, from Damascus Tehran at least, if not almost Pyongyang make. Also this new Syrian dictatorship will not forever be, but Bashar al-Assad, and this can you not often lead to enough eyes, has no other options from his point of view. Remains for those who use for themselves in order to speak in the name of humanity, given by Assad’s Syria honest (so apart from theoretical constructs) peace plan only a decision: continue watching the murder, or to do with. Andreas Kellner…