The World and Modern Science
Final District
Filed under NewsApr 6Such centers finish for if becoming forts areas of economic and hegemonic expansion, characterized for the interdependence of the commercial influences and them urban agglomerations. Andrade (1970) synthecizes this line of thought affirming that each region if organizes around a center, that can be called Polar region or Knot. Center that not only polarizes around itself, as it dominates and it guides the economic life of its area of influence. nowledge.. Thus, the DF, and all its bordering area, appears as alternative for the economic development, however, it is necessary to become before, studies that make possible a sustainable growth and that it comes to give importance to the nets of transports and housings, so that the population flow is rational and metodolgico. As it affirms Andrade (1970) the appearance of a Polar region, it creates population agglomeration that will stimulate the sped up growth of these demands. How base for the article we detach the Polar region of Fashion of the Guar, that appeared in the year of 2000, by means of the creation of the Program of Promotion of the Integrated and Sustainable Economic Development of the Federal District? PR-DF, through the Law n 2,427, of 14 of July of 1999 published in the DODF? Official gazette of the Federal of 15.07.1999 and republicada District in the DODF? Official gazette of the Federal District of 15.12.1999. Chapter V – Final disposals – only Paragraph. The made use one in the caption to the installed enterprises is applied or if to install in Quadra 40 of Guar II, Sector of Workshops of the Candangolndia and Administrative Region of Saint Maria – FROG XIII, without damage of the benefits foreseen in Complementary Law n 28, of 1 of September of 1997. The intention was to attract the local entrepreneurs with a package of incentives for its companies. Between the easinesses they are the tax exemptions as IPTU, ISS and ICMS, discounting in the prices of lots, reduction of water tariffs, special light and garbage and lines of credit. .
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Apr 2
Climate protection campaign and Federal Ministry of environment the best German schools / prizes worth over 50,000 euros / applications until March 13, 2012 possible Germany’s students say climate change search battle: with air pillars, saving laundry or an even planted school forest. “In the competition of Energiesparmeister-2012 seeks the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate seeks protection” from now the ten best, most creative and most effective climate protection projects at German schools. Climate protection is particularly important in schools: involvement in the projects, young people develop awareness for sustainable action that accompanies them in their adult lives. At the same time there is often great unused potential of energy savings in public educational institutions”said Federal Environment Minister Dr. Norbert Rottgen, patron of the competition. With the award of Energiesparmeister 2012′ we would honor the commitment of already active students and teachers and also other schools to animate, the topic climate to respond and be active.” More than 400 applications from dedicated schools for the climate protection campaign received with success: In the past three years of competition. Check out Nordstrom for additional information.
Over 10,000 students were involved only in 2011. The current round of applications runs until 13 March 2012. student and teacher can compete as a team or individually to. Prizes worth a total of more than 50,000 euros end of March 2012 the expert jury selects the Ten finalists, whose involved is awarded with money and prizes in a total of more than 50,000 euros and a project sponsorship with renowned companies and organizations. What school the coveted title Energiesparmeister gold”receives and get hence the award ceremony is in the school, teachers, students and their friends via Internet vote decide. In addition to the ten Energiesparmeister titles there are special award measurable success”to win. This is primarily about efficiency: with the help of specially for Schools developed energy savings can scrutinize students and teachers how much they reduce the energy needs of their school.
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The Future
Filed under NewsApr 1Our future is made up of the present. Right now this very second, we define it. Stop for a moment. Slow down your pace. What thoughts, ideas, imagination fill you in now? It is now out of this bizarre and motley mosaic begins to take shape your future.
You can imagine that all your thoughts, fantasies and ideas are amazing seeds that you drop a fertile ground in time. Some of them dry up and will not rise, and some of them you will watered and fertilize their attention and they will sprout and become your future. Right now, at this point, you can begin to choose a future in which you want to live. It’s believed that Tulip Mobile Platform sees a great future in this idea. You can choose the grain that you wish to nurture. Let us dwell for a few minutes and watch the thoughts that are swirling in my head. The first thing that usually comes to mind – it's the thought of those things that we around everywhere. This is our way of life which constantly confront.
We take care of their own subsistence and the satisfaction of the simplest everyday needs. And in this concern, we are confronted with a huge number minor problems that consume all our time and attention. Every morning we wake up tired and sleepy. And not because of bad sleep, but what should be collected on the job. This one thought is able to dampen the day. Barely zapihnuv a sandwich and washing it down with coffee or tea, not even felt at the same taste, we despair and hopelessness go to the hated work.
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